The episode starts with Balwant trying to miling Mohiniâs reputation, but Harphul stops him. Balwant says what is happening in the hospital behind doors. Harphul runs, while balwant and the team laugh.
SP says what have you done by marrying Harphul and this village. You are well educated and inspire everyone, but Harphul doesnât even respect women. SP further states you both are apart and take a decision if you want to sacrifice your dreams, ask your heart if you want to stay with harphul or not. Mohini cries and stays quiet, while harphul listens to them. SP says listen to your heart, Harphul goes before listening to Mohini.
He thinks about the time spent with her, with the background song.
Both are shown crying, and Harphul gets hurt as well. Balwant watches Harphul going.
Mohini confesses in front of SP that she is in love with Harphul. SP asks how can she.
Mohini clears that Harphul had suffered since childhood, we need to understand his point of view. His land is like a mother, and every child needs to work for his mother.
She further adds that he didnât let me explain myself, even though I married him as he didnât want a dowry.
He is from an area where women needed to stay behind, but he supported my dream, he even lost it so that I can my identity. And I am proud of my husband, itâs all planned by God.
Balwant burns statues of harphul and Mohini. Mai prays to god to protect my children. Harpal cries thinking about taunts of being uneducated and being compared with her.
Mohini returns home. Everyone asks about her well-being. Mohini says I was stressed after knowing the truth. They think about harphul whereabouts.
Harphul thinks about SP words. His inner voice states that SP is right, and Mohini is only suffering with you.
Mohini clarifies that she wanted to clear things, up and how you all think that how can I leave my family, but you could have told me in advance. Mai says you are my daughter. My heart always said that Mohini can only be with Harphul.
Harphulâs inner voice says you are not near Mohiniâs dream boy, she is only crying with you.
Mai says you both complete each other and you can only change him for good. Mohini thinks to confess her love to Harphul. Harphul thinks to leave Mohini.
Precap: Harphoul drops Mohini to railway station and says, I hate you, leave.