Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 23rd May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Savi walks back to her tea shop from Bhosale institute recalling Ishaan supporting her. She notices shop owner with investigating officer and asks what is happening. Owner says she burnt her shop, but he is facing punishment by government officers. Savi says it was an accident. Officer says who said it’s an accident, she purposefully burnt her shop and put public safety at risk. Savi asks what does he mean. Officer says cigarette butts and petrol are found in her shop. Savi says nobody smokes in her shop and they use kerosene and not petrol. Officer he will make a report of whatever he finds here and will file case and FIR against Savi, Savi can answer in court after getting a formal notice. Owner says he is stuck in legal battle becauseof them and will collect legal expenses and losses from them. Shukla asks why would he collect losses from them when they didn’t do anything.
Savi thinks how did cigarette butts and petrol come into her shop, how was Yashwant so sure about cigarette butts in her shop when he wasn’t present there at all. Shukla says he used to switch off stove daily before closing the shop. Sandhya asks how did petrol come into shop and Savi never allows cigarette into shop premises. Harini says Savi just got out of question paper leak allegation and now new proper arose. She recalls Jacob’s friend’s confession that they were paid to trap her in fake case. She tells her team that they are right that it’s not because of our carelessness but someone’s conspiracy. Harini asks who?
Surekha is busy chatting with Asmita and Shikha when Nishi walks in looking sad followed by Ishaan and Reeva. She asks them what happened, why they look dull, if Savi won the challenge. Reeva says Savi didn’t win, but Ishaan help her win. Surekha asks Ishaan what did he do. Nishi describes the whole story. Surekha asks Ishaan why did she support Savi while Savi doesn’t leave a chance to humiliate them, Savi went to Swanand’s office and asked him to finalise divorce formalities as soon as possible and here she is misleading Ishaan. Ishaan walks away. Nishi says Savi insulted even Yashwant at college; they had got one chance to get Savi out of their lives, but Ishaan ruined it. Chinmay walks in and asks why are they behind Savi, Savi is trying to spread knowledge in students’ lives and they are trying to ruin Savi’s lives instead, they shall understand that Savi will not go anywhere and they should get habituated to her presence.
Yashwant walks towards the lift recalling Savi questioning him and Ishaan supporting Savi. He gets into lift. Savi enters next. He shouts how dare she is to come here, get out right now. She says he was in such a hurry to shoo her away that he burnt her shop. He warns her to stop her nonsense, she can’t make him confess anything with her manipulative talk. She says he hates her so much that he burnt her shop. He says when she didn’t get any one to blame, she is blaming him. She says it’s not a coincidence that he talked about cigarette pieces in her tea shop and investigating officer found cigarette pieces. He says he runs an institute and is intelligent enough to guess how her shop must have caught fire. Savi asks who gave money to Jacob and his friends to trap her in a question paper scam and hid them in a garage. Argument continues. Yashwant agrees that he trapped her in question paper scam and burnt her tea shop as she is inauspicious for his family, he hates her to the core, and wants to get rid off her at any cost and will succeed soon. Savi thinks she will reply him at any cost.
Ishaan recalls Surekha’s words and Savi determining to sign divorce papers. He thinks why is he bothered hearing about Savi signing divorce papers, anyways it’s good that she will get out of his life. Anvi walks to him and asks what is he doing with Savi’s bangles. Ishaan says he is checking a file, Jeetu let it here when he had ordered him to get Savi’s stuff out of his room. Anvi says maybe these bangles belong here. She says she heard he defended Savi and made her win the competition, why did he burn his finger trying to save Savi’s cash box, his engagement is in 2 days, why is he so bothered about Savi. Ishaan asks what rubbish. Anvi says anyways he would have shut Savi’s shop even if Savi had won challenge. Ishaan says he would have if students had scored less, but they really studied well and Savi’s teaching method is really good. Anvi continues to confront him and says truth is he cares for Savi. Ishaan says he doesn’t. Anvi asks why are Anvi’s clothes and other stuff doing here, truth is he is unable to hide his feelings for Savi. Ishaan says he is not hiding anything, Savi and his relationship has ended, He and Reeva are getting engaged and will marry soon, they are made vor each other and he will marry Reeva for sure. Anvi walks away fuming.
