Categories: Haiwan

Haiwan 7th September 2019 Written Episode Update: Gia finds Randhir’s secretive lab

Haiwan 7th September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ansh pulls out the cords of the tank to save Randhir. Randhir fells out of the solution, but unconscious. Ansh was worried and tries to wake him up.

Gia was excited to watch her second Haiwan. It tries to attack Gia while she runs for help. Govind shots an injection towards the new Haiwan. It dies.

Ansh gives Randhir a glass of water. Randhir wakes up aggressive over Ansh that he saved him. Ansh hugs Randhir and says he was dying, his heartbeat had stopped. Randhir tells Ansh that was the secret formula, first the heart beat stops but it would have started again.

Gia asks Govind why he killed Haiwan. Govind says he was about to die himself in fifteen minutes. There are two things still missing in our Haiwan; loyalty and long life. He learnt everything from Deepak but not that single


He couldn’t find the loyalty and long life. Gia asks where we can get that formula. Govind says someone will have it.

Randhir brings Deepak’s diary to Ansh.

Gia decides to kill Ansh first. Govind diverts her from Ansh and tells her to first go to Randhir. Randhir will have the diary. Gia must do anything, even kill Randhir and take over Deepak’s company.
Ansh was annoyed that Randhir only shares half of things with him, and expects him to understand them in full. He didn’t know the heart beat would start once again. And it wasn’t any game that it could start over on its own. He leaves angrily.

Amrita sat at home with Aditi. Aditi says experts claim that these foot prints belong to any creature that is not natural, but developed. There are only two companies in Shimodra who are capable of doing so. Amrita thinks Randhir was present on both crime scenes, then jerks the idea as he can’t even handle his shoes well. Ansh comes in, gulps a glass of water and says I hate Randhir. Amrita smiles claiming nice, and offers him noodles. Amrita smiles enjoyably. She asks Ansh what had he done, but he couldn’t. She brings a bottle of candies and recalls they ate it in their childhood and Ansh always shared his candies with her. Ansh murmurs he can even share a life with her. The doorbell rings. Amrita goes to answer. It was Randhir and asks about Ansh. Amrita asks why he even fights with him then. Randhir says he can’t let his friend and girlfriend angry for long. Amrita wasn’t ready to give way. Randhir locks her outside.

In Grewal Pharmaceuticals, Gia’s brother stood drunk and claims himself and Haiwan as loser. He uses the remote control and orders Haiwan to go and attack Randhir and Ansh.

Randhir and Ansh fight with each other in the hall. Randhir asserts Ansh can’t decide on his own if he will talk to him or not. Randhir says he can’t die so easily. Ansh hits him with a cushion and says he wouldn’t have let him die as well. Randhir climbs his shoulder and asks why he is over-reacting, he has worked on the project for long now. Ansh wasted all his effort. Ansh pushes Randhir down on floor, and questions why he didn’t perform such an experiment on him. He can’t save Randhir, but Randhir can save him if something goes wrong. They still throw the cushion over each other. Amrita had jumped inside through the window. The cushion broke Amrita’s mother’s wrist watch. She was furious and runs behind Randhir. Ansh holds Amrita back. Randhir sat with noodles bowl. Amrita pulls a gun from her cup board and asks Randhir to stop this, else she will shoot him. Randhir holds her from back and teases her. He demands her to fulfil the last wish then, and give a kiss. Amrita shots on his feet. Ansh comes in and complains that two of his best friends are fighting, he should celebrate his birthday all alone. Both follow Ansh and wish him. Ansh fix a party. Amrita gets a call. Randhir brings Amrita’s mother’s watch along.

Haiwan was wandering across the streets. Ansh and Randhir were one bikes. Ansh asks Randhir how he knew where he was. Randhir tells him he fixed a tracker on his phone when he left it in the restaurant. They decide to race. Ansh’s bike doesn’t start, the petrol was empty.

Gia turns off the controller. She slaps her brother for letting Haiwan lose. She tells him she likes Randhir and wants him alive. He asks why, she has a number of friends already. Gia says Randhir is special and she wants a formula from him as well. Her brother shows her an open invitation of Ansh’s birthday party. Gia cheers.

Randhir was in lab when he gets a message from Ansh to come upstairs. Ansh was changing dress. Nisha stood outside his room. Her mother tells her to keep her focus over Randhir, and not this Ansh. She was annoyed at this. Randhir comes to Ansh’s room. Ansh takes his consent about the shirt. Randhir throws the ball towards him and asks if that’s why he called him upstairs. Ansh asks him to think like a girl, which color of shirt suits him. Randhir gets close to him. Outside, Dharam and his mother watch both guys together. Ansh and Randhir spot them and decide to have some fun. They tease the elders who leave the room at once.

Gia was going to party. Govind calls her and says she must keep her focus on red diary only and only Randhir can give her the diary. If she fails, he has plan B and Haiwan is ready to attack. Gia says they are almost ready.

