Goa Diaries #RiAnsh OS by a rianshian

P.S. : it starts after vansh and riddima clear their differences and riddima reveals about her & gayu’s past , and that their baby is alive still and it’s just a drama ( here gayu met vansh as gayatri malhotra coz she was his new business partner , and later it’s confessed by both the besties that they are friends , gayu still doesn’t forgave riddu )
At the resort ,
In RiAnsh Room
Author’s POV :
Riddima was sitting in their room thinking numerous ways to melt the stone-hearted gayatri , vansh & angre were sitting in front of her discussing some business work .
” I am done by her ignorance and silent treatment , it’s high time amd I must do something to fade off the sad past from her brain ” she thought determined to herself
‘  Tik Tok Tik Tok  ‘ her chain of thoughts broke by the sound of clock , it indicated
8:00 am . It’s time for her to take her medicines
She pulled the drawer and took out her medicines , pinching on the sharp silvery sheet a little , she took out a coin-sized tablet and glanced at it ,
” Such a huge tablet ! ” She thought to herself with a frown on her face , when she saw someone’s hand holding a glass of water in front of her , she looked up to  see him
” Come on , have the tablet , what are you waiting for ? , A muhurat ?? ” He said sarcastically
She left out a sigh and spoke ” vansh …
You just don’t know how much bitterness it contains , look at it’s size , it is equal to my thumb ”
” Please na vansh , I don’t want to have this tablet plzz …. ” She said with a cute pout
” Fine then , don’t have the tablet ” he said giving up , while her heart danced in happiness for lungi dance song , but …
She was quite suspicious that how did he agreed so easily , although it’s  maximum an year they are married off to each other , but still her understanding for him and her prediction for his next move was just like of 100 years life experience
And her deduction is proven right when he spoke ” that’s ok if you don’t have a tablet , then …. Have injections twice or thrice a day instead of tablets .. okay ? ”
He spoke purposefully with a devilish grin while angre tried hard to stifle his laugh
She knew it ! , That something is on the way , her brain played the moment when he made her have the injection by tricking her , she was hell scared to even take a single injection and he is speaking of 2 to 3 injections A DAY which is out of box for her
She is not at all interested in facing such consequences , ” that’s completely ok vansh , even though it’s bitter , but bitterness is good for health ain’t it ” she said changing the topic and with a tight smile , grabbing the glass of water from him , and instantly drank it in a go with the tablet
” Woah ! What a sudden change ” they heard a voice and turned to see siya standing at the entrance , she walked inside their room , and sat beside riddima
” Getting bored ?? ” She said looking at her sister-in-law , while riddima nodded
” Then let’s play something ” she said excited
” No siya ! I am not gonna agree ” vansh exclaimed
” She is pregnant ” he added
” Bhai , why would I make her play such outdoor games ?? , She did a lot of adventures till now ” siya said
” Hain hain , even dora – the explorer doesn’t did such adventures ” riddima remarked with sarcasm , for which siya laughed
Riddima’s gaze fell on the calendar which is hanging on the wall , and something clicked her mind
She instantly got up and approached the cupboard , she took out a suitcase and opened it’s zip , and took out a easel ( canvas holder ) and a canvas , some brushes and paints
” Are you going to paint ?? ” Siya asked with a enthusiasm filled voice for which riddima nodded smiling
” Not any professional , but today is something special ” riddima said
She squeezed a spoon-sized measure of paints into the palette , taking the paint brush in between her thumb & index finger , she mixed up some colors and dipping in them , she started painting on the canvas
” Ok then , I will leave now , as you are all quite busy ” siya said getting up from the bed
” Going To whom ?? Vyom ?? ” Riddima teased for which siya glared at her
” Not at all , I am not at all interested in further giving him a chance to damage my brain & my life too ” siya said in a serious tone ” I realised it quite late that I was just being used , but in the nick of time I’m saved before my life was totally spoiled ” siya added depressed
” He wanted to take revenge from my brother , but by using me ?? , Not even giving a damn about my feelings ?? ” She said
