Fan Fiction


“Maa mujhe lagta hai I will fail” Vikram spoke as he looked at the dark sky from his room window. “Why are you saying like this Vikky?” Sumi caressed his hair. “I don’t know maa. But I feel I won’t be able to protect my sister” he said painfully. “Hua kya hai?” asked she confused.

“She met Ansh today and was asking who he is. I mean I have to tell a lie that he is my friend’s sister’s son. And plus she is working in Raheja and Rawat firm. If someday she comes to know. I’m scared maa. I can’t lose her. Not again” said he looking at her helplessly.

“Now situation is slipping from our hands Vikky. Before she finds out from someone else better we only tell her all the truth” said Sumi. “And let her go away. No maa. I can’t” said he and walked to his bed.

“And you cannot stop the fate Vikky. If it is written that she will know the truth; she will definitely know it somehow.” she looked at him.

“Nahi maa. I will never let her know the truth at any cost. It’s a bhayyu’s promise” said he determined. “You are being stubborn” said Sumi. “If that saves my sister’s life I’m ready to be that one also” said he and a tear tripped his blood shot eyes.

“Till when you can tie her Vikram?” asked she. “Till I’m breathing” said he. She looked at him helplessly. She gave up to the situation there was nothing which could convince Vikram when it was about Ragini and she very well knew it. She just prayed this madness did not hurt either of her child.


“Oye Ragu breakfast kar le” Vikram spoke when Ragini was rushing holding her bag. “No Bhayyu. If I’m late that Khadus is gonna hang me alive” said she and bit the apple and adjusted her bag. “Who Khadus?” asked he confused. “Arrey that Dumbledore” said she and checked her bag.

“And who’s that Harry Potter inspired Head Master?” asked Vikram and chuckled. “Ahhh I should have named him Voldemort instead. Neem Karele ka combination” said she annoyed. “But who is that special edition who has annoyed my Ragu” said he placing his hand below his chin.

“Mr. Sanskar Rawat urf Dumbledore” said she and Vikram’s smile faded. “You are assisting Sanskar Rawat?” asked he as he jerked up from his chair. “Haa Bhayyu. Such a khadoos he is…” she stopped when something struck her. “Wait a minute. You know him?” asked she looking at him.

“Haa I mean he is a celebrity in business world. I have seen his photos in magazines that’s all” he reasoned. “Okay mai chali…” “Ragu” her mom’s voice interrupted her.

“I was about to correct it mom. I will go and come back” said she and rushed out of her home. Vikram stood unmoved.

“Vikky” said Sumi as she reached the dining table. “Sanky” said he and Sumi looked at him worried. “She is assisting Sanskar. What if she comes to know maa” said he looking at her. “I was scared for this only beta. We cannot change the fate. Just leave it on time” said Sumi and he looked at her blank.


“Why do you hate me so much Bappa. Every time I pray that I should reach on time you make me more late…” Ragini cursed continuously as she was entering the office. She closed her eyes for a moment and there she hit someone. “Ouch” she screamed rubbing her head. As she looked up she found Yohan.

“Maar daala… maar daala” he screamed rubbing his chest. She twisted her lips and walked further. “Now a days people don’t have manners at all. They think themselves as Queen Victoria” he said and she stopped listening to him.

“And some people don’t even know to use the available senses. Common sense tho dur ki baath hai” she said without turning. “And you have that common sense?” asked he walking swiftly in front of her.

“I do. At least better than you” she crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders. He fumed listening her. There was no doubt that he could not win her over in arguments. But still there was some bond between them. Though they hated each other or pretended that they hated fighting with each other had become the necessity for both of them.

“Yohan” Sahil’s voice interrupted the death glares they were throwing at each other. Ragini rubbed her nose huffing and Yohan walked from there.

As her eyes moved with him they fell on Sahil who was looking at his younger brother. Her heart pained with an unknown pain. She did not know what the feeling was but surely it touched her heart somewhere.

“OMG. I always do this..” she again cursed looking at the watch and rushed inside. “Ms. Asthana…” she was so right about her Dumbledore who was memorizing her name from almost five minutes.

“If you don’t see him in a minute surely you are gonna stay here tonight” said Riya. Ragini quickly placed her bag and rushed towards Sanskar’s cabin with a note pad.

She entered the cabin. “What the..” he said looking at her annoyed. “Sir you called me?” she asked taking huge lumps of air and relaxing her fast thumping heart. “No I was just testing are you dumb” said he annoyed. “Okay” said she and turned to leave. “Stop” said he and she stopped and turned to him.

