Categories: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 11th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Preeti’s Suggestion To Rajesh and Vimlesh

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 11th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Preeti visiting Rajjo and Vimlesh. Rajjo serves her tea. Vimlesh asks Preeti why she doesn’t visit them often and invites her for an alcohol party on weekend. Preeti says she is busy traveling with her husband and says she spends 3 days a week with her children and 3 weeks with her husband as they have only 1 life and should enjoy. Rajjo says it must be expensive. Preeti says roaming around the park and romancing behind the bushes doesn’t need money. Rajjo says even she goes to a restaurant with Happu regularly. Preeti asks which restaurant did she visit last. Rajjo says Shimla restaurant. Preeti says that restaurant closed 21 years ago and asks her not to lie. She suggests them to go to a movie with their husbands and romance in a park. Rajjo

and Vimlesh agree.

A boy confuses Malika as a boy and asks her time. Malaika asks if she can’t differentiate between a boy and a girl. He says she looks like a boy. Malaika trashes him and asks what he wants to say now. He asks another boy who says she looks like a boy. Malaika returns home sadly. Happu is busy checking on monthly expenses. Rajjo walks to him and offers paan. Happu asks if she needs anything. Rajjo asks if she can’t serve paan to her husband. Happu says he is busy in police station whole day, accepting bribe, so he thought she is bribing him for something. Rajjo acts romantic and asks if they can go to a movie and then park. Happu says movie is fine, but why park. Rajjo says they can romance in park. Happu says they can at home and how will she manage her 3 newborns if they go to a movie. Rajjo says she will manage. Vimlesh also acts as romancing Beni and convinces him for a romantic movie date.

Babuji sees Amma lying on her swing and gets happy thinking she is dead. He loudly calls her. Amma wakes up and says he ruined her dream of having an unlimited foreign liquor. Babuji says he thought she died and will meet him in heaven. Amma asks him not to be so happy. Babuji says she should go on a picnic with children. Amma says she shall go to Mumbai and enjoy on a beach. Babuji says it would be too expensive, so she should choose Kanpur itself. Rajjo and Vimlesh walk to Amma and cry. Amma asks reason. They say their mamaji/uncle is severely ill and in a hospital, hence they need to visit him. Amma permits them after much drama. They happy run away before she changes her decision.

Malaika enters Kat’s room and tries bindi on herself. Kat laughs. Kamlesh joins her. Kat says Malaika is trying bindi in a wrong way and is behaving like a girl. Kamlesh laughs. Malaika trashes him brutally until he runs away. Kat asks Malaika why she is upset. Malaika explains her what happened with her today. After some time, Kat walks to Kamlesh and asks if he can do anything for her. Kamlesh says he can bring stars and moon from sky for her. Kat asks him not to lie. Kamlesh says he is joking, but can do anything for her. Kat suggests her to act as falling in Malaika’s love to awqake Malaika’s girly nature. Kamlesh agrees after much hesitation.

Precap: Amma tells Happu, Rajjo, Vimlesh, and Beni that they shall visit a restaurant tomorrow with children. Vimlesh gets a fake call from hospital to visit mamaji soon. Dadaji tells Amma that children are fooling her.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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