Categories: Hamari Bahu Silk

Hamari Bahu Silk 27th August 2019 Written Episode Update: Naksh and Rimjhim’s engagement plan

Hamari Bahu Silk 27th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rimjhim comes to the room. Mosmi appreciates her acting skills and asks where it all got into her mind when she didn’t teach her.

There in the room, Naksh tells Pakhi that this was all a drama, and Mosmi must have taught her all this.
Rimjhim tells Mosmi she took a challenge when Mosmi claimed she can’t find someone as nice as Naksh. She will now only love Naksh, and Mosmi dare not call her love as a drama again.

It was there mistake, they must have told Baa all the truth about their love already. He plays the recording he had of Mosmi; and says he will take this to Baa now. Baa will then realize these sisters are a drama. Pakhi stops Naksh as there is another side of the story, she used the changed voice and made Naksh do what he didn’t want to do. Baa will be more against

her. She has to win Baa’s heart. He makes her sit, and assures they are together and will win every difficult situation.

Downstairs, Baa was elated that there was no problem in Naksh’s and Rimjhim’s engagement soon. Rimjhim tells the jeweler she wants to wear a ring that suits Naksh’s hand. She tries the ring, but Naksh was furious over it. He hands her an already worn ring to use for measurement.

Late at night, Naksh sat angry. Pakhi sat with him outside. She says Naksh has to control his anger. Naksh assures Pakhi he is confident Pakhi will soon win Baa’s heart, and be his wife. Pakhi place a hand over his arm, thanking for this surety. Naksh says when there is love, there is no fears; but he still senses the fear in her eyes. Pakhi walks away. Naksh holds her by shoulders to turn her towards himself. She places her head over his shoulder. Naksh presents her with a box. He says her silence gives him a signal; she shouldn’t be worried about the engagement tomorrow. Before his engagement with Rimjhim, they should get engaged with each other. He promises this to Pakhi and hands the ring box to Naksh. Both share an eye-lock. Baa calls Naksh inside. Naksh invites Pakhi to their engagement tomorrow at 7pm. Pakhi smiles calling him crazy. She gets a call from Natasha that she must reach tomorrow at 7pm; and no drama this time.

The next morning, Rimjhim comes to wake Naksh with her eyes shut. Ishaan wakes up senses the fire that ignited because of her Thaal. Naksh stands up at once while Ishaan throws the water over the mattress. Ishaan shouts at Rimjhim to open her eyes, she burnt his room’s mattress. Rimjhim claims this is going to be her room soon. Naksh was irritated and leaves the room.

Pakhi was convincing Natasha on phone that they can arrange a shoot earlier at 4 pm. Naksh comes to the room furious over Rimjhim. He snatches the phone from Pakhi’s hand, and asks if she has something more important to do than what they have planned at 7pm. Natasha wonders what Pakhi and Naksh are up to, and recognizes Naksh as the one who insulted her. Naksh returns Pakhi’s phone, the call had been cut; he apologizes to Pakhi. Naksh turns to leave and opens the door of the room. Baa stood outside. Naksh poses to be stubborn at once, and warns Pakhi not to be late again. Baa tells Naksh to go and prepare for his important day; she will look after the kitchen herself. Baa signals Pakhi to come to kitchen now.

In the kitchen, Baa tells Pakhi to go and decorate the house with all the fairy lights. She tells Pakhi to hang a board outside with first letters of Naksh and Rimjhim’s name. Janki comes to ask Baa for some help. Baa assigns her in decorating the temple. Everyone in the family was busy with the preparations of the function.

Rimjhim smirks while watching Pakhi. Naksh joins Pakhi and silently asks why she is doing this when she doesn’t wish to. Pakhi replies she has to do anything and win Baa’s heart. Naksh takes the pen from Pakhi’s hand, and makes a mark with henna over it. Pakhi drags her hand off his grip. Rimjhim had spotted this. and marks cuts over the script Pakhi had just completed.

PRECAP: Naksh tells Pakhi that everything will be according to plan, and he will make her wear the ring only at the Mohrat. Baa comes there and inquires what is happening, as these aren’t engagement rings.

Update Credit to: Sona

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