Fan Fiction

My Girl-Swara (Episode 2)

Thank you soo much for comments…here I’m with first part of My Girl-Swara…
Let’s start?

A girl is seen sleeping… her two plates and her teddy bear are covering her face.. clock starts ringing indicating its 5 am.. she wakes up..switch on lights. Smiles seeing God photo and starts praying for a good day. Then gets up from bed..she comes to washroom see herself in mirror and say good morning swara… she smiles and goes to fresh up.. after that she goes for jogging..

After 1 hr she comes back… see her mom(sumi) doing puja and smile..says good morning amma.. sumi smiles and asks her to get ready for school… swara runs to room after talking with her amma.. Sumi smiles seeing her and say swara you’re in 7th std but you’re always act like a kid…you’re smile is life of this house..I wonder what will happen to us after you leave and go to your husband’s house.. Swara’s father(Rajeev krishnan) say stop thinking so much my wifey she is still a small girl… Sumi say him you can’t say that girls grow up faster than boys…we should see for a perfect guy who keeps her happy and care for her.. Rajeev says my dear wife please don’t talk such things so early..think of my birthday which is next week…I want a special gift from my wife ok… Sumi smiles and goes to cook breakfast…

Swara comes running..say good morning my raj and simian ?? she hugs her dad.. Rajeev reply her good morning shona.. you’re getting late for school… swara takes milk glass starts drinking it..say what to do I came late from jogging… Rajeev smiles and says ok baby..take care.. swara hugs her mom and smiles… says bye dad and amma.. Sumi smiles seeing her… Rajeev says you also go get ready I’ll leave you and go to office.. sumi nods and goes…

Ryan international school..
Swara comes to school..her friends are waiting for her..see her and smile.. her only one best friend ragini whom swara believes without thinking a second thought and it’s same with ragini…they both are like sisters then friends..other classmates call them swaragini..they never be separate from one another… they both go inside..with other friends.. they enjoy whole day… at end of day.. swara says about her dad birthday to ragini and say I want to buy gift for him.. ragini says come let’s go on Saturday.. swara says then we will go tomorrow.. both leave for home…

Next day…
Swara comes to school. Ragini is waiting for her.. swara says come let’s go to class.. ragini says no classes we are going to buy gift .. Swara says ok… they both go by auto. Swara keeps asking why no classes? I saw everybody going inside… ragini says her evening we won’t be able to buy good gift so.. swara says her ok..
Swaragini come to gift centre.. they see its fully crowded.. ragini says it’s 13 Feb na… swara says yea..

They both enter a shop.. swara and ragini part ways to search for a gift… swara see’s a gift and smiles moving towards to it.. but suddenly a guy lifts it and start moving towards bill counter.. she goes and stops him…says please can you give this gift to me… he says I can’t girl.. go select other gift.. she says I want this for my best friend please.. he says go select something else.. she asks pleadingly.. ragini comes towards her.. see them fighting.. swara eyes become teared.. ragini come and hold her hand.. guys see her eyes and stop talking.. his friend Varun come there and say lucky.. He see girls and say lucky come let’s go…

Ragini see swara and ask can you please give gift for my friend..if you want we will pay double of bill… Varun says hey girl can’t you both go for other gift.. Ragini says shut up don’t act too much..for my swara I’m asking calmly else I would have.. lucky keeps seeing swara.. her eyes are saying many things.. lucky gives that gift to swara.. Ragini gives to money.. Varun says these girls for giving gift to their boy friend what all they say.. Ragini says you idiot gift is for her dad’s birthday ok.. swara says thank you and goes from there..

ragini stare at Varun and say you gonna face hell wait for a while.. lucky says sorry.. but she doesn’t hear him..
Swaragini reach home.. swara makes ragini sit and give her ice cream..both sites having while watching tomorrow and Jerry.. sumi comes there and give them lunch. Tell them have it… both say ok.. they enjoy there evening.. ragini says I’ll come tomorrow evening ok.. swara says ok..and hug her.. ragini says shona keep smiling tears in eyes ok. Swara says ok..

Precap: lucky and swara meet.. they coming to know about their relationship…

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