Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Savi acts as an inspector in a skit and introduces herself as inspector Savi Joshi. Vinayak says she is looking like Virat. Savi feels happy hearing that. Bhavani and her team gets jealous hearing that and say Savi purposefully got her daughter dressed like Virat to gain media attention via Virat. Vinayak asks Bhavani to spare her seat for Savi and let her sit with him and Virat. Virat requests Bhavani to accept child’s request. Bhavani leaves her seat frowning. Event host invites police department’s superiors on stage and announces that due to DCP and his family’s brave act, police department could bust a child kidnapping racket and rescue 18 kids. He calls Virat, Vinayak, Sai, and Savi on stage for risking their lives and getting the kidnappers caught. They walk on stage. Chief guest honors them with medal.
Savi says she wants to speak a few words. Bhavani comments that Savi is also an attention seeker like her mother. Savi tells Virat that she dressed up like him as she wants to become a policeman like him. She says just like Virat and Pakhi adopted Vinayak and made them their son, she wants Virat to accept her as his daughter and become her father. Chavans fume hearing that. Virat gets emotional and looks at Sai. Savi says just like Virat submitted many papers and adopted Vinayak, she wants to adopt Virat as her father. She removes different color papers from her bag and tells Virat that he can take whichever he wants to and become her father. Virat looks at Sai. Sai asks Savi to stop as its impossible.
Savi asks why isn’t it possible and reads her note where she describes how her father will take care of her and proudly call her as his daughter. Bhavani blames Pakhi for inviting this situation by involving Sai in their lives again. Savi continues to read her note and requests Virat to become her baba/father. Guests and media ask Virat to accept Savi’s request. Virat looks at Sai again. Sai says Savi didn’t mean what she said, picks Savi and walks away from there while Savi says she means what she said. Reporters question Pakhi about her reaction to Savi’s request.
Sai walks out of event with Savi and Usha and tries to stop an auto rickshaw. Savi insists Sai to take her back to the event. Sai confronts Savi for her act and asks how did she get that question in her mind. Savi asks why can’t Virat be her father and Vinayak be her brother, she is waiting for her father since many years, etc. Sai asks if she is a bad mother and if she ever didn’t take care of her properly. She breaks down and says people will think she is a bad mother and hence Savi is searching for a father. Usha asks her to calm down. Sai gets Savi and Usha into auto and asks them to go home. They ask where is she going.
Precap: Virat thinks what shall he answer Savi when she questioned him about her father, why Sai is hiding Savi’s father’s identity, why Sai thinks he is wrong when he supported his family and think she can force him to budge to her demands, he will not let Sai destroy Savi’s life due to her adamancy and will unite Savi with her father.
Update Credit to: MA
This savi is sooooo damn annoying.. Y so obsessed with vinayak and virat ufffff irritating kid.. Makers have a habit of showing stubborn kids to unite leads
leads arw always bad parents as they never slap their annoying kids and just do whatever these kids demand
She really is annoying can’t even talk clear always moaning like dog
Come on she such a kid
Relax dudes she’s just a kid only 6 years old
@Ki do u even know how old she is? She’s 6 year old dammit her baby tooth still exist!
I think now virat should get to know that savi is his and sai’s daughter Family reunion should be happen Savi has a right to know about her father Vinu has also right to know about his real mother Who is agree with me
I quite agree with you. It’s high time the makers come up with this development, it is dragging too much for a like! Let’s unite the children with their real parents at least for the sake of the viewers. The dragging is becoming too much and is making the whole series no more interesting. The makers seems to be out of point.
MM y reunion? Sai doesnot deserve a toxic man like virat and abusers like chavans
Very true
I quite agree with you. It’s high time the makers come up with this development, it is dragging too much for a like! Let’s unite the children with their real parents at least for the sake of the viewers. The dragging is becoming too much and is making the whole series no more interesting. The makers seems to be out of point. Oh yes Sai may not deserve a clueless selfish character like Virat. A more responsible, rich and organised person should have been presented to rescue her from the travails of the Chavans and put them to regrets and shame and the children should be made to realise their real parents and the hardship they imposed on their mother since from the beginning! Makers and producers, what are you waiting for? You are spoiling the show with your own hands in trying to show the good side of Viralekha. In fact you are spoiling their real image and popularity in the entire public!
poor savi is not irritating she is desperately longing for a father she is a child the one to be blamed is sai sai has become very selfish and when she does not knoe what to do she burst out in tears and usha has to comfort her this vis nonsense and pretence sai has to tell the truth to virat savi and chavan if she doe not she will have to bare the consequences it is all her own fault and makers should now come with final decision the story is a drag every time other diffilcultues let them realize how longer they drag the story how less people will look at it so now is the time for the final truth to be revealed will sai unite with virat and have a family or will she remain alone with the children because both are hers or will the story have an ending that nobody will like
Makers are ruining sai’s character on purpose to promote neil and ashwaraya
@marielouise, savi being a kid is not a reason to excuse her disobedient behavior. Maybe she is curious for her father but if she is doing it by hurting and troubling her mother then she is not a good child let alone being a good daughter. The same mother who raised her by herself god knows for how many years. And it is not sayi’s fault for bursting into tears that way, that woman has been through enough, makers are not giving her enough choice other than to cry. Give her a break. Chavan family, makers, bhatt couple and savi are the accountable for all these mess. These people are still living happily without any consequences for their unruly behavior. The makers are still favouring virus and his despolekha both reel and real life. And savi being a troublesome insolent kid is not helping. Age is not a factor to justify someone’s bad behavior.