Riddima could keenly sense the depression & sadness in her voice , so to enlighten her mood , she decided to change the topic ” At first I thought that vansh was becoming over possessive in the matter of his sisters , but I just realized that he was right in doing so , ishani & you are always innconent & sensitive , due to the lack of love you get from your family members , because they are themselves busy in their own personal lives , ishani tried to find happiness in money & other things , and you are left alone , you both chose the same path to get loved , and others took advantage of this and gave their shoulder to you to cry and you thought that you got the love which you wanted and craved for and thought that they are trust worthy and lovable persons unaware of their hidden motives ain’t it ?? ”
Riddima remembered the bitter memories of her past as she too was same as them , the weakness in them is same and others took advantage by hitting at their weak point and instantly flattered them up by their fake love
Tear flood up in her eyes , but she instantly wiped them off before they flow off like a water fall
” You are not at fault siya , everyone has their own weakness & strength and before someone takes advantage of your weakness , you must turn it into strength understood ?? ” Riddima said turning towards her , while siya nodded smiling
Siya instantly ran towards her and hugged her
” You know what ? I always found a mentor in you from the very day I met you , you are just like my mother whom always guided us in our tough times ” siya said lovingly
Angre and vansh were left adoring their bond
” Fine then , I will leave now but haan not to vyom ok ” siya said wiping her tears and the smile returned on her lips
She said and left the room while vansh thanked his wife in his heart .
” Huh… Finally ! it’s done ” riddima sighed looking at her wrist watch , her painting was simple and it took only an hour
She took the canvas into her hand ,
” Is it done ??… And what’s the special occasion today ?? ” Vansh asked curious
Rather than birthday or anniversary of them what else would it be ??
” Have patience vansh …. Morever , why should I even say this line , when I knew very well that you are an most impatient person on this planet ” she said sarcasm evident in her voice
” Sabar ka devta ….. The great vanshwaa”
She added making him more annoyed ,
To his unfortune ! angre laughed at this line adding fuel to the fire
Vansh shot daggers at his while riddima suppressed her lips not to laugh
” Ok then , now come down , I have to gift this to someone special ” she said and walked outside the room , while VanGre followed her
Riddima found gayu sitting on the sofa and working on her laptop ,
” Thank God …. You are right here , or else how could I find a wandering soul like you ” she said wondering
” I want to talk to you something ” gayu said ” with me ?? ” Riddima said in disbelief , she can’t believe her friend who was hating her from the core of her heart want to speak to her
” Not with you , Mr Raisinghania , about our deal ” gayu said disappointing riddima
” Huh…. Gazab beizzati ! , Why would I even think so you will speak to me , such a cold hearted you are ” riddima said rolling her eyes
” If you are done and got your answer , why are you standing here huh ?? ” Gayu said in a rude tone
” Why can’t you listen to me once ?? Am I such a great sinner that you are ignoring me ?? ” riddima asked her with moist eyes
” Look gayatri …. I know that I did a grave mistake in the past , but why should it effect our present & future ?? , If it’s a sin,
Then the sinner must be punished , but if it’s a mistake , he must be forgiven , don’t I deserve a second chance ?? , Am I that bad ?? , Gayu please , I request you , forgive me , I won’t say that forget the past and my mistakes which I committed earlier , but why are you spoiling our present for that , I know because of me so much happened , which left a permanent mark on our lives , which led to one’s death and you have to live in jail for years , which made you a cruel person and what not happened just because of me ,I know that you don’t actually hate me , because I know , no matter how big mistake one did too , the person who loves them intensely can’t deny their love and hate them , it’s just that they are hurt , disappointed & angry on us for our mistake and try to avoid us by talking to us rude , but it’s not like that they hate us , I know you won’t hate me but my mistake is the reason for everything , please forgive me gayu ,
Please …….. Give me one last chance , one last chance ” she kept mumbling the word ‘ ONE LAST CHANCE ‘ and fell on her knees and burst out crying .
