Categories: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 23rd September 2024 Written Episode Update: Rajjo Upsets Amma

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 23rd September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Rajjo selling amma’s empty liquor bottles to a scrap dealer. Dealer says these costly liquor bottles, per bottle must be costing at least 3000 rs. Rajjo gets angry on Happu for wasting money on his mother’s alcohol addiction. She confronts Happu and warns him to buy a cheap 500 rs liquor for amma. Happu agrees. Amma hears them and feels disheartened.

Babuji notices Amma sad and asks reason. Amma explains reason. Babuji says her son will obey his wife and will get 500 rs liquor for her. Amma says Happu will repay the debt of her upbringing him and bring her costly liquor. Babuji challenges her.

Vimlesh insists Beni to get out of the house and search for a case as it has been 6 months since he got his last case. Beni asks her not to worry as he still has 1 month worth of savings left. Vimlesh frowns. Malaika hears their conversation and gives her a plan to get Beni back to work. Comedic continues…

Precap: No precap.

Update Credit to: MA

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