“You are seriously dumb or you hit your head somewhere” he asked her confused. A sharp current ran through her senses and the moment went blank. Her head span for a bit of second. And she held her head feeling the sharp sensation.

Sanskar looked at her concerned and walked to her. Something drew him to her. The stone Sanskar Rawat felt such feeling after years. “Ragini” he held her and prevented her from falling. “Are you okay?” he asked as she was opening her closed eyes.

“I..” she struggled to talk. He nodded his head and lifted her and placed her on the sofa near by. The coffee cup in Tarun’s hand fell when he witnessed this through the glass walls of Sanskar’s cabin.

Everyone’s gaze moved to him and he smiled sheepishly at everyone. His action did a benefit of dragging everyone’s attention and no one witnessed what happened inside Sanskar’s cabin.

Sanskar rushed to his table and brought the glass of water. He knelt in front of Ragini who was sitting holding her head and offered the glass to her. She drank the water and returned him. He placed it on the small table beside and bent his head a bit.

“Are you okay?” he asked again. She just nodded her head. “You don’t look so” said he  and got up. “Let me call the doctor” said he and she held his hand to stop him. That touch was something special in it. His senses felt he was craving for the touch from ages.

He had been missing this touch from so many years. His heart felt in his mouth. “MB..” a small girl’s voice ringed in his mind. He felt all his emotions had exploded then only. He wanted to cry but his tears were dry.

He wanted to smile but his lips were to rigid to curve. Only his heart was expressing itself and his brain was numb. It could not understand anything. Nothing at all. Why it felt home. Why her touch brought in life all his dead emotions at a go.

No answers for any question. “I’m fine” her voice brought him out of the virtual world he was in. He composed himself and turned to her and she left his hand. “Use some brain. Oh haa….. how did I forget that aliens had taken it for experimenting” said he acting strict.

She fumed as she got up. “At least I had a useful brain better than an empty skull like yours” said she. “You know you will be fired for that statement” he said crossing his arms.

“I do then even I don’t want to assist someone so dominating. I will get a better boss. But you Mr. Dumbledore I give you curse that your assistant will be the female version of Mr. Bean” said she shrugging her shoulders.

“And that’s a bouncer” said Kavya who just entered Sanskar’s cabin and heard Ragini. “Kavi…” Sanskar stopped midway. “I mean Ms. Singhaniya. Don’t tell me you also have forgot manners to knock a door before entering the cabin” said he with the stiffness back on his face.

Kavya was numb for a moment hearing him calling her pet name again after years. But her happiness had a very short time span as he was back to his skin of toughness. Ragini could feel the pain in her eyes.

“Oh Mr. Manners ke King Burger. You learn manners first. Who screams their assistant’s name? Then why do we have intercoms. When you expect people to have manners you should also showcase them. What do you…” she was continuously talking and Sanskar fumed and closed her mouth with his hand. She was still mumbling.

“Sanskar” Kavya looked at him horrified. “And you Ms. Badbad. This is last warning for you. If you talk to me in this tone again don’t think I will just let you go from here. The person whom I want to torture they will remain in my life until I want them to be. And this no one can change. And I’m serious” said he and pushed her a bit.

“Sanskar” Kavya screamed as she held Ragini and prevented her from falling. She breathed heavily for some seconds and looked at him.

“And if I want to annoy a person I will chase them till heaven or hell. And Mr. Dumbledore you don’t suit heaven so let me make it hell for you. And I’m serious” she smirked looking at him.

She flipped her hair back and walked out of the cabin. Sanskar closed his fist with anger and fumed looking at her. Kavya saw his eyes turning blood shot. The cold heart was melting though with hate but it was making Sanskar to feel.

Being his best friend she did not needed ages to recognize it. She looked at Sanskar who walked back to his chair and started his work.

She walked to her cabin without expression. She was not in a state to react. One side she was happy that at least for a second Sanskar remembered their friendship and on the other side she was worried for Ragini as she know Sanskar’s anger.

She looked at Ragini one last time before entering her cabin. She had held her head and sat bending it. She lifted her head combing her hair with her fingers. There he stood in front of her and all the tensions of her head vanished in a second and her lips formed a huge smile spreading it till her ears and making her eyes shine with glitter.


I’m really sorry for being so irregular.

My typing speed has also reduced as I have typed after so many days. Will try to meet you guys soon.

Hope you liked the story.

Do let me know if you are finding the plot similar to season one.  I really feel that somewhere Im just repeating the track.


Wattpad id: Sally_blr. You can find my other stories on Watty. Torture ki dukan. Haa that's what I'm called.

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