Have a crush on you. #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. I hope you like it and I will do my best to not be an emotional one. Do tell me your opinion on the comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
Today is a very normal day for me.
I’m just having my normal work schedule.
There isn’t any new thing today.
Just new clients that I go to them to start preparing for our deal.
I don’t feel that having any new meeting with any new client is something special to me because simply this is the way I’m living my life with it so doing it everyday isn’t something unusual to me.
Today, I’m supposed to have a new meeting with one of the most successful businessmen in our country which is Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
I didn’t have met him before and I didn’t have even seen him before and I didn’t wanted to see his picture because simply I don’t care.
He is just a normal client so why I could care to see his picture?!
Actually, this meeting will not be at his company.
It will be at his shooting club.
He is taking his morning routine there so I didn’t minded to go to him there.
I’m not having any special feeling or any excitement as I always get used in arranging any meeting and I don’t care about having any excitement while meeting new people.
I just wish to finish this meeting fast so I could have some time for my own self and pamper myself while doing anything new and this could happen at this shooting club as after finishing the meeting with him I could go and do any new routine at this club.
I’m sure that I will enjoy a lot after this meeting.
I hope it could be finished soon.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Riddhima has went to the shooting club that Vansh is on it.
She has waited for him at the place that they have arranged that they will meet on it.
After some time, she has found him in front of her.
Of course she wasn’t knowing him, but she has known that quickly when he has introduced himself to her.
Vansh: I’m Vansh Rai Singhania. You are miss Riddhima Anupam, right?
Riddhima has taken some minutes starting at Vansh.
She wasn’t expecting that he is that young and that hot.
He was looking super attractive in white clothes that could suits being in a shooting club at morning.

They had a quick eye look.

Vansh has noticed Riddhima’s distraction.
So he has knocked on the table to make her get out of her distraction.
Vansh: Miss Riddhima are listening to me? I’m Vansh Rai Singhania. Are you fine???
Vansh’s last words has made Riddhima get up from her distraction and surprise.
Riddhima has returned to her concentration.
Riddhima: Good morning sir. Nice to meet you. Sorry for not being in my concentration.
Vansh: It is okay. Are you fine?
Riddhima: Yes sir.
Vansh: So let’s start our meeting.
Riddhima: Of course sir.
Vansh: Please don’t call me sir. I’m not that old to call me sir and actually I’m not that so much strict person in work especially that we are now at the shooting club not at the company so let’s make the meeting more simple and sweet so just calm me Vansh, okay?
Riddhima: Okay s..
Vansh has looked at her in an strict way.
Vansh: What I have said?!!!
Riddhima: Sorry. Okay Vansh. Does this is good?
He has smiled from her cute way.
Vansh: This is perfect.
Both of them have smiled at each other.

They have felt that fire that has started between them.
It was the fire of attraction.
Attraction that has happened from the first meet and the first conversation.
It wasn’t love, but it was something special and lovely.
Vansh and Riddhima have started their meeting.
The meeting was going perfectly.
Everything was going on the way that both of them were wanting it.
The attraction that was between each other was getting very very high.
They weren’t understanding it, but they were liking it.
Vansh’s POV starts:
It has been a lot since I had felt this special feeling before.
It has been a lot since I have felt this attraction to any girl before.
But yeah Riddhima is very special.
She is so sweet and cute girl.
She isn’t like any girl I have met before.
She has admired me with her cute and simple beauty from the first second I have met her on it.

Her beauty is a very unique one.
Even her choice in clothes and make up is very simple and special like her.
She is looking like an angel in this simple dress.

She is looking like a cute little cupcake.
I’m not able to remove my eyes from her.
I really don’t know what is happening with me, but I really don’t want her to leave.
I don’t want this meeting to end.
It is attraction that has happened between us and I don’t want it to end.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
What is happening with me?
Why I’m feeling that attracted to Vansh Rai Singhania?
Why I don’t want this meeting to end?
Why I’m feeling that special feeling to him?
I didn’t have got excited to know anyone or be enjoying my time with anyone.
I always like to spend time with myself.
So what Vansh Rai Singhania have it to make me be that attracted to him?
What special stuff he could own it that makes me that relaxed while sitting with him???
I’m not getting any answer on those questions, but what I’m sure about it that something special I start to feel it to him.
It isn’t love.
It is an attraction.
I think that I have a crush on him.
I think that I have a crush on you Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Vansh and Riddhima have finished the meeting in a very successful way.
They have done the deal perfectly.
Riddhima: Congratulation Mr. Vansh. The deal is done.
She has offered her hand to him.
Then they have shook hands.
Vansh: Congratulations Miss Riddhima. So happy to have this deal with you.
Riddhima: Not more than me.
That had an eye look after Riddhima has said her last words.