That one mistake ruined her friendship , torn her apart from her friend cum soulie sister , broke her heart into billions of pieces , She was sad , she was vulnerable , she need a shoulder to cry , to understand her side of story , to console her , but none believes her , there is no one to share her misery which broke her down even more ….
Tears are flowing down like rainfall , her heart was filled with immense pain , she held it with herself but not anymore , because she can’t bear the pain in herself .
Vansh doesn’t stop her , because he wanted her to vent out her feelings to relax herself , to calm down her heart , he wanted to console her but doesn’t want to interfere in between and just wanted her to be strong no matter how difficult the situation is …..
” I know gayu ….. Sorry is not a word which will clarify and clear every misunderstandings between us , but I am sorry for everything please forgive me ” she spoke with her leftover energy
In this generation , various people will accidentally speak something hurting and instantly mumble a sorry later , they don’t gradually understand that , the people with whom they spoke such painful words are hurt a lot but doesn’t show it outside , and no matter how much hurting those words would be , they instantly forgive them because they love them and can’t stay away from them
Gayu kneeled down and pulled her into a bone crushing hug , embracing her tightly like she will disappear in the thin air , she rubbed her back consoling her ,
Stroking her hairs , she looked straight in to her eyes which are filled with sorrow and deep pain ,
” Calm down idiot , why are you wasting your precious tears haan ?? ” Gayu spoke
Wiping her tears , she made her stand ,
” I am sorry ….. I am soo sorry chutki , I doesn’t wanted to hurt you , but situation made me helpless ” she said bowing her head down
” What do you mean ?? ” Riddima finally spoke up
” Actually yaar , I have forgave you long back , but it took time to prove myself innocent , and later when I came back from prison , I found out that my adi ( aditya ) attempted suicide , due to which I fell in depression , I know that it’s not your mistake , after years hardwork , I am in this position and one of the famous businesswoman , I thought to meet you , I was excited and quite nervous how to meet you , when I heard my secretary say that , I have a meeting fixed with Mr Raisinghania , yours beloved bappa shown me a way to meet you , I entered in your life once again , but before I could mend our relationship,
I got to know that my business rivals are secretly spying on my every move , and there are chances that they will target my loved ones , I was scared , so what I acted as if you are the reason for all this , and brought our past between , I behaved cold with you , so that my enemies won’t target you , but now that problem is solved and ….. That’s what I could say …. I didn’t want to hurt you intentionally yaar , I have no way but you ignore you so that you will be safe … I hope you can understand ” gayu spoke
She was shocked , extremely shocked by the new information she received few second back …. She ran directly upstairs to their bedroom ,
” That rascal …. Because of him , my chutki is hurt today ” gayu spoke her voice filled with anger
When suddenly , the painting done by riddima caught the sight of gayatri , she bent down curiously to pick the painting ,
She glanced upon it and tears brimmed in her eyes as she looked through the painting , something she got reminded of , the back side of the painting is attached with a envelope , in which there is a red colour note , she gone through it , it’s written ….

Dear ….. Uff ….
Why do you even need
Such respect , miss ….
Sara or gayatri , no
Matter if your name is
Sara , but I will call you
Only gayu , cause you
Are …. , Anyways …..
Do you remember
What’s ……
Special today ?? , Ok …
I won’t beat around
the bush like others ,
Coz you know I am a
Seedhi-Saadhi ladki
Ok let me tell you ,
It’s 22nd anniversary
Of the friendship of
Our four people ……
Happy happy anniversary
That’s what I could say ….
She closed note , and glanced once again at the painting , it’s of a girl sitting under a tree , few tears rolled down her eyes but they dried too , while there are 3 girls standing in front of her extending their hands to make her their new friend and don’t make her feel lonely , the girl is of 3 years maybe ….
