Categories: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 25th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Commissioner Shocks Happu

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 25th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Rajjo wearing Himachal Pradesh’s traditional dress and describing how they will enjoy on their vacation. Happu asks what will happen there. She murmurs in his ears. He jumps in happiness. Next morning, Happu walks to amma. Amma asks if he slept nicely. Rajjo serves them tea. Amma says she is happy that her son will enact as Sri Ram in Ramleela. Rajjo taunts Happu. Amma slaps Happu repeatedly. Rajjo challenges Amma that Happu will go on a vacation with her.

Happu visits police station and clicks his selfies. Manohar taunts Happu that he is clicking selfie with a costly camera, but his face won’t look good with any camera. Happu scolds him and expresses his desire to become Sri Ram in Ramleela. Manohar taunts that he is fit be Ravan. Commissioner walks in and asks Happu if he made Ramleela arrangements. Happu says yes and asks him to give him some Sri Ram’s dialogues. Reshampal says there are many contenders to enact Ram, but he has chosen Beni for the role. Happu is shocked to hear that. Reshampal says Happu can get Ravan’s role.

Rajjo requests Amma to let Happu go on a vacation with her. Happu denies permission and says Happu will enact Ram. Rajjo threatens to leave the house and packs her bags. Amma doesn’t budge. Rajjo leaves house. She gets a call from travel agency who inform that her trip is canceled. She returns home and says she didn’t want to disrespect amma and hence returned home. Amma understands that her trip is canceled. Happu meets Beni and bribes him with alcohol and kebab and informs him that his Khodi chacha wants Happu to enact as Ram. Beni agrees. Vimlesh hears that, calls Beni aside, and threatens him not to give up his role or else she will leave him. Beni returns and refuses to give up role. Happu walks way fuming at Beni.

Precap: Amma tells Happu that he should enact Ram at any cost. Happu traps Beni in a fake case and arrests him. They both argue that they will become Ram. Reshampal says Manohar will enact as Ram.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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