In the party, Nisha comes to dance with Ansh. Randhir spots Amrita arrive with a bouquet of flowers. Randhir takes the bouquet and checks it for any gun. Amrita wasn’t ready to speak to Ansh, and says she can only bear him for today. Randhir meets Ansh and hands him the watch to give it to Amrita.
Gia Grewal reaches the party with her brother. People around gossip how she had thrown Randhir out of her party. Gia comes to Randhir. Randhir says what a surprise, if she came here by mistake or if she couldn’t resist him. Gia says she was impressed by his guts, and decided what if they become friends. Randhir poses to cheer up. Gia walks to the bar. Randhir happily says I am ready. Gia takes him to dance floor.

In a corner, Ansh gifts the watch to Amrita. Amrita was happy and says this is special for her, and he has no idea what this means to her. She spot Randhir dancing with Gia, and claims Randhir to be a shameless brat.

Randhir comes to bar and orders tonic water. Ansh and Amrita come over. Randhir forces the drink into everyone’s mouth, including Amrita. Amrita leaves the hall. Ansh complains that Amrita doesn’t drink, why Randhir did so. They run to dance floor once again. Amrita was cursing Randhir and Ansh in a corner, Dharam hears this and tries to speak to Amrita, he says Randhir and Ansh aren’t only friends. They have a Dostana amongst them. Amrita laughs and says that explains why they dance altogether. Gia hears this, and takes her brother aside. He was reluctant but Gia forces him to do something and prove himself. Gia’s brother joins Randhir on the dance floor. Randhir and Ansh shrewdly goes to bar for a champagne.

Randhir comes to Dharam and asks why he is tensed. He tells Dharam there is nothing wrong between them. Dharam was relieved, and says he told Amrita. Randhir says he will speak to Amrita about it as well. Gia’s brother runs to her and says they aren’t gays, it was a prank. Gia tells him to keep an eye on both, while she finds the diary.

Ansh joins Amrita and tells her to try spring roll. Amrita asks Ansh where his favorite is; she never knew they are so close to each other. Randhir jumps over their table, and says they have shared almost everything in their childhood. Ansh tells Randhir to go. Randhir laughs and tells Ansh that Dharam told her everything. Both breaks into laughter. Amrita says it doesn’t matter whom he likes, what matters is the person is nice. Ansh tells Amrita they are normal, there is nothing like that between them. He already likes someone else. Amrita asks who? Ansh couldn’t reply. Amrita goes to meet another old friend. Randhir had left by then.

Gia comes upstairs and asks a waiter about Randhir’s room. Gia says she has a surprise for Randhir. Ansh comes upstairs looking for Randhir. In the room, Nisha comes behind Ansh and tries to get close to him. Ansh says she is drunk, and try to get in control. He clarifies they can never connect at any level, she isn’t like Amrita. Nisha pulls his collars aggressively. Ansh leaves the room. Gia hides herself while still trying to unlock Randhir’s door while Ansh and Nisha leave.

Inside the room, Gia looks around.

Nisha stops Ansh and says her mother is right, he is dumb and blind as well. Amrita is also behind Randhir like everyone. Ansh says there is nothing between Amrita and Randhir, she hates Randhir and both talks to each other because of him.

Amrita’s friend chases her saying he has been proposing her since college days. Randhir comes to save her and takes her to dance.

Ansh clarifies to Nisha that she is only jealous. Nisha says one day, Ansh will find Randhir and Amrita dating.

On the dance floor, Amrita tells Randhir she is with him only because of that guy. She says he could have been like his father, intelligent, charming and famous as well. Their conversations would have been much better then. Randhir says his father always said these stars aren’t what they appear, by the time their light reaches us they are gone. Amrita leaves the dance floor.

Randhir spots Gia’s brother staring towards his room.

Upstairs, Gia wears scientific red glasses. Govind told her Deepak has a secret lab inside his house, but no one knows about it. Gia spots the cupboard. Randhir stood at the door and tells Gia it’s easy, just swirl it around. Gia stands with him closely, and says she heard there is a secret den in there, no one can goes inside and it’s soundproof as well. Randhir asks if she want to try. His lab is a little secretive. Gia was intrigued, and asks where? Randhir swirls the cupboard. The wall breaks open. Randhir says once his experiment is complete, he will bring the revolution. Randhir says it’s a perfume which will drive girls crazy towards friends. He sprays a perfume towards her and asks her to have some fun. Gia asks for a few minutes only, and she will be back. She turns around and hits a glass bottle behind Randhir’s head. He falls on the floor, fainted.

Ansh came looking for Randhir. Amrita tells Ansh he is with Gia Grewal in his room. Dharam told her that Gia’s father killed Deepak, but she is disgusted about Randhir.

Gia had walked towards the secret door of Randhir. Ansh comes inside the room and finds Randhir unconscious. Gia fights him efficiently and leaves. Haiwan was free on streets. Ansh drove his bike to chase Gia. Gia and Chetan stood with the control of Haiwan, while Ansh lay on the side of a road.

PRECAP: Randhir tries to contact Ansh. Ansh was hung upside down. Randhir offers Amrita to go on an event. Gia orders Haiwan to attack at exact 7 pm. She says Randhir will inaugurate the statue of his father, and there Haiwan will attack and kill him. Haiwan attacks but a Super Human comes to rescue Randhir. Govind tells Gia someone brilliantly created a Super Human.

Update Credit to: Sona

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