They kept staring at each other so much.
They weren’t wanting to leave each other after finishing this deal.
Vansh has broken the silence that was spread between them.
Vansh: I think that after finishing this deal in a very successful way we have to celebrate, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima didn’t has taken any time to think.
Riddhima: Of course. Let’s celebrate. I don’t mind that at all.
Vansh has got surprised when Riddhima has accepted this celebration that easily.

Vansh to himself: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe that she is also owing the same attraction that I owns it towards her because I knew about Riddhima Anupam that she never could accept a celebration with a client. She isn’t from those sociable people. She just do her work and spend the rest of her day being with her own self so accepting my invitation makes me sure that she also have a crush on me.
Vansh and Riddhima have prepared with each other about the celebration.
To not make Riddhima feel that it is something special, Vansh has invited some from his close employees.
So Riddhima couldn’t think that it is a date.
They have left after arranging the time and the place.
It was the first time for Riddhima to be excited for something.
The attraction that she owns it towards Vansh is making her feel very happy.
It makes her do stuff that she isn’t getting used to do it.
At night, Riddhima and Vansh have gotten ready for this celebration.
They were super super excited.
Afterwards, both of them have reached to the night club together.
Vansh has praised Riddhima’s beauty.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You look so damn hot and beautiful Riddhima.
Riddhima has got shy.
She has just smiled at Vansh.

Then Vansh didn’t has given her the chance to even sit and take any drink.
Because he holds her hand and they start to dance.

They have forgotten everything around them when they have started dancing.
Their attraction is what was guiding them.
They were enjoying a lot while they were dancing and being that close to each other.

Riddhima was being very relaxed while being that close to Vansh.
She was feeling that attraction while being increasing everytime she gets closer to Vansh on it.
She was putting her hands around Vansh’s neck to make him very close to her while they were dancing.

They have danced in a very cute and romantic way.
They have got sure that both of them are having crush on the other.
They have got sure of this attraction.
They were liking what they have got sure of it.
After they have finished dancing, they have seated together with Vansh’s employees.
Vansh and Riddhima weren’t concentrating on anyone around them.
They were just concentrating on having crush on each other.
They were enjoying this special feeling that they have felt it to the other.
Moreover, Vansh has taken Riddhima to nearby place that was having less crowded people.
She wasn’t knowing what he will say.
She was a kind of worried.
Because she gets afraid when she has a crush on any man or she could feel that any man is having a crush on her.
She fears from failure and heartbreak.
So that’s why she always prefers to be alone.
She has decided to leave, but he has stopped her by holding her closely to him.

Vansh: Where are you going Riddhima?
Riddhima: I have to go Vansh.
She was trying to leave once again.
But Vansh has got her close to a nearby wall to not make her leave.

Vansh: I will not make you leave Riddhima. I know that the attraction that I own it is the same that you own it. I know that you are just afraid of accepting that you are liking me because you are afraid to fail.
Riddhima has got surprised that Vansh is owing something personal like that about her.
Riddhima: But how you have known that?!
Vansh: I’m Vansh Rai Singhania Riddhima who there isn’t anything in the whole world that could be hidden from him. I know everything about you Riddhima because I don’t make any deal with anyone without knowing everything about this person. I just want you to not be afraid. It is okay to try. We will not lose anything. Maybe it could work. Anyway, the choice is yours. I will not force you to do anything that you don’t want it.
Vansh was going to leave when Riddhima has stopped him by holding his hand.

Riddhima: Don’t leave please. I do own so lovely and special feelings towards you. I’m being very attracted to you Vansh. I do have a crush on you Vansh Rai Singhania.
Vansh has smiled.
Then he has came closer to Riddhima.
Vansh: This is the same feeling that I feel it towards you Riddhima. I also feel attracted to you. I also have a crush on you sweetheart.
She has smiled hearing him calling her sweetheart.
Then they have directly hugged each other a very long hug.

They were happy with this special feelings that they were owing it.
They weren’t knowing if this feeling could turn into love or not, but they were enjoying the attraction feeling.
Vansh: So let’s have date together my crush.
She has smiled.
Riddhima: Let’s have date my crush.












The end of the os. I hope you like it. Thank God this one isn’t an emotional one! Hooray! I’m so happy for that. I want to thank each and everyone who is supporting me in this critical time that I’m passing it. I’m really blessed to have you all as my second family. Love you so much guys. Do keep supporting me. And yeah tell me how was the os? I hope you have liked it and enjoyed it. I will be waiting for all of yours comments. Your respond here is what will make me know if I will write a new os or not. So please comment so many comments here. I hope that you all could break the previous record of my comments here. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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