Surekha shows engagement jewellery to Reeva and asks her to inform her if she needs anything else, she will get it before engagement. Reeva says she doesn’t know if engagement will happen or not. Surekha asks why is she saying this. Reeva says whenever something good happens between Ishaan and her, Savi interferes between them and snatches Ishaan from him, Ishaan burnt his hand for Savi, even today Ishaan cares for Savi. Surekha promises that Reeva will marry Ishaan for sure and asks her not to worry about Ishaan’s concern for Savi as Savi is just a charity project for Savi; Savi will surely try to lure Ishaan, but Reeva should know to snatch back her right; house is built with love but is run with rights; she has kept engagement in Devimaa’s temple to keep evils away; Reeva should be confident about herself, etc.
Savi reaches police station and sees inspector reading horoscope and passing time with constables. She says on-duty officer’s priority should be his duty, so he should concentrate on his duty than horoscope. Inspector says sorry teacher and laughs. Savi says she is here to file an FIR against Yashwant Rao Bhosale. Inspector says she took someone else’s name, but he heard Bhosale institute’s chairman’s name. Savi says she is talking about YRB itself, he burnt her shop and confessed to his crime in front of her. Savi asks if she has any recording or proof. Savi says no. He says he can’t file complaint without any proof. She insists him to file an FIR.
Precap: Ishaan and Sachin carry Savi and Sayili and climb temple stairs. Sayili taunts Sachin that he runs away from responsibility. Savi taunts Ishaan that he hides his mistakes under responsibility. Ishaan says he will fulfil his responsibility. Sachin feels irritated with Sayili.
Update Credit to: MA
In precap: Sachin ke pita savi ki nanu hai. I mean sachin father character is kamal joshi in ghkpm season-1, where he was savi’s mother sai’s father, in that case kamal joshi(who is now father of sachin in udne ki asha)is savi’s nanu and ishaan’s nanu sasur becoz as kamal joshi(who is now father of sachin in udne ki asha) is nanu for savi’s as ishaan is now savi’s hisband so kamal joshi(who is now father of sachin in udne ki asha) is nanu sasur to ishaan. So ishaan met his nanu sasur paresh desmukh urf kamal and savi met her nanu paresh Deshmukh urf kamal sir in mahasangam of ghkpm and udne ki asha

And sailee and sachin is very lucky cum 3rd generation kid

where she covered two generations of ghkpm where first they called savi’s mother sai for their serial promotion and now promoting show more by using sai’s daughter savi character in mahasangam episode of ghkpm and udne ki asha

Savi should jail that criminals yashwant Rao Bhosle, Nishikant Bhosle and Surekha Bhosle for their crimes. I think similar crimes karke Isha mam ko shantanu sir aur ishaan ke life mein bhaga diya hoga but as ishaan her Isha ma’am ne haar manli only for ishaan otherwise she would also muh thod jawab to raosaheb,akkasaheb and Nishikant more than Savi is doing now.
Well at least today there was some sort of confession from Rao Saheb about what he did to Savi, but I still want her to throw him and his puppet Nishikant in jail, maybe she should throw Aka Saheb in there too
anyways finally Ishan is sort off feeling for Savi, he felt bad seeing the papers. Chinmay and Anvi best characters in the show always supporting Savi
btw I think the leap got cancelled as there was a video where KV has started shooting for the show, hope they have some sort of Ishan redemption now 
I’m not a colorstv fan btw not sure why the profile turned out like that

By the way, why, savi didn’t record the confession, it would have been strong proof against Rao.
Don’t worry, it could be shown in future that she somehow mistakenly record it with her phone as it is a fictional show we are watching anything can happen.
Savi will get it in the cctv footage thats why she let the door open. For proper exposure of the evilness of rao
I hear the psycho lover has started shooting so maybe it’s to make him have a challenge during the investigation. Am sure it won’t be that easy to bring down Rao Saheb and there will be a lot of interactions with him as the IPS Officer.
I saw a clip of the shooting for the psycho lover and it seemed like Savi was wearing the same clothes she was wearing today when she went to file the FIR. So maybe he is coming in now and not post leap.
Lessgoo finally f**king finally the cunt is exposed. Now savi will know their true colours more colours getting exposed day by day. I am just awaiting the day where everyone gets exposed infront of ishaan. This way his eyes will be opened and no longer be a puppet to his toxic family.