” It’s our first meeting….. When , I , sejal ( you may imagine smita sharan ) , tanya ( you may imagine tanya sharma ) made her our friend when she is crying on being an orphan , it’s an unforgettable sweetest memory in our lives ” gayu spoke with happy tears
Leaning herself to the wall , she is silently crying , there is no sound , but her heart screamed in pain , although gayu confessed everything and it’s just she wanted to save her , but still , it hurted alot in these few days , she doesn’t told her anything and hurted her alot , she could forgive her , but there is no one , when she needed a shoulder to cry , those imaginations she experienced and how much she faced in the absence of vansh and his ignorance & silent treatment everything made her state vulnerable , although she had many relations , they are namesake , she is left as an orphan whom all will ignore , she agrees that she did a mistake by dealing with vyom , but a little selfishness formed in her heart , as she wanted a simple life and happy family and her husband to be away from such dangerous things , made her do such ..
” It’s not intentional ….. But situation made me helpless and I have no other way rather than to accept the fate ”
Topic : angre’s life & past
” Angre …. I am really upset with you , you are not at all caring for me , and busy with your boss ” ishani said crossing her arms across her chest with the most annoyed look she could give
” Ishani ….. When I cared for you , you doesn’t gave a damn , and now you are pointing me ?? Seriously ?? , And yah , for your kind information , I am caring for you but your eyes are out of notice ” he said taping the keys of the laptop looking towards the screen infront of him
” Oh really ?? Then you care for me the same way , and I will ignore all the concern the same way you said ” she said and to one side of bed and slept
Author : let me tell the past of him ….
He was born in a upper middle class family , he was their first child , he used to have a carefree yet strict & serious nature , the possessive & protectiveness for his things & the same goes for his little sister , his love for her is unconditional , both his parents used to be busy in their professional life and could hard have some quality time , when one day , he , with his family … , Went for a picnic , it has gone well until when some riots broke out , his sister went missing and they filed a complaint in the police station , it was one of the hard times in his life , it took 1 week to get the information about her , and he is relieved , but his happiness short-lived as he went with his parents to meet her , the location is a hospital , they are taken to a room called mortuary and he found many bodies covered with white cloth ,the stopped at one of them , and the person is unveiled , it turned out to be his sister with multiple wounds , several wounds and deep cut , her beautiful face & her body was almost burned up , it’s difficult to even identify her , he almost collapsed in his place , he doesn’t know the reason why did god did this with him , he just can’t be without his sister , it’s truly hard for him , it’s almost 15 days after he saw her in such state , he saw his parents talking , he ignored them as he is not so interested in anything to listen and turned into a introvert of her death , but he heard his sister’s name in between their talks and heard their conversation which stated that his sister was actually tortured by his  father’s boss rival men whom treated her soo bad and few people raped her too , and that , they planted bombs to kill his family , his blood boiled , his heart is filled with vengeance & rage , he locked himself in the room for several days , when one day , he went to kitchen to drink some water when he heard sounds of gunshots & some loud screams he secretly watched hiding behind the wall ,
His parents were stabbed to death by some cruel people , he ran from there as they started checking for him , he landed in a temple , he sat on the steps and thought about his life , he never thought that his life would take such a tragic & drastic turn and ge must be left alone like this , tears are Not left with him to cry & went out his pain in the form of water , he heard those people say that his father was a mafia and the right hand of one of the biggest underworld don , and they thought to kill him & his family as that could weaken his father’s boss strength & capability , when a couple came across him , they asked him why was he sitting here all alone ?, And he told everything , although he was not interested in telling them about but still he felt a motherly feeling with the lady , they felt bad for him and thought to bring him home , the couple were uma & ajay , ishani was not at all interested from the very start but her parents stood for him and there is no way for her rather than to agree with them , vansh tried to be close to him , as he got to know about him from his parents , somehow after a lot of efforts & attempts they became soulie brothers , siya was not so close to him but still they are good friends and not like ishani….

Present …..
