Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 30th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Rajat Praises Savi

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 30th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Savi meets Rajat at a cafe. Rajat orders black coffee while Savi orders tea. He busy over phone asks what she wants to discuss. Savi thinks every time she meets this man, he makes her feel weird; what kind of a man he is who doesn’t have time for his daughter. Rajat asks her to speak as he doesn’t have much time. Savi says Sai is a cute girl whom his family and whole apartment building likes, but she has one concern for Sai. Rajat asks her go ahead. Savi says she has observed Sai carefully both at school and in the apartment building, she is a sensitive kid and feels lonely, so she needs parent’s love. Rajat says he feels she is showing too much unnecessary concern for Sai, Sai has a complete family with grandparents and aunts, she doesn’t feel lonely at all. Savi

says she doesn’t deny that, but Sai needs her own parents; she doesn’t know about Sai’s mother..

Rajat gets angry and warns her to stop it now; she is Sai’s teacher, he is Sai’s father and doesn’t need a lecture on parenting, he knows what is good and what’s bad for his daughter, she is a teacher and should be and keep her concern only till the school. He pays the bill. Sai says she doesn’t not need his favor and pays her bill. Rajat says he is a businessman and doesn’t need keep anyone’s favour. Isha spying on Savi notices jewellery box and thinks Rajat got a gift for Savi. Rajat tells Savi that Sai had broken her bracelet by mistake and he got a new one. Savi says she doesn’t need it. Rajat says keep it and walks away. Savi feels frustrated with his behaviour. She gets a call from school principal and rushes back to school.

Isha thinks they really are dating and follows Rajat to his office to know more about it. Receptionist asks if she can help her. Isha thinks she needs to find out if Rajat is a company’s CEO or not. She introduces herself as a magazine reporter who is covering stories of a young dynamic reporter and hence came to cross-verify her boss’ information. Receptionist asks if she is talking about Rajat sir. Isha says yes. Receptionist praises Rajat’s professional ethics and kind nature. Isha asks if she is telling truth and not under pressure and will say same to her friends. Receptionist assures that she is telling truth. Isha asks about Rajat’s package. Receptionist says she can get more information from their VP and she will check his schedule. Peon carefully watches her.

Isha calls Latha and shares with her that Savi is dating a guy named Rajat and she came to Rajat’s office to enquire about him. Peon hears her and informs receptionist that the lady is not a reporter but Rajat’s future MIL who came to enquire about Rajat. Receptionist says then Aman can give her proper information, but he is busy in a meeting. Peon says he knows how to get Aman out and walks to Rajat’s cabin where Aman is busy in a meeting with Rajat and asks Aman to come out as someone has come to meet him. Aman says he didn’t give appointment to anyone today. Peon insists and reveals that Rajat’s future MIL has come to enquire about Rajat. Rajat asks why he doesn’t know about his alliance and walks out to see who it is. Isha gets Shantanu’s call and leaves from there. Rajat asks peon where is the lady. Peon shows waiting area and finds no one there.

Savi returns home and feels frustrated with Rajat’s behaviour. Mrinmoy walks in and asks if she can come in teacher. Savi says it’s also her room. Mrinmoy asks how was her day. She says horrible and recalls Rajat’s behaviour. She picks Rajat’s given jewellery box and finds a similar one in Mrinmoy’s bag. She matches them and asks Mrinmoy where did she get this box from. Mrinmoy nervously informs her that she loves a boy named Aman and wants to marry him. Savi asks her to speak slowly or else Ishan will listen, asks to explain detail. Mrinmoy describes her whole story. Savi asks if she is sure about marriage as she is still a kid by behaviour. Mrinmoy requests her to convince Isha and Latha.

