Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 7th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Pakhi’s Evil Act

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 7th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Virat lying on sofa reminisces Sai’s words that he boasts about this promise, then how can he deny to fulfill his promise made to Pakhi, Pakhi alleging him that he betrayed her, Sai telling how will Samrat feel when he finds out that Pakhi and Virat love each other, etc. Sai thinks why she is feeling bad when she already knew about it. She hears alarm ringing and not finding Virat on bed searches him and finds him sleeping on sofa. She wakes up him and asks what is he doing here. He says bharatyanatyam, can’t he see he is sleeping. She asks what if any family member sees him and question why is he sleeping here. He says she created problem and herself is asking his problem. She insists him to go and sleep in his room. He says he is not afraid of anyone. She says she

will call family then. He stops her and sleeps in his room writhing in neck pain. She notices that and asks him to remove his T-shirt. He asks if she wants to lash him with a hunter. She shows him hot salt bag and says she used to apply it on Aaba whenever he used to feel pain. He thinks even being angry on him, she cannot see him in pain. She applying hot compresses on him asks why is he angry that he is ignoring his pain. Their nok jhok starts. He says he is ready to calm down and wants her to do same. She says they are not kids to compare and asks him to apply hot compresses himself. He says they should clear their misunderstanding. She says she can take care of the injury on his body, but what about the injury he inflicted on her heart. He hopes that god made a single piece like her.

Next morning, Sai rushes down getting ready for college. Ashwini insists her to have breakfast first. Sai says she is late and will have breakfast in college canteen. Ninad hearing that yells that she is wasting their money. Omkar says she doesn’t value money. Sai says they should know that she doesn’t use Virat’s money. Sonali yells that whatever they say, Sai feels they are taunting her, she is a spoilt lonely kid of her father. Sai says she is not from a rich family like her and knows the value of money, why are they stretching the issue when she told she will have breakfast in canteen. Bhavani yells where will she get the money from, she will pester Virat. Sai says she doesn’t care about Virat’s money or his family. Ninad says if she is not bothered about Virat or his family, then why don’t she leave this house. Omkar backs him. Mohit says he knows that Sai is an independent girl. Karishma comments, and Sonali shuts her mouth. Bhavani asks Mohit if he means only Sai is independent. Ashwini asks them why are they arguing with Sai when she told she has money to spend in canteen and its not even if she takes money from Virat as he is her husband. Bhavani yells. Ashwini says she is just worried that Sai is going to college on an empty stomach. Bhavani continues yelling.

Pakhi says she knows reason behind Sai’s drama and not having food. Bhavani what is the issue when she is doing whatever she wants. Pakhi says Sai acted as taking care of Virat and reentered this house, she was enjoying until she found her and Virat speaking and got jealous. Ninad says he was thinking why is Virat not dragged in it yet; rudely yells at Sai that Virat may be her husband, but he is a son of this house. Omkar yells that they and even Pakhi have more right on Virat than her as Pakhi came into this house before Sai. Sai says how can she forget that. Sonali asks Sai if she didn’t have breakfast as she saw Pakhi speaking to Virat, what kind of a reason is this. Pakhi says she doesn’t have anything to say, earlier she acted as taking care of Virat and forcefully entered into this house and is acting as if only she has a right on Virat. Aswhini says Sai is kind heart and Virat’s wife, Pakhi doesn’t know what husband and wife relationship means and what a successful marriage is, they both support each other instead of hold back. Pakhi asks which successful marriage is she talking about, Virat and Sai’s marriage is such a deal. She tells Sai that everyone knows about it and if it was a lie, why is she bothered if Virat speaks to someone; if their marriage was successful, then why was Virat sleeping on a couch instead in his room. Family reacts. Sai thinks she felt bad that Virat slept on couch, but now found out that he was not sleeping there alone.

Bhavani yells at Sai that she should be shameful that her husband slept outside on a couch. Ashwini says Pakhi should be ashamed to bring out a husband and wife’s issue in open. Ninad says when the issue is out in open, elders have right to interfere. Omkar asks who did wife get a right to send her ill husband out of room. Sai says she didn’t send Virat out of room, he himself went out; tells Bhavani that she didn’t sleep peacefully on bed but slept on floor, she didn’t know Virat was sleeping on couch. Pakhi yells she boasted to take care of Virat, but let him suffer on couch. Sai says she will repeat her words if she can’t understand, she didn’t ask Virat to go out and he himself went out, she feels Virat is mature enough to take his own decisions. Ashwini says she wakes up first in this house and didn’t see Virat sleeping on a couch. Sai says nobody saw Virat sleeping on a couch, not even her until she found out in the morning; she just wants to know if Pakhi keeps an eye on Virat; whatever it is, Pakhi shouldn’t have interfered between a husband and wife and should the reason why she repeatedly interferes between her and Virat.

Precap: Sai asks Pakhi what is the relationship between her and Virat, she didn’t want to marry Virat and then she did and is waiting that Samrat nerves returns and she reunites with Virat.

Update Credit to: MA

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