Morning 9:00 am
” Ridz….. ” Gayu pleaded with her eyes
” Gayu…. I told you that I have forgiven you already , then why will you drag this matter ?? ” Riddima asked a little angry
” It’s Raksha bandhan today yaar ….”
” We have to forget all the bitter memories today and could lead our life just like before ” riddima said smiling
( Now don’t ask how did raksha bandhan came soo early )
” Bhaiyya …. What was my gift ?? ” Ishani asked quite excited
Their birthdays & the raksha bandhan , her brother will always shower his sisters with gifts , and ishani likes to drench in that rain
” It’s a surprise … When we will reach home… You will get it ” vansh said for which ishani gave a irritated face
” Have some patience girl ” dadi said her
( Note : Flipper dadi made amends with her grand daughter in law )
Angre & vansh are busy working and discussing some office matters when riddima entered and stood in front of angre and asked him
” Could you extend your hand ?? ”
” Yah sure …. But why bhabhi ?? ” He asked quite confused
” Just extend it first , I am not asking your whole property and money , bank balance to be named mine ” she said irked off by his questions
” Ok ” he said and forwarded his hand , she instantly wrapped a ‘ Rakhi ‘ around his wrist
” Know something ?? …. When I was a little kid …. I saw my classmates and friends tie rakhi to their brothers , but I doesn’t have one that day , and then only I took an oath that , in future , I will surely find one , who will understand me , trust me , and will stand by me , love me like no body does , not even my already parents , nor my friends , family & even my soulmate does , and I found one ” she said
Angre don’t know what to react , his happiness has no bounds , he got one more sister , in the form of her , he felt literally sad when he had no one for himself , but he then realized that ,
” If god steals something important to you , he just wanted to give you something far more better , indeed best”
When he found uma & ajay , he felt a ray of hope , vansh , his best friend cum brother cum everything is whom someone he loves the most , and no matter he shouts at him or angry at him too , he just want to see him happy
” Say to your wife , the love of your life that , not to misunderstand our relation , she does contain a lot of theories in her mind just like her brother ” she said and smiled
” Yah sure …… But I doesn’t feel she will listen to me , because a dog’s tail doesn’t get straight no matter what ” he said and they both laughed
Past :
” What ?? What the hell are you talking??”
Ajay yelled at one of his trusted man , as he told him about the news of his right hand Rakesh’s death ( angre’s father )
As he went to his house , it’s almost burnt up , but few of the neighbours who saw the house getting burnt immediately
Dialled to firefighters ( or something ) , and the house is not completely burnt up
They contacted police and as they investigated the house , they found only two bodies , so ajay decided to check on where is angre ,
Although he wanted to save him and bring him home , he doesn’t wanted angre to think he was showing sympathy but he wanted to take him home as his another son , so he just played a drama
And later on brought him home ….
( I hope your doubt was cleared ) any else doubts ?? Then just comment it down , I am here to clarify
” Oh my god ….. This was soo funny ” siya said pointing towards a pic in the album
She called riddima , to have a glance on the album , as she is getting quite bored
As they are going through , they come across a pic , in which , vansh who was about 18 or 19 yrs old , he was blowing candles , while all others are clapping
” Is this vansh’s birthday pic ?? ” Riddima asked siya for which she just nodded ,
” After papa’s death , he never celebrated his birthday , as he got his dead body as his birthday gift ” siya said , although it’s not so clear , riddima observed her eyes turning watery , she instantly hugged her , while siya bursted out crying ,
” That’s ok ….. Completely ok ….. You have the right to cry , in fact , if you cry that doesn’t mean that you are weak , it’s just you are venting out your feelings as there is no one to tell about your misery ,
Crying gives you peace and you feel relieved ” riddima consoled her
Riddima was pacing back and forth , thinking ways to make him celebrate his birthday again , he is her everything , how would she make him fall in some deep pain which he can’t pass through out his life , he want him to fight him any how
” Okay…… Its time , I am left with only 4 hours of time , I must do it fast ” she thought to herself determined
She decorated their room , she requested angre to make him busy , so that she will decor the room within that time
He entered in the room , it’s almost near to 12:00 am , as he entered , he found the room well decorated according to his likings ,
Heart-shaped Balloons attached to the wall upside , rose petals scattered on the floor , few of his unforgettable memories are hanging on the wall like a chain , candles hanging on the chandelier and on the corners , the gazing moon light filled the spaces of room , etc etc …..
