Fan Fiction

I hate u-shot 1 (os)

Tears were rolling down from my eyes. I love u was what she said when she inhaled her last breath n then she left me alone in this sophisticated world. I never thought the one whom I hated would steal my heart. She left this world but left a deep impact on my heart. A drop of tear rolled down my eyes.

‘I hate u Mr. Kunj Sarna.’ Twinkle shouted as she slammed the on my face. I was there facing her just because my mum wanted me to be with her n moreover she is my legally wedded wife but I hate her. ‘I hate u for eternity Twinkle Sarna.’ I shouted at the top of my voice as I turned to leave. I don’t know why I said Twinkke Sarna but anyways. We were in a hotel for our so called honeymoon. ‘Hey I am Twinkle Taneja did u get that. ‘ she said as she opened the door. ‘U were Twinkle Taneja but not now. ‘ I said as I turned around to face her. ‘Hey Mr.’ She said grabbing my collar. ‘Twinkle Taneja is my name n will always be my name.’ I pinned her to the wall n said,’I hate u Mrs. Twinkle Kunj Sarna.’ She gave me death glare n perpepesly stepped on my right foot. ‘Ah.’ I screamed in pain catching my right foot. Then she went inside the room n slammed the door on my face. Great now I have to spend the whole night outside but where. Legally I am her so called husband n at our honeymoon I am outside the room. For this I hate u Twinkle. I stepped in the garden outside the hotel. I sat on the bench n within few moments I fell asleep.

Next morning
The sunrays disturbed my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes n to my astonishment I was lying on the bed. Twinkle came out of the bathroom with her wet hair. Her eyes were red as if she was weeping or she was sick. I wanted to ask who brought me here but I couldn’t. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Twinkle opened the door. It was the room service. He bought two cups of coffee. ‘How is ur fever sir?’ he said. I just touched my forehead but everything felt fine. I just waggled my head.’Yesterday night u slept on the bench… ma’am was so much worried for u n was searching u. With the help of some staffs she brought u here n the whole night she was awake taking care of u. She really loves u. Take care.’ He said while he left the room. W-h-a-t is it true she took care of me the whole night. I just cut a glance of Twinkle. She immediately rushed to the washroom. I hate u n u hate me then why did u take care of me….why were u there for me the whole night….why are u wearing this sindoor n mangalsutra of my name….many question came in n drifted away. May be I was thinking too much. She did it for the sake of humanity n she wears sindoor n mangalsutra just to show the world. Still I hate u Twinkle. U r not that bad as I think but what u did was not right. I trusted u n u broke my trust. She knew that I loved alisha but still she accepted the marriage proposal. She could have easily said no but she didn’t. I hate u for spoilling my life. I hate u for who u r. I hate u for breaking my trust. I really hate u. But she is not that bad may be it was her majboori…may be u should give her a chance my heart said in between. ‘No I can’t coz she doesn’t deserve a second chance.’ I said to myself. My thoughts were disturbed by the sound that came from the bathroom. ‘Ah.’Twinkle screamed. I rushed to the bathroom n found twinkle on the floor. She stepped on the soap n fell down. She was wincing in pain n I helped her in getting up but she could not take even a step ahead. I lifted her in my arms in bridal style. ‘Put me down.’ She shouted n started moving n dangling her feets but I didn’t put her down. I took her to the bed while she shouted. I then left her n she fell on the bed. ‘Ouch….how dare u leave me.’Twinkle said. ‘U only said put me down n so I did.’ I said n smriked. ‘I hate u.’ She said pointing a finger towards me. ‘I hate u too.’ I said pointing a finger towards her. I left the room leaving her alone.

Next scene
When I entered the room I was mesmerized to see Twinkle. She was wearing a red saree n was drying her hair with the hairdryer. Then she applied a pinch of sindoor on her hairline. It gave me the feeling that she is mine n only mine. Kunj come back to ur sense she does not deserve a second chance. I hate u Twinkle. I don’t know what I was trying to make my heart understand. I just tried to ignore her but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I was seeing her from the corner of my eyes. I even didn’t have words for her. I was speechless. I tried ignoring her but I couldn’t. Kunj u hate her come back to ur senses my inner voice said but somehow I could feel an unknown feeling. My heart was pondering. This never happened to me when I saw alisha. Does this means I never loved her n was just attracted towards her. Kunj what r u thinking u love alisha not Twinkle. I hate u Twinkle. Twinkle ignored my presence n left the room. An hour later I was there inside the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hips. I was trying to find tge hot water switch. I had the habit of bathing with hot water…a kind of interest u know. I heard the sound of the room door. Twinkle is back. Should I ask her? No I can’t coz I hate her. Kunj keep ur ego aside n just ask her. I just peeked out my head n saw twinkle opening her blouse. I immedialy shut the door. Oh no what did I see. ‘Hey who is there?’ She said from outside. I didn’t respond. So she entered the bathroom unknown with tge fact that I was there. She turned around seeing me in towel. ‘ What the hell couldn’t u just locked the door?’ She said. I could hear the nervousness in her voice. I was feeling uncomfortable. ‘I did lock the door but wanted help so I just peek in the room but.’ ‘But what ‘ she said turning her head towards me n she again turned her head feeling nervous. ‘Actually I can’t seem to find the hot water switch.’ ‘Oh it’s at there beside the gyeser.’ She said pointing the gyeser. She tried to reach the switch but the switch was beyond her reach. Still she was determined. It was beyond my reach as well. Why did mum had to book this hotel for us. She raises her tiptoes but fails to reach the switch.She was trying hard not to look at me. She was just half away through the switch. I slowly lifted her above the floor. I felt a current passing through my body. I could feel an unknown feeling. She squeaked at first before shouting angrily on me,’What r u doing?’ ‘Helping u.Now switch it on.’ She then pulled the switch up. ‘Finally.’ I exclaimed. ‘Will u please put me down?’ She said a bit hesitantly. I was gonna put her down but I stumbled a bit n we end up lying over each other.

Hey guys
How r u all I am so sorry I know my fs is pending but as a compensation I have written this. I am again a week late sorry. It will of three shots n I will try my level best to post my fs love in rain very soon.


A girl with zoo inside her head.

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