Fan Fiction

I Hate You (Episode 56)

Hey guys, don’t hate me! Aww, I feel so bad making you all confused as hell and angered. But, this twist was much needed for the upcoming plot. Don’t worry, Twinj won’t be separated for long. I hope you guys stay with me for the upcoming fun.


A bag of flour falls on the floor.
Twinkle- Oh fish!
Twinkle looks down at her dress, which was now covered in flour. Suddenly the door bell rings. Twinkle goes and opens the door. It was Sam. Sam takes a look at Twinkle’s face, now covered in the white powder and bursts out into laughter. Twinkle gives a confused look to Sam. She folds her arms across her chest and taps her foot.
Sam- Okay sorry sorry.
Sam tries to surprises his laughter, but fails and again bursts out into laughter. He walks inside the apartment still laughing.
Twinkle- Shut up!

Sam quickly shuts his mouth and stands quietly.
Twinkle- What is that?
Sam still stands there silently.
Twinkle- Open your mouth!
Sam becomes startled.
Sam- No actually, voh kya hai na, one moment you tell me to shut up and the next moment you tell me to speak. Todha confused ho jata hoon.
Twinkle rolls her eyes.
Twinkle- What is that?

Sam looks down at the bags in his hands and smiles.
Sam- Food.
Twinkle- So why are you here in my apartment with it?
Sam- Obviously to eat!
Twinkle- Kyun? What happened to your apartment that you can’t eat there?
Sam- Look at yourself. You seemed tensed today and I knew you won’t be able to focus today so I thought on bringing us dinner. Go clean up and I’ll set the food.

The Next Scene…

Sam serves the food on a plate and hands it to Twinkle. Twinkle takes it and silently eats it.
Sam- Twinkle, guess what.
Twinkle- What?
Sam- There is a very interesting patient coming tomorrow. Yow know, these cases are very rare. He has some sort of split personality disorder it seems. He changes characters rather quickly and can’t seem to remember his past.
Twinkle- This sounds like a neurological case. You are the brain specialist. Shouldn’t he be your patient?
Sam- He is. But he is also your patient.
Twinkle gives Sam a confused look.

Sam- Here’s the thing, because of his split personality, there is a high adrenaline rush in his heart. He could have a serious blood clot in his heart valve.
Twinkle- Interesting….
Sam finishes eating and leaves.
Twinkle- Are, I totally forgot to ask what the patient’s name was. It’s okay, I will just find out tomorrow.

The Next Day…

Sam walks into Twinkle’s cabin and sees her indulged in her paperwork again.
Sam- Twinkle, the patient is here.
Twinkle looks up.
Sam- He’s waiting. Let’s go.
Twinkle follows Sam. Sam leads Twinkle to another room. Twinkle enters the room and suddenly feels a weird sensation. She stops and places her hand over her heart.
Twinkle thinks- What is this feeling? Why am I feeling so weird?
Sam looks over at Twinkle.
Sam- Twinkle, are you okay?

Twinkle- Yea…I’m fine. Let’s go.
Twinkle walks in and sees a man standing in front of the window. His back is towards Twinkle while he looks out the window with his hands in his pocket. Twinkle looks at the man and again her heart starts racing. The guy turns around. Twinkle becomes shocked as she sees Kunj standing in front of her. (Sad Sajna Ve plays in bg).
Twinkle looks at Kunj, who had ruffled hair, stubble and sunglasses on his face (dp pic). She froze in place. Kunj slowly stepped towards Twinkle.

Tumko dekh ke yoon lagta hai
koi bichhda khwab aaya hai…

He takes another step towards Twinkle.

barson lambi raat se guzre,
subaha ka jhonka laut aaya hai…
Kunj walks straight to Twinkle and looks into her eyes. Twinkle was still in shock.

saans mein teri saans mili to,
mujhe saans aayi,
mujhe saans aayi…

Sam- Mr. Sarna, meet your doctor, Doctor Taneja.
Twinj were still staring at each other.
Sam- And Twinkle, this is your patient, Mr. Kunj Sarna (echoes).
“Kunj Sarna.”
The name echoes in Twinkle’s mind. Twinkle shakes her head in shock.
Twinkle- Nahi….it can’t be…it can’t be…
Twinkle runs out of the room.
Sam- Twinkle!

Precap: Kunj- Kiss me.
Twinkle becomes shocked.


"Life always gives you a second's called tomorrow" Keep calm and love Twinj (Sidmin).

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