Fan Fiction

I hate you swara ff story ep 40


Annapurana comes in the kitchen and sees parineeta

Annapurana: parineeta are you okay

Parineeta:yes I’m just tired

Annapurana: Do you spend time with ardash

Parineeta:no he’s at work and I’m with parishmita all the time

Annapurana:I think you two need to take a holiday for a bit by yourselves I will take care of parishmita

Parineeta:no ma It’s okay

Annapurana:no my orders

Parineeta:okay thank you ma

Swasan room


Sanskaar:WHAT stay away

Swara:I’m sorry

Sanskaar:you called NGO on my threatened them to be arrested you almost killed your sister and you want me to forgive you.

Swara:yes you should

Sanskaar:I hate you swara

Swara:I love you

Sanskaar:stay away from me I hate you

Swara:sanskar pleaaaseeee

He pushes her

Swara cries

He gets a pillow and a blanket

Swara:where are you going

Sanskaar:it’s where are YOU going

Swara:what do you mean

He takes her suitcase and drags swara down the hall

Swara:you can’t do this I will call the NGO

Sanskaar:for not letting you sleep in my room ngo are only for abuse

Swara: no I’m you wife

Sanskaar:you going to have to earn that then
He puts her bag in the room

Swara: Sanskaar

Sanskaar: This is your room

He starts to walk out

Swara:listen to me Sanskaar

He leaves the room

Swara:Big mistake Sanskaar big mistake

Sanskaar room

Sanskaar:I love you Swara

Swara room

Swara sees a note on her bed

Swara:meet me outside at 10:15pm

Swara:That’s now

She hurries outside  and sees a figure

Person:do you remember me from the hospital I told you the truth

Parineeta can be seen hiding behind the wall

Parineeta in head:who’s swara speaking to and what truth is that person talking about

Swara:who are you tell me I need to know

Person:you want to know I will tell you we shall work together to bring the MM mansion down
The person takes of the mask

Swara:Uttara you

Uttara:yes me I’m going to help you bring mm mansion down

Parineeta:Uttara that inoccent child wants to destroy this house is need to tell ragini

Swara and Uttara go inside

Parineeta goes to her room

Ardash: parishmita misses you she was crying

Parineeta:sorry I had to get water I was thirsty

Ardash gives her a lip lock

Parineeta:what was that for

Ardash:I love you

Parineeta:achaaaa before this child came you never did this but now……

Ardash:no I love you even before parishmita came

He pulls her on top him

Ardash:I have not romanced with you in ages

Parineeta:Ardash parishmita is sleeping in the crib

Ardash kisses parineeta neck

Parineeta:Another time Ardash I believe you love me not when parishmita is in the room

Ardash kisses her

Ardash:mere pyaar

Parineeta:mere zindagi

They go to bed

Parineeta:I won’t let you win swara not at all never and for you

Swara room

Swara:count down you freedom I’m going to tear this family apart

Swara laughs

Precap: parineeta and ragini are going to work together to stop swara and uttaara

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