Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26th February 2025 Written Episode Update: Tensions and Adjustments in the Household

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26th February 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on

Lakshmi rudely reminds Mukta to make her children understand that the luxuries they once enjoyed, funded by Mohit’s money, are no longer available. She comments on the situation and later declares that she will not give up her bed for anyone. Aditi offers Lakshmi the bed, saying they will sleep on the floor instead. Lakshmi remarks on Aditi’s words and invites her to share the bed. However, Aditi refuses, saying she has some shame and will sleep with the others. She then asks Teju if she can adjust for the night on the floor, to which Teju agrees.

Lakshmi comments again and then instructs Mukta and Teju to handle the house chores from the next day, stating she will no longer do them. Sonali agrees and tells Mukta that they must accept their new reality and share the household

responsibilities. Lakshmi points out that while Sonali is speaking up, Teju has been silent. In response, Teju assures her mother that she will help with the chores and learn whatever she doesn’t know.

Aditi offers to teach Teju how to manage the household tasks. Sonali then leaves, while Mukta, her children, and Aditi settle on the floor for the night. Vedant asks for a pillow, but Teju tells him to adjust for the night and promises to buy one for him the next day. Vedant agrees.

Neil’s Distress and Hidden Concerns Amai, Nandini, Prachi, and Yash sneak into Neil’s room and find him absorbed in his phone. Suddenly, Yash trips and falls, catching Neil’s attention. He quickly hides his phone as they approach. The group questions Neil about his troubled demeanor since his return from Amaravati. Neil insists that nothing is wrong. Nandini brings up what Leena told them—that Neil visited a grieving family after the father’s passing—and presses him about the family members. Neil reluctantly reveals that the family consists of a woman and two children but asks why they are so curious. Amai expresses concern for the family and how they will manage.

Meanwhile, Aditi, lost in thought while trying to sleep, becomes emotional over Mohit, regretting that she never got to see him one last time. Lakshmi curtly tells her to stop and go to sleep, but later, Lakshmi herself thinks about Mohit and silently cries.

Back in Neil’s room, he warns Amai and the others not to turn the matter into a joke. Nandini then asks if he is ready for wedding shopping the next day. This triggers an outburst from Neil, who exclaims that he is sick of the word “marriage” and questions whether life has anything else to offer. Shocked, Nandini apologizes and prepares to leave, but Neil immediately regrets his reaction and apologizes to her. Amai urges him to share what is truly bothering him, but Neil refuses to reveal anything.

Precap: Lakshmi character assassinates Mukta. Teju confronts Lakshmi for insulting her mother. Neil’s family visits Mohit’s house with an alliance for one of Satish’s daughters.

Update Credit to: MA

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