Categories: Hamari Bahu Silk

Hamari Bahu Silk 11th July 2019 Written Episode Update: Pakhi fills accounts forms for Baa

Hamari Bahu Silk 11th July 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Baa watches the video in Pakhi’s phone and was shocked. Later in the hall, Baa shows the video to Naksh and says had she not seen his video she wouldn’t have known about it. Naksh looks towards Pakhi while she tries to explain. Naksh explains to Baa that he ate from the tiffin Mosmi had packed. Mosmi accepts she had given him the tiffin, but he shouldn’t have eaten along with the other client’s tiffin. Their enemy company didn’t leave a chance and sent the video to media. Baa asks why he didn’t sit at a good place to eat from his own tiffin, she was tensed that she can’t bear irresponsibility. She has worked extremely hard for this business, and requests him not to ruin everything for her.

Naksh complains to Pakhi that she was the one to show this video to Baa. He returns her

phone and leaves upstairs.
In the room, Mosmi tries to calm Baa down. Baa was tensed why she shouldn’t worry, no one ever ruined her reputation like Naksh did. Mosmi convince Baa to marry Naksh and bring a bride for him, this will make him responsible. Baa appreciates her suggestion. Mosmi asks Baa if she should invite her sister Rimjhim for a few days. Baa tells Mosmi to go to her mother’s place instead. Mosmi says Mamta and Baa will be all alone and she doesn’t want to leave them alone. Baa agrees to invite Rimjhim.

Naksh tears his work and burns the photographs in dustbin. Pakhi comes to stop Naksh. Naksh says he helped Pakhi and her Ayi, but Pakhi initially ruined his dreams by telling Baa about the competition. And today she showed the video to Baa. He asks if she wasn’t the one to tell Baa about the competition. Pakhi was about to take Ayi’s name then stops. He explains it was not deliberate. Pakhi asserts she didn’t deliberately hurt him, she is his friend. Naksh replies he isn’t her friend anymore, he will only befriend his wife now. He cries that Baa is going to fix his marriage, it’s all over now. Pakhi place her hands over his shoulder and requests him to try and understand. Naksh was angry and ends everything, event their friendship.

The next morning, it was 7 am. Naksh answers the knock at his room door. It was Mosmi who had brought cardamom tea for him. Mosmi says Ketan had to go outside for work early morning, if he can pick up her sister Rimjhim from bus stand. Naksh thinks she is doing all this on purpose, then asks Mosmi if she can’t come on her own. Mosmi says Rimjhim is extremely innocent. She has taken permission from Baa. Naksh nods. He holds his camera bag and feels heartbroken. Pakhi comes to his room. Naksh dryly replies he is aware he is five minutes late. Pakhi follows him outside and shows a pamphlet showing discounts on lenses. Naksh was happy as he always wished to purchase this one; then tears the pamphlet and leaves angrily. Pakhi was curt over him as well.

Pakhi comes to the room. Ayi was apologizing the Ashram administration that she won’t be able to donate this year. Pakhi feels saddened as her Baba and Ayi have always donated for Ashram, but this year they won’t be able to pay even Rs. 500/-.

Downstairs, Baa was tensed and discusses with Ketan why the accountant is on leave. It’s the last date for submission of GST forms. Pakhi hears this and tells Baa that any accountant would take at least Rs. 10000/-. Baa offers Rs. 2000/- to Pakhi and tells her to do all the calculations accurately. Pakhi agrees, and asks Baa about kitchen work. Baa calls Mosmi.

In the room, Pakhi was doing the accounts work. Ayi turns to leave for market. Pakhi advices her to cross the road in crowd and be cautious. Ayi asks what she is up to. Pakhi tells Ayi to call Aashram and inform them they will make the payment this year as well. Ayi hugs Pakhi, while she promises to do anything for Pakhi.

Natasha discusses with Pinky and Aakash that Pakhi can do anything for her Ayi. Aakash tells her to get some brains, she already tried this nonsense. If she now plans to kidnap Pakhi’s Ayi? Natasha reminds Aakash that Kapadia wanted Pakhi on the sets when the shooting resumes. She dodge her lip gloss and decides Pinky will do the kidnapping.

PRECAP: Pakhi receives the video of Ayi’s kidnapping. She calls Natasha and warns that nothing should happen to her Ayi. Natasha keeps her condition if she wish so.

Update Credit to: Sona

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