Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 9th September 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Savi packs food for Vinayak and his baba/Virat and tgells Sai that she will call Vinayak and ask him where his father took him and why he did that. Sai gets emotional and hugs her. Savi says Vinayak’s baba is good, don’t know what happened to him today. She asks Usha to give her phone. Sai stops Usha and says she shouldn’t. Savi asks why. Vinayak thinks whether he should call Savi or not, he will call mamma and inform her about baba’s weird behavior first. He calls Pakhi and finds her number busy. Sai feels disheartened thinking Virat didn’t even try once to find her and when he saw her today, he didn’t even speak to her and has moved on in life.
Virat thinks Sai is alive, he tried to search for her everywhere but failed. He goes into flashback where he breaks down and becomes alcoholic failing to search Sai. Ashwini tries to comfort him. He cries that Sai took away Vinayak with her. Ashwini curses Sai and says if Sai was alive, she would have confronted Sai and asks what right she had to take their child away. Out of flashback, Virat thinks if Vinayak is not with Sai, then who is Savi. He recalls doctor saying that Sai cannot sustain pregnancy till delivery even if she gets pregnant. Sai thinks Virat didn’t even question who Savi is. She recalls going through of pain of loneliness when Savi was born.
Pakhi returns home after a business meeting and describes how she tackled a troubling client. Ashwini says Pakhi can go on a honeymoon trip once Virat returns. Sonali taunts her that she is blushing as if she is married just now. Back to Sai’s house, Sai tries to calm down Savi, but she continues her anger. Savi insists to call Vinayak. Usha says Sai cannot interfere between Savi and Vinayak’s friendship. Vinayak calls Savi just then. Savi happily says that is their friendship. She picks call. Vinayak apologizes her on Viirat’s belf and says he doesn’t know what happened to baba, he didn’t even stop the car when Savi was running behind it. He hopes is mother would have handled the issue if she as present here. Sai hears that and thinks Virat married someone already, to whom?
Pakhi calls Vinayak and finds his phone busy. She then calls Virat who lost in thoughts doesn’t pick her phone first but then picks it. She asks where is he, why didn’t he pick her call, if they reached, if the doctor started Vinu’s treatment. Virat says no, Sai. Pakhi asks why did he take Sai’s name. Virat says they will start Vinu’s treatment in a sahi/right way and its not started today. Pakhi asks why is sounding tensed. He says he is fine. She asks where is Virat as he is not reachable. Virat closes Vinayak’s door and thinks Vinayak will reveal everything to Pakhi if he speaks to her, says Vinu slept already. Pakhi says Vinu doesn’t sleep without speaking to her. Virat says they both are tired, even he is going to sleep and will call her tomorrow. Ashwini asks Pakhi if Vinu’s treatment started. Pakhi says not yet. Ashwini asks her not bother about Vinayak and Virat as they will take care of each other, she can go and freshen up while she serves dinner.
Sai’s neighbor Sheetal tells Sai that everyone wants to take study leave today as they saw Sai tensed after a policeman took his son away angrily, asks if that policeman is her relative. Sai says he is a known one and she met him after a long time. Usha sends Sheetal away and asks Sai why didn’t she tell Sheetal that Virat is her husband. Sai says she doesn’t want anyone to interfere between her and Savi, not even Virat. At night, Jagtap visits Sai and asks why she looks tensed, he will punish Gulab if he has troubled her again. Sai warns him not to interfere in her life, she doesn’t need his help. Jagtap says he can do anything for her and walks away. Usha tells Sai that Jagtap ruined her live but has completely reformed himself and is worried for her, on the other side Virat is not even bothered about her. Sai asks how can she compare Virat and Jagtap, she doesn’t want to listen about either of them; she is worried just about Vinayak right now and wants to treat him.
Precap: Pakhi finds Virat and Sai’s photo in cupboard.
Sai calls Virat and says she doesn’t want to recall about her past and just wants to treat Vinayak. Virat says even he doesn’t want to and they will go on their own ways once the treatment is over.
Update Credit to: MA
I don’t understand the story about vinayak, is he really dead or alive ?
After flashback Virat Wonder if Sai is not with vinayak So who is Savi ?
I would like to know if virat considers that vinayak is dead in this accident , So who is this vinayak who currently lives with Chavan family ?
