Dhira here
HAMARI KAHANI DevShi few shots #2
Flash back continues
She hides behind pillar from where she can see, hear and observes him
Dev was walking to and fro looks irritated
Then gang of three boys encircled him
They were teasing him and I could just hear one of them was saying that what’s was that ?
Dev – she was scared so I was helping her
All three at a time ha ha leaving your best friends to fear
Dev – it’s not like that she was not allowing me to move
Again all three ha ha we all saw who was holding whom (sarcastic manner)
Dev – (more irritated) go to hell I am going home
Other three goes behind him
While she was spying on them felt a pat on shoulder she was frightened who could be (closed eyes) turns around to find her friends
They all shower lot of questions to her she was not at listen to them she thought to follow him but could not while her friends were questions he disappeared from the sight
She was disappointed so she made some excuse and left to home only to find empty house waiting for her
She was sitting near the window and looking out side but was lost in thoughts (what happened hours ago)
She hears a shout SONA where are you
she runs into hall to find her mom (ishwari is sonkashi mom and celebrity she is actress and single parent to sona divorced with much difficulty she got sona’s custody and media is always behind her so she is very protective towards sona and behaves rudely with sona but loves her so much ishwari thinks sona is reason she is living)
Ishwari – (angry) shouts *I SAID U NOT TO GO OUT* she scolds sona very badly sona runs to her room and cries a lot after sometime she slowly slips into sleep…….. two three days pass…..(ishwari would scold sona for small things so sona frequently runs from home in Burqa to roam around in Streets) that day also she was walking on road suddenly she witness puppy leg is crushed as sona can’t see blood she fainted she was about to fall but some one holds her by waist before closing her eyes she could see dev tensed face
(After 10 mins) she comes to conscious as she felt someone was shaking her to make her conscious she slowly opens her eyes (few seconds later) she looks around to find every one are staring at her she stood up quickly dev was shocked with her move (we can see that shocked face clearly) she checks whether her face is covered or not and finds it covered she gets relieved and disappear again before leaving she takes a glimpse of dev who was wearing jeans and white t-shirt looks stunning (worried n shocked expression on his face)
She carefully enters her room to find ishwari waiting for her
Sona thinks she will kill me today but for her surprise she did not said anything
Ishwari hugs sona
Sona was surprised and happy that after so many days ishwari didn’t scold her
Ishwari calls her manager and says sona is going to Hyderabad
Sona was shocked with this
Ishwari heads towards her room
So sorry if I could not stand on ur expectations
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes
Thanks who all commented they means a lot to me I was feeling like cloud9
U all made my day
Erina someone must be there to hold the extended hand and thanks for being there and compliments
Each and every comment matters
Thanks again for the love showered by u all
?Plz post soon
Love u?
Thank you I will try to post soon
Love to dear ?
read both in one go awesomeeeeeee and update asap waiting eagerly for the next part
Thanks a lot glad you liked it
I will try to post soon
Superb….? Post soon…
Thanks glad you liked it I will try to post soon
Hey dhira how many times i would say that u r awesome writter dear……. Why r u asking for sorry. It was awesomeeeee, no need to say sorry as u stand on my expectation dear. Seriously believe me ur ff was awesomeeeee ????????????????????
By d way ur status made me to laugh when i’m at ur age i also hate to do homework???? but krna to parta hi tha ?????.. Chalo ab mujhe jana hoga so bye dear nd post soon but i’ll try to comment bcse my fav festive is started. Bye nd wishing u HAPPY DURGA PUJA
Again with loads of love
Thank you ?? n thanks for the compliment yes i have too do it no other option ?
Thank you and wish you the same dear
Tons of love to you dear
It was just awesomeeeeeeeee…….. loved it. Post soon dear. Love u?
Thank you glad you liked it I will try to post it soon love you too dear
Nice episode ????
its really good
like ur concept
post asap and long plz
Thanks I will try to post it soon and I will try to post long one
Dhira dear..it was awesome..waited for tis more..thanks for the update..loved it more..going interesting too..and superb writing dear..
Iswari sona’s mother never expectd..
Thanks dear I will try to post it soon but really busy with work sorry for making u wait
Lots of love ???
This super awesome and don’t say sorry….???
?……and one thing I already told….u got a different but superb…concept ?????
?….and now post the next soon…I’m waiting desperately as …what will happen next??
Thanks u so much overwhelmed that u love my concept I will try to post it soon but I am really busy