Better to be alone thn having a selfish spineless husband like virat who even after knowing the truth snatched vinayak from sai and gave to pakhi
how can someone give his new born to a woman who tried to harm that small baby..he will do anything for his criminal family ki fake izzat
There’s no doubt about it. Virat has no sense of thinking on his own. Everything about him seems to be turning around by that wicked aunty of his, Bhavan! Even his official duty is determined by the favours of his family! No sensible, educated and freedom seeker of a woman would like to attach herself with him. No such woman will ever tolerate his character as a husband! He is such useless, out of date, primitive and lousy!
@Surabhi, exactly. Virat and sayi looks together physically but the problem is virat’s immature behavior and his lusty wife who’s manipulating the script of this serial along with the writers. I wish these people get punished for their unprofessional behavior but I know this won’t happen. It is hopeless to expect anything. The only thing that gives me relief is you and all the others are commenting how trashy and toxic this flop serial is. I wish there is something that can be done to punish bhat couple and the makers. These people have to face consequences of their disgusting behavior.
Either a group of progressive scriptwriters can save this serial or ayesha quitting this show will teach a befitting lesson to these makers and the bhatt couple. Enough is enough now. How regressive can the minds of these makers and the bhatt couple have been proven just to allow bad behavior both on and offscreen towards a woman who did absolutely nothing to deserve this behavior from them. Some cartel members should go and shoot the faces of the makers, chavan family and bhatt couple so that we won’t have to see these useless people anymore. As for savi, she should be whooped until she mends her behavior. This kid is soooo annoying and irritating. When she stays without her mother maybe just maybe she will learn her lesson. What a selfish disobedient kid.
This shitty serial is going from bad… Worse… Worse! There’s no way a child will choose a stranger over her mother because that’s who Virat is to Savi. I don’t like Savi’s character at all. The daddy issues storyline disgusts me. This Garbage of serial never ceases to amaze me. My last remark for this annoying serial. Someone shouldn’t expect much from an Indian serial or movie it is all Garbage with a capital G. If an opportunity is given to me, I will spit on the writer’s face for this shitty story
the story is shitty. why do they have to show that savi wants virat and that virat wants phakandi pakhi to lust upon without using his brain.. They have lost it to show sai as helpless from a strong women. let her burst the truth and get away from criminal chawan
No reason to just drag and drag this serial . Just proves the price to watch such now meaningless serials . Every day more and more people are switching to watch other more entertaining channels as this has now become most boring
Today I watched precap video of this shit show as it started right after anupama precap in YouTube.
Pata nahi aisa kaunsa paap hua tha mujhse jiska aisa fal mila jo ye dikh gaya.
The dialogues Viraaat was saying in his laziness without any logic and portraying as if he didn’t take Sai’s side for family was bullshit. No one provoked him at that time. It was all his own doing. Even his Lustylekha didn’t say anything when he was so high to literally throw his wife and newborn out of house and even had the nerve to warn her to not return if she crossed the so-called dehleez of CN aka mental asylum.
Makers should kill Sai instead of torturing her this way by making her own kid against her, who’ll eventually just like her father choose some stranger over Sai under pretense of family demands or emotional needs.
It’s high time Viraaat should consummate with his Bhabhi, have a baby, get Savi with him as Sai isn’t enough for her and everything shouldn’t be happening as per her wishes and wants, and rub it in Sai’s face about how bad of a mother, wife, daughter, doctor and a human she had been.
Oh and one more thing, makers intentionally showed that Pakhi progressed in her personal as well as professional life by becoming businesswoman, mukhiya, a good mother, wife and what not, whereas Sai even after being a doctor is financially, emotionally unstable and without someone to call her own.
All I’ve got to say is this song:
Bhabhi tera devar diwana…tere liye biwi-bachhe ko bahar nikala…
I read in latest gosip she will marry jagtap and make him savi father because she does not want to re enter virat life how stupid can she be to give her daughter a murderer and ex criminal as father what life will savi have then i hope virat will take her to live with him and vinyak because what future she will have with an ex criminal as father sai needs help this is not good unless makers want to end serial like that not a Nice ending for a story that started out diffrently
I have no words and I’m utterly dumbstruck reading todays update. The writers have murdered the innocence of children. Good luck to those who are watching this toxic show.
This series is no more interesting at all. I will never read or watched it again.
Hoe can sai be so cruel she is a real b*t*h never thought sai would become so evil to her daughter of she loose her it will be good for her she needs a good lessons virat was willing to accept savi as his daughter