Guns and Roses #Riansh (Immj2) Episode 9

Thanks for you support and comments…….person who gifted bouquet will be revealed in upcoming episode…..keep reading my ff and don’t forget to drop a comment….

Episode starts……

(Vansh to himself : who is he……why he is calling her his love….is she also loves him…..was she in a relationship before our marriage…….)

Vansh to Ridhima: who is he????

Ridhima : I don’t know…

Vansh : wow!!!!!!! You are someone’s so called love…..and you herself don’t know……what are you hiding?

Ridhima : nothing vansh……serious I don’t know who is this….. give me chit….


Vansh (jealous): if you don’t know then through it out….why you are asking for chit……

Ridhima : just give me…..may be I recognize the handwriting…..

(Vansh to himself….she is very much interested in this bouquet… Why she not told me that she love rose flower….I would have bought a rose house for her…….)

When ridhima saw handwriting….she was shocked….she started sweating.,,..

Vansh : what happened????

Ridhima(panicking) : nothing (making herself ready to answer him)….it is….it is from…..

Vansh (impatience): it is from….

Ridhima : SEJAL…..

Vansh ; yes I remember….. your best friend…. Sejal…..

Ridhima : ya…..she is always use to do things like that……irritate me….poke me ….and make me my fun….

Vansh : who else is your friend?

Ridhima : 3-4 are there….but not like sejal…..

Vansh : OK…are they female or male????

Ridhima: friend are friends… doesn’t matter that from which gender they belonging…..

(Vansh to himself : I don’t think she has any relationship…..what if she has…..)

Ridhima : vansh ….vansh where are lost…

Vansh (panicked) : nothing……you never told that you like roses……

Ridhima : there is Nothing to say….everyone love rose .,..,.OK I have work ….so I am going.

She moves out….and goes to backyard….

Ridhima : kyu aaye tum?

Person : seriously ridhima you are saying this …..what happened….you forgot our…

Ridhima : love….which love….that love whom you sent to your enemy……you never loved…..

Person : what happened to you how can you say that I never loved you….you was ,are and will my love….yes I accept that it was my mistake that I involved you in my mission and sorry for that never say that I don’t love you…..please come back to me…I am dying without you….

Ridhima : you know how much I cried for you….when I needed you and you were not there(cried)… you did to me.

Person (cried) :I am sorry Ridhima .I will never do this again…I am sorry…..please forgive me….I cannot live without you….please Come back….

Ridhima started moving from there….

Person : please don’t go….please say something…..Ridhima ( cried and come to his knees)

Ridhima went to her room..,..,.
(Ridhima : did I really forgot his love……am doing wrong….but how can I go in anyother relationship as I am married…..if I am having relationship with another person it means I am Betraying my husband….and family also……it does matter that whether I love him or not….

Heart : wow ridhu…what a emotional line ….wow…you cannot betray your husband..but you are doing same ridhu…you are betraying him….

Brain : she is not betraying…can’t you see she has refused his , his love…..

Heart : oooooh…it does mean that she is correct in each every action…..ask her why she married him….ask her if there is no genuine relationship of husband and wife so what the need of living with him….

Brain : she is living with him because……

Heart :yes tell me because…..

Brain : because….

Heart : there is nothing to say…..I tell you because she is betraying him….taking liberal use of his trust ,affection and friendship….

Brain : no she is not using him….she is living with him because he is his friend…Friend can share there house even room.

Heart : friend also share talks….is she ever talked about the motive behind her marriage……is she ever talked about that person who gifted her bouquet .is ever talked about her past love ….is she ever talked about the person who brought her in vansh’s life….)

Ridhima(shouted) : stop it both (cried ) ….for god sake stop it….(falls on the floor)

On hearing her voice vansh came out of the bathroom……when he ridhima on the floor he called her name and ran toward her….he made her rest on bed.

Vansh : what happened??? Why you were crying???and how you fell on the floor? Can you walk properly??

Ridhima did not replied .vansh sees her sad face and thought not shoot her with his questions…

Vansh : I am sorry I worried for you so I asked you but I forgot that I have right to ask anything….you take rest….
Started moving…..but ridhima held his

Ridhima : I need my friend…..

Vansh was happy but hides his happiness.

Vansh : But doesn’t look so…you never share your worries…friendship can’t be one sided…

Ridhima : Sorry (holding her ear) I really needed you….please stay by side….

Vansh : Ok (smile)….

He adjusted on the bed…..ridhima came near to him…his heart started beating at high pace…she took his hand in her hand asked him that she rest in his lap….he responded in positive.

Ridhima : you know vansh I am scared…..

Vansh (caressing her hair) : why???

Ridhima took time to reply.
Ridhima :I have seen a very scary dream which seems to come true…..this dream is killing me…

Vansh : Ridhima it is a only dream….forget about it….most important thing is that I am with……as long as I am with you nothing will happen to you… me…

Ridhima : I trust you…
(Ridhima to herself : when you get to know about me then you will leave me….one day I open my hear to you.I will tell you what the motive behind our marriage but before that there is one thing to do vansh….before this I can do anything….) She slept while thinking all this…

3 month more passed…..Riansh bond grew even more strong….They started trusting each other and started understanding even without having words with each other…..they started sharing worries and happiness.vansh also gave her a phone….

One day….

Ridhima arranging things to take bath…….vansh came from his meeting…

Vansh : Ridhima I am going to take bath..

Ridhima : No I am going….

Vansh : Ridhima its to much yaar…..I said first. So I will take first..

Vansh : But I was arranging things for bath before You came….

They rushed to bathroom to occupy first…they both entered bathroom at the same time….

Vansh : what is this Ridhima ….I so messy…You use bath later on.

Ridhima : why will I use bathroom later on…you can aslo do the same ….why you can’t use other bathroom.

Vansh : what will other think about me….the great vansh raisinghania is not allowed to bathroom that to his only….Think about my reputation Ridhima…..

Ridhima : if I will use other bathroom then what will they think about me .I am not going any where…She sit under the tap…

Vansh : Ridhima don’t waste time….leave other wise…

Ridhima : what other wise you will leave…..(laughed)

Vansh(smirks) : No sweetheart….I will do something more interesting…..

Ridhima : what???(confused)

Vansh started unbutton his shirt….

Ridhima : vansh are you made?? What are you doing?? stop it….

Vansh : No sweetheart…we can take bath TOGETHER….(removed his shirt)

she looked at his bare chest says no…..I am going .you take bath first.

Vansh : No sweetheart….we will enjoy.,…(locked bathroom door)

Ridhima : No I will use other bathroom…..You only enjoy here.,.

Vansh (teasing): what will other say if you use other one….

Ridhima : no one will say nothing….I am going….

Vansh pulled her under the shower and the shared a eye lock…..they remain lost in each other for few minutes….

Ridhima (slowly and intensively) : vansh leave I have to go….

He also came in senses and left her…….she moved from there but vansh’s eyes followed until she disappeared……

Ridhima’s phone rang…..

Ridhima : hello….why are you calling me again and again…..I told you not to call me…..

Please do comments …..

Stay safe and stay happy….

Bye….we you soon…

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