” So….. How is my ….. SURPRISE ” Riddima exclaimed from behind
He turned towards her , she is smiling wide like a kid , ” what is this for ?? ” He questioned
” Why will you always turn on that SHERLOCK HOLMES mode of yours ?? ”
She spoke with a pout , why can’t he just be some sweet
” I just wanted to know ” he said reasoning
” Ok ok …… I will end your curiousity , it’s because ….. ” The clock turned twelve
They heard crackers firing outside ,
” Check it outside , you will get your answer ” she said and he went outside the balcony and saw the sky shining with colorful words ” HAPPY BIRTHDAY ” , she shouted on top of her voice saying happy birthday wishing him
He turned towards her , looking quite serious , her smile vanished instantly by his look ” ok ok ….. I am sorry , I know that you won’t like to celebrate your birthday , but I wanted you to come out of your past , now don’t say I am interfering in between your personal matters , …. You see , I am not that free to poke my nose in useless matters ”
” Do you think I will forget everything , that happened to my papa ?? ” Vansh asked her
” And do you think everything will be solved if you won’t celebrate your birthday ?? ” Riddima retorted back
He sighed , ” look vansh , if you think that , your father will be happy seeing his son not celebrating his birthday just because of him , then you may not ” she said firmly
” Vansh ….. If few people are born on a day , few people die , it’s common in this planet , that doesn’t mean , if your birthday occurs on good friday or black day , you won’t celebrate your birthday ”
” If someone else murdered your father , why will you take up that blame on your head by not celebrating your birthday ??”
” Fine….. If you still don’t want to celebrate … Then that’s completely ok ”
She said
A notification buzzed , from gayu
She was leaving the room , when he asked
” Where are you going ?? ”
” To hell , and have a romantic dinner date and second show movie with a sinner ” she spoke sarcastic
” What ?? ” He asked confused
” Varna kya hai ?? , I am going to gayu , to have a movie night ” she said and left the room , not before slamming the door
And vansh left there like ‘ GAZAB BEIZATTI ‘
The next morning , in riansh’s room ,
She woke up and found herself in their room , she scrunched her eyebrows , she rubbed her eyes to see if it’s true or its just an illusion
She saw him standing at the dressing table adjusting his suit ,
” Vansh ” she said a bit loud
” Hmm…. ” He replied casually
” Why am I in our room ?? , I was supposed to be in gayu’s room right ?? ”
She asked him
” If so , then maybe you have walked in your sleep ” he answered
” Ok , it may , but how would I correctly come to our room only ?? … It’s possible that I may enter someone else’s room too ” she said
” Then maybe you have missed me and felt sorry for your behaviour and thought to come to our room and sleep ” he said combing his messy wet hairs
” Huh….. Scared cat ” she said frowning
” And who is that so called scared cat ?? ” He said turning towards her
” Who else ?? It’s you ” she said
” Me ?? And scared ?? ” He said in disbelief ” Vansh Raisinghania scares someone to death , but he was not scared by anyone and not even death ”
He said with a pride filled voice
” Then why can’t you say that you are the one who brought me here ?? ” She said
His smile vanished , ” hmm…. ?? Answer”
She asked for answers
” I know you can’t sleep without me , just like a baby can’t sleep without his mumma , a little girl can’t sleep without her favourite toy or teddy , a alcoholic without having a drink before sleeping ”
” An addiction of a person is more dangerous and powerful than smoking , drinking and drugs addiction ”
She said a Matter-of-fact
” Ok ….. I agree , I brought you here yesterday when you are asleep , I don’t know how could you sleep so peacefully after leaving me alone ” he said
” Leave that stuff….. Tell me if you would like to celebrate your birthday atleast now or wanting sleepless nights without me for a week ” she said her demands
” You are sounding quite rude … ” He said with a pout
” I know I am , but I have no other way ”
She said crisscrossing her hands across her chest
” Ok…. I agree ”
” Great then ” she said and left to freshen up ” I have no other way , moreover , I decided it yesterday only ” he said and left the room
