Kartik’s POV
What has she asked for? For me to talk to them. They’ll give me stories, and all I can do is cry over them. No I didn’t want that. I wanted truth. Which MG wasn’t capable of giving. But I couldn’t deny her now, she had already promised me she wouldn’t talk to them once I hear them out. I’ll do it, I’ll even take her, once she hears the half cooked lies of them, she’ll know what’s true. And her efforts are futile.
I agreed for the talk. She said, she’ll go and get them. I denied, and shouted, “LUV? KUSH? Come to my room.” When they did, I asked them to call their Tai ma and Tauji, they did. I had grabbed hold of her hand. I needed her their, while I listened to their lies. I would need her, because I really cannot tolerate them, holding her hand I had at least some hopes of getting this done.
They came in, more like ran in and asked, “Is she alright?” I could see her perspective. If they faked that kind of care, she wasn’t going to believe what I said. She replied, “I’m all right dad. We actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“About what?” MG asked. “About what happened to Soumya Ma.” She replied. Holding my hands between both of hers.
“Why? Why do you want to talk about it after all these years? You never believed whatever I tried to tell you before. Why now?” he asked me. I didn’t even want to talk about it yet. But I had promised my lady, so here I was. Seeing as I wasn’t going to answer, she said, “Because I asked him to, he is ready to hear your side of story.”
“Keerti needs to be here, she never asked, but even she has the right of knowing this.” His wife said. I really didn’t want Keerti to be a part of this drama, but seeing they would be feeding lies, which Keerti and I had already suspected, it was better to have her here. Naira would believe us easily if she was here.
She joined us within a matter of seconds, and asked, “What happened. Is everything alright.”
“Everything is fine. We were finally asked the question we have been waiting for both of you to ask for years now.” MG said.
“Who asked you to wait? If you were so desperately to tell it, even you could have come to us.” I replied. It wasn’t enough that we were actually asking, no he had to drive pleasure out of it, make us the culprits.
She squeezed my hand too tightly, telling me to shut up. I glared at her, I won’t shut up, not when he was here. She had already conned me into this, I won’t accept any of further demands. Not until we were out of this place.
“If you want to tell, begin now, because I don’t think any other chance would ever be available.” I said. Naira gave them a pleading look, I didn’t want her to, and pulled onto her hand. When she looked towards me, I shook my head, telling her not to beg them. If they didn’t want to do this, it was there call.
“Manish ji, I think it’s better we get done with this, this truth has been hidden for too long, let’s get this over with.” His wife told him.
“I don’t know kids, what all do you know, or even how to do this, but let’s begin.” He slumped in the chair in my room. I had never seen him do that, he was the lot poised person I had met. Even at home.
He started, “Soumya Agrawal, I met her I’m college. We had similar dreams, yes even she had everyone of them which I had. We fell in love. I loved everything about her, even her dreams. She and us together had dreamt to take Goenka Diamonds to a place where it is today, that is the reason I love business so much. It was her dream, and it’s my duty to fulfil it.”
“I would have fought with maa, for her to fulfil her dreams, she hadn’t been having you Keerti. And then Kartik came around. She gave up on her career to nurse two of her babies. You were her life then. It was all going very well, it was I thought at least. She had been deteriorating, she never told me of it. If I had known in time, if only I was able to do something.”
“Suvarna, get them.” And this lady came back with a golden box. It looked like an treasure box, little did I know, that it literally was one.
They gave me and Keerti an envelope, which had our pictures, maa and me, playing around. I didn’t even notice how hurried I was to take it in my hand. They were shivering. Tears were brimming around my eyes, threatening to flow. I didn’t care. I was sure Keerti and Naira would be the same. There was a letter too,
I wouldn’t be here by the time you read this. And don’t blame your father if he didn’t give this to you early. I had asked him to only give it, when you asked for it. Which I know you would have done when you were ready.
I’m sorry my love, I had to leave you so early. I couldn’t see you grow up, but I’m sure you would be as handsome as your father, as dreamy as him, as loving and charming as him. I don’t know how old you are but you may as well have a girl friend or wife, treat her well my son. Not that I have any doubt. I’m sure Manish would have taught you everything about it. And I hope, Suvarna is there as well, she had promised me to be your mother, I hope she has kept her promise.
My son, even if you have forgotten everything about me, I want you to remember that I loved you, Keerti and Manish dearly. And that where ever I’m I’ll always love you. And don’t blame anyone that I committed suicide, I couldn’t see myself in that state, and I couldn’t allow you kids to see me like that. Manish had insisted that we go ahead to America, but I knew it was already too late.
