Have You Ever Loved Me? (A Riansh Fanfiction) Ep.2

Hello everyone 😄 I’m here with the second episode of this story. I’m really happy by your response on this story. Keep loving and supporting like this đŸ„°. And pls excuse me for any grammatical mistakes 😁 coz I’m not a pro 😂 Let’s not waste the time guys.

Recap- After drinking, Ridhima was moving towards her room and suddenly she got disbalanced and fell down near a table. Her head hit the table and blood was continuously oozing out.

Episode starts here

Same night In the study room vansh is sitting with Angre and thinking something

Vansh’s POV

It’s been a day since that betrayer left me but I feel like my whole world got devastated. Have I done something wrong by not trusting her. No no why should I listen her she has done a sin by messing up with me and my family. She has left my home but that doesn’t mean that I’ll left her easily I’ll definitely tell her that what happens if someone betrays Vansh Raisinghania. But why am I feeling restless as if something bad has happened. Come on Vansh you need to divert your mind and focus on the next plan to break Ridhima till core.

Vansh’s POV Ends

Angre- “Boss, Boss, Boss! ” He is shouting continuously to call out Vansh from his dreamland.

Vansh-“Haan haan. Bolo Angre. Why are you shouting so loudly” he spoke this in a low but audible tone

Angre-” Boss you told me to find about bhab.. I mean Ridhima’s whereabouts”

Vansh- “Yes what is the information?”

Angre- “Boss I got to know that she has reached to SR mansion and we got to know that the mansion if of Famous Businessman and Politician Suyash Rajdhir Singh. We got to know from our closed sources that he is her father”

Vansh-“What! But she always told us that she was an orphan then how..” he was shocked

Angre- “Boss maybe being an orphan must be a part of her plan”

Vansh- “Interesting. Very interesting. Now I’ll tell her who is Vansh Raisinghania” he spoke this while smirking evily..

Angre- “So boss what is our plan?” He asked

Vansh- ” Listen carefully Angre

” (You’ll get to know about their conversation soon)

Angre-“Sure boss. I’ll do that”

And they discussed about their plan

Next Morning


Suyash woke up and reached down from his room to hall where he saw Ridhima drenched in blood near table with a bottle of wine in her hand. He got shocked seeing that and reached to Ridhima

Suyash- “Ridhima, Ridhima open your eyes beta what happen to you” He spoke patting her cheeks and taking her in his lap but no response was there by her side.

Suyash- “I think I need to take her to hospital. Nothing will happen to you beta until your dad is with you”

He took her to hospital

At hospital

Suyash- “Doctor! Pls someone help my daughter. Doctor” he shouted dangerously

And a doctor came to him

Doctor- “Oh my god 😼 what happened to her?” She asked suyash

Suyash-” I don’t know doctor I just woke up in the morning and when I came down at my hall I saw her unconscious near a table with blood from her head. Pls save her I’ll give you whatever you want you just save her pls”

Doctor- “Ok Ok. Calm down we’ll surely see what we can do” she spoke worriedly.

The doctor took Ridhima in OT and her treatment was going on. While Suyash was just pacing from left to right outside the OT seeing her daughter’s state. After sometime doctor came outside and had a talk with Suyash.

Doctor-” I think she has lost her reason of living that’s why she is not responding to our treatment she is continuously murmuring that she don’t want to live. We’ve done our best in the treatment now it’s totally upto her whether she’ll live or 

Suyash- “No doctor she is a fighter and she’ll fight for herself and she’ll defeat this problem too”

Suyash- “Doctor if you don’t mind can I pls see her once”

Doctor- “She is unconscious but you can see her. I understand what you must be feeling”

Suyash- “Thank you doctor”

He reached to Ridhima and was feeling very bad seeing her daughter attached with number of machines and wires.

Suyash-“Ridhima beta pls wake up for your father. I know you’ll defeat everyone because you’re a fighter but for that you need to wake up bacche. You know na that if you me leave then there is no for me. First your maa left me and now you are hell bent on leaving your dad. Beta pls wake up for my sake for your mother’s sake pls bacche” he spoke this while crying. Suddenly he saw some movement in her hand and the her heartbeat was also running faster he became worried and called the doctor. Soon doctor reached to Ridhima and told Suyash to leave for sometime.

After sometime doctor came out of the OT and

Doctor-“Mr.Rajdhir Singh I think that your words had an effect on Ridhima and now she is better and safe. You can meet her when she’ll be conscious 🙂”

Suyash- “Thank you do doctor. Thank you so much”

Doctor left for her other patients and Suyash again went to Ridhima and sat on the nearby sofa and was seeing her life her daughter with so many emotions and was thinking something.

After sometime Ridhima gain her consiousness and saw that her father was seeing her and she felt bit weird but at the same time she thought about Vansh and what happened with her last night and she again became disappointed and sad. Suddenly suyash spoke.

Suyash- ” Ridhima beta are you fine? What were you doing last night with the bottle of wine” he spoke while breaking the silence

Ridhima- “Dad I don’t wanna live in this cruel world. I thought that wine could heal my pain so I just drank it 😞”

Suyash was bit angry but more sad that the girl who don’t even touch wine was now saying that it could heal her pain.

Suyash- “Once you get recovered we’ll be leaving this country. I thought a lot and made this decision”

Ridhima- “But dad I don’t wanna leave this country. It’s my home I was born here I got my everything here.”

Suyash- “And you even lost your everything here”

Ridhima- ” But dad I don’t wanna leave this country’

Suyash- “Ok beta but I have a condition now you’ll take care of my company here and I want to relax a bit.”

Suyash(thinking) – “This will definitely divert her mind from her stressful life otherwise this can lead her in severe depression.”

Ridhima- “But dad how can I?”

Suyash- “No if and but. Just do as I say”

Ridhima-“fine dad” she spoke with a disinterested tone

Episode ends here

Precap –
Ridhima- Ok schedule my meeting with Vr industries owner. I’ll definitely win this time.
Ridhima(thinking) – I know I need to face him again but this time it is for my dad only.

I hope you love this episode. Keep supporting me and kindly give your suggestions if you want in the comment section 🙂.

Till then bye đŸ™‹â€â™€ïž


Hello I'm Palak. Big fan of Riansh and IMMJ2 I'm here to explore and to even write

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