Fan Fiction

Gods Most Beautiful Gift SIBLINGS-Episode 11


[Ranveer came to oberoi house as Abhay called him to talk about the Kapadia murder case. Mr.Kapadia’s son,Ravi was murder a month ago by Dhanish Saini a politician’s son. Abhay and Ranveer had been discussing the case over half an hour now]

Abhay:[Abhay was sitting on couch of his room and Ranveer was standing across the tea table] I to talk to Neha

Ranveer:[Ranveer gave him an exparated look and said in irritated voice]Didn’t you listen anything I said.Neha charged Ravi with s*xual assault and said that her boyfriend Dhanish killed him to save her and her father has her under legal protection you can’t talk to her

Abhay:[Abhay got walked to Ranveer and stood in front of him and said in calm voice]I agree I can’t talk to her while she is in protection but you can.You are ACP working on the investigation that gives you authority to interrogate her.[Abhay paused for a moment and looked at Ranveer and said]So ACP I suggest you get back to work

Ranveer:[Ranveer smiled and said while walking out with Abhay]You know Abhay I like it more when you’re not in you lawyer avatar,because your that side is so practical that you forget not everyone is a lawyer to understand you[Abhay and Ranveer leave Oberoi mansion leave for their respective work]


Abhay:[there was knock on Abhay’s door]come in[Amaya entered Abhay’s cabin.Abhay was little surprised to see her he thought she wouldn’t talk to him until a week more but she came in and sat on chair across Abhay’s table in front of him]

Amaya:[Amaya sat but she didn’t said anything since she had entered that made Abhay worried as he could visible she was sad.Amaya drank water kept on table and took a deep breathe she looked at Abhay and said in as much as casual tone possible]Veerji can we just talk for some time just brother and sister having completely normal talk[Abhay was confused and worried but he nodded in yes let Amaya talk all she wanted to]I am sorry I shouted at shouldn’t have done that but I was angry at myself I told Dev to wait but truth is I wanna marry him so badly that it was so hard for me to tell him but I want to respect dad’s word.[Amaya took out a diary from her hand bag and handed it to Abhay and said]read the second last page of this[Abhay took the diary he recognized it.It was his father’s personal diary he opened second last page.It was the entry of day before their father died he started reading Abhay had fight with his father that day the fight was described from his father’s point of view after the endline was written “I would want Abhay to marry first and I am pretty sure my wife would have wanted it to because thought of leaving Abhay alone on his own scares me” Abhay had a layer of tears formed it his eyes he closed his eyes and lean back on his chair Amaya was looking at Abhay with teary eyes Abhay got up came near Amaya who was still sitting Abhay gave Amaya a hug and kissed her head]I miss him

Abhay:[Abhay said in low and sad voice] I miss him too.

[Abhay and Amaya went to Oberoi mansion together Amaya said sorry to everyone for leaving rudely they had lunch and everyone went back to their work]


Shivaay:[Shivaay was about to leave for his office after lunch he called Gauri to give her instruction about too look after Anika]Gauri take care of Anika please she has to take her medicines in one hour and I am sure she is gonna act like a kid but make sure she takes it and don’t let her do any work and i know that she gonna ask for work to do[Shivaay paused to think further but Gauri completed his set of instructions]

Gauri:[Gauri said in a cheerful voice]don’t worry bade bhaiyya I will send her to Dadi.Dadi will engage Jiji in something and also I will make sure she takes her medicine on time [Shivaay thanked Gauri and said bye to her as Shivaay went Omkara came to Gauri]

Omkara:[Omkara put arm around Gauri’s shoulder they both turned around and walked towards stairs]Gauri I am thinking you know[Omkara paused]

Gauri:[Gauri knew Omkara was going to say something mischievous she asked in suspicious tone]what exactly are you thinking Mr.Artist?

Omkara:[Omkara cleared his throat and said]I was thinking about the baby you know when Shivaay and Anika bhabhi’s child will be born he or she would need someone to play with him so[before Omkara could complete Gauri said]

Gauri:[Gauri replied in jovial tone]yes,and the child will have Priyanka’s child to play with him that’s good,isn’t it?

Omkara:[Omkara was annoyed the way Gauri was teasing him as Gauri knew what he was trying to say]Yes,that’s good but it would be great if he has someone who stays in our house all the time like our baby would[Omkara and Gauri reached at stairs Gauri smiled and started climbing stairs]

Gauri:[Gauri turned back from halfway and said to Omkara]Your idea is good and I will think about it[and Gauri leaves to see Anika.Omkara was relieved as he was able to talk to Gauri about starting a family]

RUDRA AND BHAVYA’S ROOM[Scene parallel to Omkara and Gauri’s scene]

[Bhavya told Rudra that she wishes to start a family with him but Rudra wasn’t ready to be a father.They were arguing over the topic but not in loud voice]

Rudra:[Rudra was sitting on bed with his legs folded and Bhavya was standing in front of him]why is it hard for you to understand that I am not ready yet I myself I am child and you you are asking to take a responsibility of child,come on Bhavya[Bhavya was irritated by having this argument]

Bhavya:[Bhavya took a deep breath and tried to explain her point of view to Rudra]Rudra, please try to understand maybe you are a kid but having child will help you grow up too.As you take responsibility of a child you will become a more better person than you are now

Rudra:[Rudra was now irritated by hearing and saying the same thing over half an hour Rudra got up and said to Bhavya in a angry tone]Bhavya why are you forcing me to do something that I don’t  want to.[Rudra calmed himself down he put his hands on Bhavya’s cheeks and said] I get it that want to have a baby but I am too young to be a father.

Bhavya:[Bhavya says in hurtful voice and teary eyed]well then maybe you shouldn’t have married a woman who is 4 years older than you[Bhavya leaves the room crying Gauri was  coming from stairs and sees Bhavya and goes after her]


[Abhay knocked on the door Dadi asked him to come in he came in and stood in front of Dadi]

Abhay:[Dadi was sitting in armchair in her room]Dadi I am sorry about the way I and Amaya are treating this family today when Amaya and I reconciled she just accidentally reminded me of something that I should have never forgotten but now that I have remembered it I will never forget it again

Dadi:[Dadi realizes that Abhay is speaking all out of emotions that are running through his mind]Abhay this are emotions that are speaking not you

Abhay:[Abhay sat down kneeling in front of Dadi and said]Maybe,yes they are emotions speaking but I want to embrace my emotions I want to embrace my father’s will for me.Dadi when we left the Oberoi house we didn’t live in house as big as Oberoi house but we were happy family though but when maa died a distance grew between me and Dad all we ever talked in common about was Amaya and about my academics that’s it apart from that I barely remember any talks between us and one night Dad was seeing a old family photo from his childhood and telling Amaya about everyone in family.I don’t it was anger or rage but I said to Dad “It’s better to not have a family than having one that stabs you in the back” Dad got up and slapped me in front of Amaya he never do anything that would scare her but that night he didn’t care about he was so angry by that comment but when he came to say sorry to me about slapping me.That was the first time after maa’s death i saw Dad crying he said “Family is a boon that few lucky ones get and when you get it you embrace every part of it even when it turns into a curse it I want you to promise me something Abhay” I nodded in yes and he said “When our family welcomes you back you will never turn your back on them,promise me” I promised Dad and I wish to fulfil my promise and this is the first step towards it[Abhay hands Dadi his father’s diary and says]This diary is the closest memory of him to us and he would’ve loved us to share this with you[Dadi took diary in her hands and looked at it teary eyed]


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