Fan Fiction

My Gorgeous Bride (RagLak-SS)- SHOT 4

hi guys this is soundari.. thank you so much for your valuable comments in the last part..i’ve replied to everyone.. next part will be the last part.. hope you like it..

Recap : swara explains to ragini about her past. Her crush. Her drug habit, and everything. swaRagini united together conspires and hands over rajat to the police . Rajat swore to avenge for the insult. swaLak marriage. Swara missing.

Ragini snatches the letter from sumi and started reading it. It was addressed to her.
Dear ragini,

I know this will be a shock for you as well as maa, papa, dada, dadi, laksh and everyone. U already know everthing about my past and we have successfully trapped rajat too. But I’m sorry ragini I have to do this as I once again got addicted to drugs. Do you remember me saying about doctor warning me about drug habit? Yes I’m once again addicted to it and now I can’t able to overcome it. I can’t live without drugs. I tried a lot to overcome it but I couldn’t. As you said I don’t have the guts to inform my condition to laksh too. Please ask him to forgive me if he could. I once again visited rajat as he is the only person who can provide me with drugs . I visited him at police station and he accepted to give drugs to me on certain conditions and the first and foremost is to ditch laksh at mandap and the next is to free him of all the charges . I have did whatever he has asked me to do. Now finally he promised me to provide with drugs whole life but he wants me to be with him. I know whatever I have did and whatever I’m gonna do is the biggest sin and a disgrace to our family. But I don’t have an option ragini. I can’t able to live without drugs. Please forgive me ragini..i’m going..please forgive me…

Ragini felt as if the ground beneath her started shaking. She couldn’t even breathe properly. Seeing her condition sanskar immediately holds her to support her. He takes the letter from her hand and started reading it loudly while ragini stood there like a statue. Everyone looked shocked and accused at ragini. Ragini could not able to hold their glares and bends her head shivering.
Shek : yeh sab kya hai ragini? What kind of joke is this? What swara written about drugs and all? Who is this rajat? What did you both do? What the hell you both hid from us?
He holds her shoulder tightly and demands for an explanation. He was hurting her and about to slap her but someone holds his hand in middle.
Yes it’s our ragu’s laksh.

Lak : uncle , what is this? First let her explain what happened. Then we can sort it out.
Shek : what you are saying laksh? My one daughter ran away ditching you in mandap and my other daughter who is with her in all her crimes is standing here like a statue and still you are supporting her.
Lak : yes uncle I’m supporting her because everyone has their own point of view and their own situation which forced them to do certain things. I very well know about it. I myself was in that situation once. So I want to give ragini a chance. I believe on her . I want to hear the truth from her..please..

Laksh with broken voice..
Lak : ragini.. I know I have hurt you a lot.. but if this is some sort of revenge by your sisters then please stop it as it’s killing me… please explain everything whatever happened..
Laksh teary eyed,

Lak : please say that it’s a bad joke and bring swara here . please I beg you..
Ragini felt like a part of her was being killed on seeing her love in this condition. She suffered all the pain only for him.. she sacrificed her happiness, her love, her smile everything only to see him happy. But now the same love is standing in front of her devastated and she couldn’t able to tolerate it. It pained for her to see him like that. One side her sister whom she is very worried about right now another side her love who is continuously praying to god that it was some sort of prank. She fell down on the floor bursting into tears while dadi and sumi consoled her. After sometime she composed herself and slowly started narrating whatever happened. She doesn’t even have the guts to look at anyone around her especially her laksh.

Whole society people started badmouthing swara and her family. The maheswari parivaar looked at them at extreme anger and disgust. Sujatha keeps badmouthing ragini and her family while the whole family bent their head ashamed. There are only two people who is looking at them with different emotions . one is with pain(laksh) and another one with sympathy(sanskar). Sanskar is trying to control sujatha but she continued taunting shekhar and sharmistha’s upbringing.

Suj : what type of parivaar is this? One daughter loved some rogue and became a drug addict and ran off while the other one without any shame and guilt inorder to save her shameless sister got engaged to her sister fiancée without anyone’s knowledge. Never seen such a shameless family anywhere. Now I don’t even believe this ragini’s innocence also . what if she planned and used the situation and got engaged to laksh as he was her love?

Ragini looked shocked and teary eyed at her while laksh shouted,
Lak : bas chachi bas. What is ragini’s fault in this? She just tried to save her sister. Why are you badmouthing her?
Suj : arey laksh..don’t believe her even that swara chori seemed innocent but see what she has done?

San : bas ma bas you have talked too much. Now will you please stop it ?
In between all these commotions everyone failed to notice shekhar who fell down holding his chest. Ragini and sumi ran towards her but dadi stopped both of them showing her palm to not to come near him while both looked confused at her.

They called for the doctor and he came and examined shekhar and said that he suffered a heart attack. Everyone looks shocked . doctor advices to not to give any stress to him as it may be dangerous for him and prescribed some medicines and left the place. Ragini and sumi tried to go near him but dadi silently dragged both of them out of the room while everyone else followed.
Rag : dadi what are you doing? Please allow us to meet papa.we want to see him once..
Dadi (at extreme anger) : see him for what? For killing him? Just because of you both and that swara my son is in this condition today. You both get lost from here.
Sumi : but ma what did we do?

Dadi : chup ekdum chup. It’s because of your upbringing your daughter has brought such a disgrace to our family. Everyone is laughing at us only because of your upbringing. If you hadn’t married my beta then we wouldn’t have suffered this insult
Then turning to ragini,

Dadi : and you.. what happened to you? Where are the values that I have taught you? You also joined with that swara and started cheating your family? How dare you to get engaged to laksh without anyone’s knowledge? And to the top of that you have supported her in all her crimes. From where did you get this much courage? If u have atleast said this when you have found then this insult could have been avoided. It’s only because of you three now we are feeling ashamed to even show our face. There is no way we can able to wipe our insult so get lost from here.
Dp : there is a way

Everyone’s attention diverted towards dp and looked surprised at him.
Dp : the insult you are talking about is not only for your family but also to us . all our status and respect have been ruined because of your one daughter but it can be saved by your other daughter.
Everyone looked questioned at him while he continued,

Dp : I want your daughter ragini to marry my son laksh .
This comes has a thunder shock for everyone especially for raglaksan. Sanskar felt as if someone is stabbing him with a knife while ragini who was getting shock after shock has now even lost her voice to speak something.

Lak : papa.. what are you saying? How is that possible? i..
Dp : shut up laksh .. what are you gonna say ? that you love swara? Can’t you see what a horrible selection was yours? Because of your so called love our family is facing this insult. I agreed to whatever you have said till date but not anymore. Today whatever I say will only happen and you have to listen to me at any cost.

Laksh couldn’t argue anymore has whatever he said is true and all are in this condition only because of him. So he simply shut his mouth as he doesn’t have strength to fight anymore.
Dp (turning to dadi) : so what are you saying kakisa?
Dadi : what is there to say durga Prasad ji. Whatever you have said is 100% correct and I don’t have any problem with this.

Rag :pp.. pparr.. dadi..
Dadi : chup chori . don’t you want your father to be alive?
Ragini tearfully looks at her father through the window who was lying unconscious and nodded her head heavy hearted.

Sanskar doesn’t even know what is happening around. Second time he is losing his love. He stood there teary eyed but no one noticed his pain as all were busy with raglak marriage preparations.
After shekhar regained consciousness dadi explained everything to him and he too accepted without any choice.
After a lot of commotions finally raglak marriage took place

Precap : raglak life after marriage. Raglaksan in one house . will laksh able to love ragini? What happened to swara

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