Sai was pregnant when she left the Chavans. The doctors didn’t say she couldn’t get pregnant just that they doubted she’d be able to carry to term.
He is Alive but virat does not know vinyak is his real son
I have problems with this Vinayak angle, Virat found him on a mission and adopted him. He is a stranger to Sai and Savi. But Sai and Savi feel bonded to him, he likes the things Sai likes and wants to be a doctor like Sai – he’s not their bio child. Anyway I’m happy that Sai isn’t interested in Virat or Jagtap and is focussed on her career and her Savi. Virat thinks that Sai is cheap like him to hop into another relationship. I bet he’s going to assume Jagtap is Savi’s father. Which is fine, it means Savi doesn’t have to get caught in a custody battle with those evil Chavans. With Sai alive… isn’t Pakhi’s marriage illegal. Oof I bet she gets called dusri aurat. I want Pakhi to be mocked and made a spectacle off and Virat to lose his position in the police force. My swimming pool is ready to fill with Virat’s tears.
@Jade. You know that’s what she’ll say now. She’ll say she will focus on her career now but end up back to square one Chavan Niwas with that slimy lustylekha


Love it
Maybe someone found baby Vinayak at bus crash and took him to orphanage where he stayed for a while and Lustylekha/Virat adopted him they were unaware of where he came from
We don’t know what happened to baby vinyak after accident they did not show those episiodes they started with the leap it is possible vinyak is realy he and sai son i wish the makers had shown that episiode before the leap we then would have known more
@Vaijyanthi lustylekha I love it

in Indian serials it’s hard to find any women with self respect amongst both the “heroines” and vamps. The vamps don’t have any morals and will kill and steal children if they need to as for the heroines that Laxmi gives me serial rage like I want to snap her stupid neck and end this disgusting way she portrays women – self sacrificial lambs. Mauli was the only woman with a backbone and Sai shows her backbone every now and then but this disgusting writing team just drags her into the muck of their plotless brain ablutions. I really really hope these writers get given the boot and are never allowed to write again, sometimes I wonder if they picked them from the FanFiction part of this site
so gross… when I read GHKKPM updates I feel like I need to bathe in disinfectant and call an exorcist maybe burn some sage as well. Oh Queenie died that’s sad RIP Queenie they don’t make them like you anymore
Exactly @ Jade. I remember Mauli too in Sisila. Even though she too tried her utmost best to get kunal back, she knew she was fighting a losing battle as he was already hell bent on being with Nandini.
Sai is actually much happier living with usha maushi and adorable Savi. No daily fights, no daily insults like “jungli mulgi” etc Chavans have never respected nor cared about her for longer than 5 minutes. Only that silly Lustylekha. Virat has shown he has no backbone whatsoever which is why Sai ALWAYS has to leave the house again and again. Please, she deserves better. Where is the virat who claimed to love her his Sai so much he changed his name to Virat Sai Chavan?
Yes in real life virat mariage to palkhi would be illigeal but everybody tought sai was dead after accident so now if virat wants to stay maried to palkhi officially they would have to divorce by law.
