From now on everything will be based on ragini also thank you for all the comments
Ragini runs and manages to escape to Badi
Ragini:dadi ma papa
Dadi:ghost ghost go away she sprinkles holy water
Ragini:relax dadi it is just me
Dadi:your not dead I swear if this was you and swara prank I won’t spare you
Ragini:no I was not me it was-
Sharmista:your alive
They share an emotional hug
Shekhar:we need tell swara She was the most upset about her death
The call swara and she is really happy they go to mm mansion
Ragini:yes what happened are you surprised to see me alive
Ragini:I have something say to you all about your inoccent kavya call everyone
Everyone comes
Ragini:where is Uttara,Sujata,lakshya and ram prasad
Swara:Uttara left and Sujata is not well
Ragini:WHAT!anyway I have say it kavya is the one which kidnapped me
Swara: I knew it
Swara:yes me and ardash did a little investigation into your supposed “death” and found out that kavya killed the nurse and held her captive
Kavya:fine I did all but ragini you have not explained the picture yet
Sharmista:what picture Ragini
Kavya:yeah Ragini say something
Annapurana:chup!disgusting rat why I choose you as my son wife I have no idea
Ragini:I will tell you about the picture she was my childhood friend but then one day
Ragini and kavya are 15 and they are in a sweet shop kavya decides to steal sweets
Kavya:watch out for me while I go ahead
Ragini:I don’t want to
Kavya:do it or I will kill you
Ragini runs of to the store owner and tells everything
Kavya get arrested
Kavya:remember this day I will not spare you
(Flashback ends)
Kavya:and I got my revenge
Ragini:no you did not i did she goes to Kavya and slaps her kavya grabs her hand and holds her neck
Annapurana:call police
Kavya:don’t or I will kill her
Swara:what do you want
Kavya:the house under my name
Lakshya comes in and no one sees that he sees ragini in trouble he runs outside and grabs a rock and runs he bangs kavya head badly and she falls unconscious
Laksh:ragini are you okay
He hugs her
Ragini:I am fine everything is fine
They call the police and everyone is happy
Later on in the night
Swara:I have not spoken to you in ages
Sanskaar: I know will spend the whole night with you
Swara:what do you mean
He kiss her and then they fall on the bed the lights go out
lakshya and ragini romance
Superb episide dear…loved raglak scene..waitng for precap eagerly..keep rockng n stay blessed dear
Thank you
awesome, waiting for the next
Niceeee …. precap is too good…
Waiting for next part
Thank you
awesome and waiting for precap
Thank you dear
Thank you
waaa,, the problem shorted out already….
huh! why Swasan turn off the light ? i hate that!
luv it Dhalcini..ty
SPOILERS:kavya’s track is not over
nice….give more swasan scenes plz
Hy don’t separate swasan pls