I love you son. Always remember that. And that I’ll always be with you. You never were and never will be alone. I believe that there is an after life, and I’ll see you there.
With love,
Your mother
Yes there was a letter, but I hadn’t read any of it yet. I was busy looking at the g’s she made, even I made them like that. Those f’s of hers had the same curve as mine. I really had aa letter. Written by my own mother. This wasn’t dream, this really was happening. I sobbed like a baby, Naira tried comforting me, rubbing my back, whispering lovely nothings into my ear. But I cried, cried my heart out. It took me three tries, to actually read anything that was written on it. To comprehend what she wanted to tell me, one thing was clear, Manish Goenka wasn’t lying all these years.
“It was lung cancer, if you are wondering. And advanced, it progresses to quickly for anyone to stop anything. By the time she knew it had already metastasised. And by the time be she told me, there was nothing to be done. Suvarna was my secretary then, she had worked out everything for going to America for her treatment. She had been denying, we fought about this daily, almost. I might have even reacted badly, and I was sorry about it too. But she didn’t listen to me ever. She said I do not want to die on foreign soil, I’ll rather die in my home. She got her wish.”
It was a buzz in my ears his talk. I understood something about lung cancer, America and her last wish. But that was all. I was too overwhelmed to take in anymore information. I simply went into Naira’s arms, cried on her shoulder, Keerti had her head on my back, even she was sobbing.
Worst of all was Manish Goenka, my father, who had faced it all in these years and never said a word, because that was my moms last wish.
Authors notes-
Sighs, did you like it guys?
This was the best guess of mine, I had a few other options, but it didn’t look that promising. So I stuck to this. What did you people think?
Was this satisfying, to the Goenka curiosity? Please all my silent readers, do comment. Let me know. I am sure, it would be even better in the story, this might even seem as a clichéd story. Tell me whatever you feel ok?
Make sure you are watching yrkkh only on star plus. Bikaner sequence has began
Keep commenting. Keep loving kaira, shivin and yrkkh.
Happy reading.
Awesome !!!
Loved it!!!
Eagerly waiting for the next!!!
Thank you! Glad you liked
Will post soon.
Very beautifully written!!
Thanx..it is a great compliment!
now plz shoe karthik n suwarna’s reunion scene after this plz plz!!
Yes sweetheart I will. Will post soon.
Wow.Very emotional episode.I like the way you’re writing the way.keep going on and waiting for next chapter.
Thank you. Glad you liked.
Keep commenting
I hope wait isn’t too long
it was outstanding…..very well written…..update soon…..can’t wait to read next one…
Thank you..glad you liked
Will post soon
Mind blowing chapter handoff to ur creativity just loved it
can’t wait for next
Pls upload asap
Thank you so much. Glad you liked
Will post real soon.
Thanx really
This was awesome story.its depressing ti be In that stage but its not the solution hope somewhere people realise with ur ff how famik suffers. good one but don’t drag this emotional story …thank u ..
I agree. Families aren’t meant to be perfect..they are meant to be together, despite of all the imperfection. I’m glad you liked. And won’t drag the emo. Will update soon.
Loved it
Post next asap
Thanx. Glad you liked. How were your exams? Still going on?
Hey it was a really emotional one but it was good!
Hi..thanx. so glad you liked
Awww this was so good.. i hope they show this part soon in the show.. btware you a harry potter or j k Rowling fan???
Thank you!
Let me guess. The same g’s? Oh yes..I’m a potterhead for life, and live Rowling to moon and back
Same here.. I have read the last book some 20 times…
Very beautifully written and I wish this problem comes to an end….. And they go for their honeymoon….. And give these surprises everyday…. Update soon
Thank you. Glad you liked
And I try sweetheart. I really do.
Beautifully presented. The emotions and the depth was so well presented. You are doing a g8 job
Thank you. Glad you liked.
Thank you so very much for your words of appreciation
Beautifully presented. The emotions and the depth was so well presented. You are doing a g8 job. Waiting g for the next post
Nice one beautifully presented….. Loved it….. waiting for next one
Thank you. Glad you liked.
Will post soon
Lovely episode the past story created was really nice keep writing waiting for next
Thanx. So glad you liked.
Won’t make you wait too much..well longer than I already have?
It’s been a day’s wait……… Soo…. Ab to next chapter post kar dijiye…… Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz….. I request you…… Plz aab aur wait nahi hota……. ????????????plz plz plz plz plz plz post it soon….
It’ll be up by the night sweety. Thank you so much for your love and patience
Thank you. Glad you liked