Categories: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 22nd September 2023 Written Episode Update: Lord Ganesha Solves Happu’s Problems

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 22nd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Jeweler and cloth vendor visiting Rajjo and demanding her to clear their money. Rajjo says she doesn’t have any money and reminds that they were behaving too friendly when Happu was a commissioner. They say they don’t believe in charity and asks her to return their money. Amma says we don’t have money, so they can take back their jewelry and clothes back. They agree. Rajjo walks to her room to bring their stuff and returns crying that the stuff is stolen. They say they won’t listen to any excuses and demand 17 lakh rs in 2 days. Rajjo cries.

Happu visits police station and requests Reshampal to convince minister and revoke his suspension. Reshampal says he likes Happu and will speak to minister once. Rajjo continues to cry

at home. Amma taunts her for sleeping tight and not waking up when thief stole her stuff. Rajjo asks her not to taunt her now. Vimlesh walks to Amma and informs her that she is going to watch a movie named nagin bani chudail. Amma says that’s an excellent title and asks her to take Rajjo along. Vimlesh says their levels have changed and she will not take Rajjo along and feel humiliated.

At night, Amma starts drinking. Bappu scolds her for enjoying while children are in trouble. Amma says she is mourning. Happu walks to Amma and says his life has turned hell, he can’t feed his 9 children and family without salary. Amma slaps him and asks who asked him to bear 9 children. She says only Ganapati can solve their problems, so they will bring Bappa home and pray him. Happu agrees. Rajjo visits Vimlesh and Beni. Vimlesh taunts her agian. Rajjo asks her to stop taunting as she and Happu realized their mistake. Vimlesh forgives her and asks her to sit. Rajjo says she wants to perform Bappa’s pooja and needs their help. They agree and continue to joke.

Next day, Happu’s family perform Bappa’s pooja. A kid walks in and offers bag to Rajjo. Rajjo sees her jewelry and clothes in the bag. Commissioner walks in next and informs Happu that his suspension is revoked and he can join his duty back. Happu thanks him. Commissioner says he will find the thief soon who stole their stufff. Happu says there is no need for that as a kid got their bag. They all notice the kid missing and realize Bappu helped them.

Precap: Kamlesh interviews Happu and asks him who inspired him to catch dreaded criminal Shakal. Amma and Rajjo excitedly watch interview. Happu says his amma. Rajjo gets jealous and orders him to take her name in next interview. Happu takes her name.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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