Savi is facing again another problem. After she went to the police station she will meet the hero in the street. Maybe that person will help savi in the case. That make savi and the hero be together that somehow lshaan will notice it that his attention may be caught. Well as today episode quite good excited to watch how savi and the new hero will cross their path.
thank God ishaan evil uncle was exposed today i hope soon the next evil uncle will be exposed savi still is a student but how ever you put it she has already solved several cases as a student which a police would have had to solved so in fact she is already doing police investigacion altough she is not a police officer yet i hope her new friend will help her to drag the whole bhosale family in court and that they will be exposed and that shantanelu and isha will return to run the school now together with their son ishaan we cannot hope for savi to marry ishaan anymore this will not happen but atleast she will have solved some dark black mysteries from ishaan family i wish her luck in leap with her firther investigations and police study let us hope she will obtain it and let us hope that savi great uncle dig will still be alive to support her i understand he was sav uncle from mother side so since he still is alive even if he might be pensioned i hope he will support savi and make her succesfull
I don’t think there will be leap for now. And you keep insisting that Ishaan will not marry Savi have you forgotten that they are the lead show so the whole story will revolves around they lead couple. It is just a pity that Savi will found herself in that toxic home which am not surprised as 99% of India series are like that the female lead is bound to suffer with a miserable life.
Maybe the leap will happen after the exposure of rao.Rao will be punish by law as well as his brother. Then thats the end of Bohsle family. Ishaan and Chinmay will run the college.
I also hope and hope and hope it goes like that. I want the whole bosles to get exposed and ishaan get to know all of it. After which I want savi and ishaan to part ways. I hope chinmay runs thr institute while ishaan goes abroad to unite with his parents.
What if Savi ends up a teacher lok
Anything is possible
As in YRKKH abhira wanted to become a lawyer but ended up as armaan and ruhi’s wedding planner lol
So the leap is cancelled, of course, the ML and FL can only separate after they have s*x once and he impregnates her with a 2 min noodle baby
disgusting, this filthy habit of writers making the FLs go into vanwas and have their child secluded must stop. Show fathers participating in the life of their kids. Sai had Savi in secret, in that other failed serial that as*xual nun Sahiba had Akeer in secret, in YRKKH, Kaira had Kairav in secret then Akshara had Abhir and Abhira in secret, Pragya had Kaira in secret, Bani had Ganga in secret … what is this flimsy Sita type nonsense, Sita was judged by commoners in the street and sent while heavily pregnant to go live in the jungle, this bullshit needs to stop.
Coming back to this
so the Bhosale’s are no longer f**king off with the leap cancelled, Yashcunt and his witchy fish eyes wife will be around for much longer. KB is only around to awaken Ishaan’s jealousy cause itv MLs function on “just because I don’t want my toy doesn’t mean someone else can play with it”
I want to examine the brains of these writers I am sure there are missing parts!!!
@Siya everytime I think they can’t fall any further they reach a new level of low
Rightly said the earlier season was also nonsense aso is this
Where today update
Todays episode was good ngl. The new male lead was better than I expected I thought he would be arrogant and devilish. But he is like very mysterious type character he conceals his intentions very well. As for chinmay and shikha how tf did he and shikha have a baby when its been only a month since chinmay returned to bhosale house. This proves that makers have absolutely no touch with real life. Anyways I am not complaining cuz chinmays character is too good. Infact I would say he would have been a way better ml for savi than ishaan. And reeva the queen of blackmail and Manipulation pleading ishaan to marry her like a little baby. Tbh reevas acting was really lackluster until now she fits better with a evil character. Ishaan dumbass as always nothing to say about him he should have realised reevas true colours by now and after being deceived for the trillionth time should instead support savi but he doesnt have a brain of his own he always depends on others to make decisions for him. He is a college director but cant make his own decisions and cant understand his own feelings Shame bro.
For reeva professor of psychology suits her cuz all she does is manipulate and blackmail people with her dark psychology. When it comes to understanding peoples feelings hmm I am not sure about that.
Seeing Savi and whatshisname meeting I don’t think they know each other which means he is not a psycho lover as claimed. Foolish Ishaan ofc takes the b*llerm*n side as if he is untouchable and again the g*y looking sissyCant could only do bribery. Really hope this new officer will help Savi and maybe fall for Harini.
va side is coming out begging the fool to marry her, like how the other lusty one would beg Virat to screw her wom*bless self