” Vansh….. ”
” Can’t you just be some patient ?? ”
She asked him irritated by the dialogue he is repeating like google
” Mr.Sabar ka devta …. Have some patience , we are almost near to our destination ..” ….. ” And there we go , we have arrived at the place ” she spoke
She came out of the car , and opened his door and led him outside , after parking the car , she took him with her
Surrounded by waterfalls & nestled in not so dangerous dense forest filled with lush greenery , flowers emitting soothing fragrances and serene winds with a slight cold breeze , there is a small yet cozy glass house
( We have a great relationship with the word ” Glass House ” )
She unfolded the black cloth tied to his eyes , and he saw the most beautiful view in his life ,
” You see , sometimes , not the royality , costly things and luxury life gives satisfaction , but the small things which are priceless and give us extreme happiness ” she said ” I was bored by the interior of our mansion , although it looks luxurious , but doesn’t give any homely feeling buy something like mysterious , I missed this glass house , which has many memories”
She added
” Let’s get in …. ” She said and dragged him inside ,
As they entered , the walls of hall are hanging with handmade decors , there is a sofa with heart-shaped red colour cushions , there is small table with desks and on top of is a handmade colourful basket was kept , white colour curtains ,
Etc etc ,
” Ok then , let me show you our room now ” she said and was about to go when he asked ” did you decorate this all ?? ” He asked ” yah yah , actually , years back , our school planned a trip to goa , then I , gayu , sejal and tanya together bought this house from an grandpa ”
” And yah , I informed about us going outside , so no worries ” she said
( I doesn’t want that dadi to interfere in between their quality time alone , soo )
He freshened up and changed into a black shirt & pant , they sat in the wooden swings which have held to the wall by a rope in the balcony , as the  heavy and sharp air hit them , the wind chimes sounded with twinkles of joy ,
She stood up and went towards the small table and took the book placed on it in her hands , he pulled her in his arms seizing the opportunity ,
” So…. Where are you ?? ” he asked
” Halfway through the book … Let me read it down ” she said and flipped the pages
” The droplets of rain started to shower the ground of the earth , he looked at her who was drenched , her curves are perfectly visible as her crop top turned wet , he pulled her closer , as desires evoke in them , he kissed her ” riddima read out and instantly closed the book
” It’s wrong book to read ” she spoke sighing
” No… It’s wrong time to read ” he said in a mischievous voice
” Anyways , I am leaving , to change ” she said getting up from his arms , and in a fraction of seconds , she disappeared not wanting to get into his clutches
As he entered inside the room , it turned out to be a beautiful sight , lamps hanging upside , the chandelier decorated with diyas , candles arranged in each and every corner of the room , fairy lights decorated on the wall , when he got the glimpse of her , she was decked up in a black saree , with silver jhumkas , and was litting up the candle on the cake , she looked at him smiling ,
” Soo…. How is it ?? ” She asked him
” Did you like it ?? ”
” No … ” He said , her happy face turned into a frown
” I loved it ! ”  He added , for which her face enlightened in happiness
” Now come soon …. It’s going to be 12.00 , you must cut the cake , I specially made it for you , yours favourite , chocolate cake ” she said quite excited like a kid
After cutting the cake , he fed her the first piece , she took another piece and applied it on his cheeks , started laughing at his cute sight , he too did the same , she started running , he is behind her trying to get hold of her ,
” Aa…. ” He screamed a little getting hit by table , concerned , she rushed towards , made him sit on the bed , and asked ” are you ok ?? ” , He instantly pushed her on to the bed , ” yes , of course ” he said winking at her
” You are acting till now ?? ” She said horrified ” any doubt ?? ” He asked