I just adore little Savi

what an absolute gem. Savi is a mini Sai through and through
Itne dino se itni acchi pakhi bardasht nahi ho rahi thi firse vamp mode me aana chalu ho gaya. Again with vaada2.0

It looks as if indeed sai will not unite with vrat honestly i dont expect it either sai will help vinyak as a patient so that he can walk again we don’t know who vinyak is how did he survive all these years did vrat find him in the street as a baby or. Is he from an orphanage i hope he is ai son and that he will come and live with sai and savi for the rest of his life palkhi and virat will stay together and have their own child and that is how i think the story will end
I have a feeling sneaky little Savi will hide in Virat’s car with her little accomplice Vinyak and go 2 his house Sai will be stressed with worry then realize the only person knws and loves is Vinyak and she is forced 2 go and get her daughter at the Chavan house can u imagine the reaction of the family wen Sai walks in demanding her daughter wen they think she is crazy little Savi comes in and say aai and u see the shock on the family
I think something along those lines will happen…
That Ashwini will slap Sai when Sai comes to hug her and accuse her of snatching baby Vinayak and then demand Savi as colleral
Sai has no support now as Mohit is busy kissing Lustylekha’s feet now for business and Ashwini hates her…so as usual she has to fight for everything
Sai will never go back to chavans so nobody can slap het there she will build up her life in that village now she does not want anything to do with jagtap i wonder what she will do when she finds out palkhi is virat wife sometimes i think she will stay alone with David and perhaps vinyak will also come to live there but first he must find out that say is his real mother and savi his little sister but i wonder how he will find out since i Read somewhere palkhi is planning something to Hurt sai and keep her separated from virat and vinyak she will be to afraid to loose vinyak and as usual her evil plan will succeed so how will vinyak ever find out the truth
I think virat found vinayak but they didn’t show how but when virat & sai meet and all the precap will show how he found vinayak because they have never show virat miss vinayak or picture like he died only they show sai angle
Virat is listening to pakhi but no sai he’s doing everything pakhi want like apologise to her, I don’t want to see sai and pakhi live the same roof both virat wife
I dont think that will happen sai is to smart for that and so is palkhi virat will have to make up his mind and choose for one further i hope vinyak and sai will and savi will all live together as a family virat i think will not join them he will rather stay with palkhi and have his own child with her
Dear ma i think your written updates are the best ones and the most honest ones wish you succes with all your written updates enjoy reading them
I was reading all resume carefully and i think that when she finds out palkhi is virat wife and to her they have a happy mariage because i read that somwhete infront of sai they will do as if their mariage is happy and perfect she will realy believe it and then she might decide to marry jagtap because she will grow to apreciate him and decide since virat is happily maried to palkhi and going on with his life why should she not and then she might decide to marry jagtap unless a miracle happens that palkhi dies and leaves virat a widower then perhaps they might grow to love eachother again but as long as palkhi is Alive this cannot happen and she will have to figure out what is better for her stay alone with savi and maybe vinjak or go on with her life and marry jagtap
What is your problem with Sai. Why do you always link her with Jagtap. Sai doesn’t need a man to survive. Please get that straight and stop bringing Jagtap in between because of whom she lost her father. Just because he is changed now doesn’t mean his sins would be forgotten.
I dont link her with jagtap i Read in some resume she will eventualy marry him i dont want her to marry him either but her life is so unhappy and unsettled now that we don’t know what she will do in a weak moment i agree the way she presenta herself she needs nobody and is very strong and independant but everytimr he pops up in her life why and virat hates her and she hates virat but palkhi always wins and i dont like that either sai cannot have her son with her because he lives with virat and palkhi savi wants to have a father and is growing to like jagtap because her own father rejects her many woman would consider something like that if they had a life like sai but i also hope she will not marry jagtap remain strong and have a happy life alone with her job and two children do you understand me better now i hope so
You misunderstand me jade i hate palkhi i want everything bad for them but i dont know if you read all the resume and still follow the serial on tv but everything what you read is misunderstandings sai avoids virat does not want savi to know her father and more of these things i would like to see sai win and happy with her children i dont have a stolen husband from anybody i dont like that so dont compare me with evil palkhi
@Sowmya she’s a Vilekha fan, prior she wanted Sai to die so that those awful Chavans can have Savi and Vinayak. She wants Vilekha to have a happy ending. I wonder if she was the Pakhi in someone’s life… Are you sitting with a stolen husband Marielouise? When she got called out on it cause she’s been posting all her Sai should die nonsense with her FB account on serial gossip then she went on a tirade about never saying that and being Sai’s supporter and disliking Cheater Virat and Pakhi but here she is back in form with her let Vilekha be together nonsense and Sai should be with someone else cause that makes her feel less bad about wanting the villain to win. I just want Virat to be miserable without his job while Pakhi, Bhavani and everyone who has committed crimes against Devi and Sai go to jail. Even Ashwini cause she stood back and watched while poor Devyani was purposely turned mad. Chavans in jail is the only happy ending for this serial for me.
Jade i understand your anger and i too would like to see these evil people punished although you misunderstand my comments but we must not forget it is a story nothing is real in it and for the family to be punished and jailed makers will have to make a third serial about them in which vinyak is a doctor and savi a policeofficer they will have to start investigating everything together he the fraude in hospital by palkhi and savi all the other evil things the family did but for that makers will have to recruete new actors and actresses and if some of current actors want to play in this serial it is a good idea but i dont think we will see that in this second serial