Savi gets a call from Mumbai City Adaption Centre’s employee who informs her that they are verifying her credentials and if everything is fine, she will get a positive result soon. Mrinmoy asks whose call was it. Savi says from an adoption centre, she wants to adoption a girl. Mrinmoy asks if Shantanu and Isha know about it, has she thought about the consequences. Savi recalls Urmila’s bitter words. Bhagyashree cleans Rajat’s room and finds Savi’s bracelet. She feels happy thinks Rajat got a girl in his life. Adoption centre employees ring the bell and inform Bhagyashree that her neighbour Bhosales’ daughter Savi wants to adopt a child and hence they came to know about them. Bhagyashree badmouths about them and calls them uncultured, ill mannered, etc. Employees think it’s good they enquired their neighbour, Savi is unfit to adopt a child.

Rajat hears their conversation and tells them that his mother doesn’t get along well with Bhosales, so she badmouthed about them; Savi is a good girl and children get along well with her, she is his daughter’s teacher and all students like her. Employees visit Bhosales to check their house environment. Bhagyashree feels disappointed that her son spoke against her and supported Bhosales. Rajat says he is tired after a whole day’s work and goes to his room. Bhagyashree is surprised that Rajat praised a girl. Adoption centre employees meet Isha and Shantanu who express their surprise about Savi filing for an adoption. Shantanu says they need to discuss with their daughter first and will call her again. Employees walk away asking them to reply soon as they can’t hold a file for long. Isha tells Shantanu that he should have denied them, she is not against adoption, but she knows Savi’s life is going to change soon and she will get someone soon in her life.

Precap: Isha looks at Rajat’s profile in Savi’s tab and calls Rajat as son-in-law. Rajat says he is not related to Savi, she is just his daughter’s school teacher. Savi warns him to dare not speak rudely with he mother and insult her. Rajat says they are gold diggers, her mother was enquiring about him and his salary at his office. Savi says he must be mistaken, but she is sure why his wife left him. Rajat shouts. Sai interferes.

Update Credit to: MA

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  • Negativity and positivity in today episiode things will become more negative and complicated for savi because i think soon reeva and ishaan will Come back into her life how ishaan all of a sudden has Come back to life is a puzle i wonder if it will be the same actor makers have realy changed story completere but as mrs bhosale and a teacher savi is also doing well i hope she will bring happiness into little sai life as for jarat hé is extremely arrogant and not realy loving to his little girl while she is hungry for her father love how sad things are going to be very complicated after shikia dies and chimnay asks savi and ishaan to taken care of their Child we don t know yet how she will die but maybe by birth of their Child many surprises are awaiting us in future i think enough for another 500 episiodes ot more wonder how story will continue especialy after reeva and ishaan return back to serial.

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  • Todays episode conflict started. All about misunderstanding. It so unfair to rajat to treated sai like that because of her mole that rajat reminded her ex wife that he cant kiss her daughter. Savi was right sai needed a fathers love.lf lshan will come back to the serial what would be his character then.So far the serial is moving good. Less casts its better.lts good that only major characters will run the serial. The chemistry of savi abd rajat is doing fine. Even rajat is arrogant because he is rich he is romantic in nature. But his arrogance will not win to savi because in nature savi is fire.

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  • Khushi its true that shakti is coming back in the serial? Pls. give an update about this. Thank you.

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  • Savi needs to be strict with her half brain mother in law, Isha was not like this I think Ishaan dying broke her brain. We wanted Isha back to put Surekha in her place we didn’t want this mentally mutilated Isha back. The way she’s pushing marriage on Savi because it was Ishaan’s wish is horrible.

    Isha is young they really should have shown Isha and Shantanu with their own kid after the leap then she can concentrate on not f**king up the new kid like she did with Ishaan because she never went to the courts to fight for her son. If Isha used the legal system she would have got Ishaan but Isha for all her education is a moron. Savi wanted to be and IPS then an IAS now she’s a teacher, what goal has Savi claimed? Nothing but zero, Sai Joshi became a doctor she achieved the dream she shared with her Aaba but Savi has been a disappointment from go, from writing on trees and her Baba baba jaap when she was a child to this.

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  • Watching YMA I can already see where this is going..... Poor mrinmoy..

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