She pushed him , and was about to run away , when he got hold of her , hugging her from behind , he nuzzled his nose on her neck , peppering some wet kisses on her sweet spot , he made her look towards him , and kissed her , but before it goes deep , they heard the sharp whisper of a thunder,
” Omg ! It’s gonna rain vansh ” she said enthusiastically
” So ?? ” He questioned
” Try to be some romantic hubby , I am gonna camp outside ” she said and was about to go , when he held her back ,
” No… You may catch cold ” he refused
” Common …. Don’t be like typical indian moms , don’t worry , I will be safe ”
” You and safety ?? ” He laughed
” Just like north and south poles ” he added ” you just can’t take care of yourself ” he said confident
” Vansh ….. Did I said I will take care if myself ?? ” She said voice filled with mischief
“Then ?? ” He asked confused
” You are the one who will take care of this magnet of troubles , the great VR ”
She said and laughed like a child
” Remember , how many times you saved me ?? Likewise , this time too ” she said and ran outside ,
He hit his head with his palm for her antics , but a smile appeared on lips , no matter how careless she is , he is gonna protect her , no matter how irritating ang stubborn she is , he is gonna love her , just for her uniqueness
The next morning , they wake up and after freshing up , leave back to the resort ,
In riansh room
At afternoon , vansh is working on his laptop , when vyom enters and asks
” Can I have a talk with you vansh ?? ”
Although vansh was way too much angry on him , sensing the politeness and genuinity in his voice , he nods his head
” I would like to make amends with you , I know I committed many sins , but can’t we be friends again ?? ” Vansh felt like not to believe him so easily , but he felt like trusting him , and become his friend again , they hugged each other
Vyom looked at someone and winked at the person …..
Something is fishy for you guys ain’t it ??
Let me clarify
Vyom remembers something
Flashback :
” How dare you , did you spy on me ?? ”
” Nah , not at all , I have my own ways to know everything ”
” Riddima , we would make a deal again , give me all information about him , I promise you and your family will be safe from everything ”
” Don’t try to be over smart shunya ji , you can’t befool me , you confessed yourself the whole truth ” she says remembering spiking his drink , and making him confess his future plans to destroy her hubby
” And yah , have a look on this video too ”
She said showing him a video on her mobile
Video : vansh enters vyom’s house , he blackmails his wife and daughter to tell where is the black box , they say they doesn’t anything such kind , he leaves from there , when a person in black hoodie enters inside , he takes out his mask , revealed to be some person who is a rival of both vansh and vyom , he asks them where is the black box , they say they don’t know , he shoots them both , and ignites fire to the house and leaves from there
Vyom is shocked to get to know the truth , that vansh is not the one who killed his love and child
” So what’s now ?? Atleast now try to mend things between you both and stop thinking that he must compromise and say sorry first , if he wanted to say sorry , he would have been in first place to clear the differences between you both and right now you both have been best friends but nah he is bit too much egoisitc ”
Vyom thought you get back to be his friend , and he was winking at ridz actually , so no more doubts guys
Everything set well , aryan somehow thought to leave house and become something and return back ,
Vyom somehow tried to win over siya again , and at last our favourite glimpse
The same letter scene happened , and riansh left the family to have a new life…
Sorry for such ending , anyhow , it’s just a short story , sorry for those people who wanted a continuation ,…..
Gonna make a comeback with a mystery story , hardly contains romance , if you are interested , you may have a glance on it , sayonara !!
Thank you for showering lots of love on my story although it’s so so types ,
Last but not least ,
Angre : actually , the murderers of my parents are given a torturous death long back by me , so don’t worry dear #davendarshar
How’s it , not soo good isn’t it ??


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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