WHY DEVANSHI ? that question snapped on my mind once i heard the news about
Helly Shah, my Swara joined Color serial Devanshi as Devanshi. I bet many
people, mostly my swasanian family surprised yet disappointed and raised a
same question as me (piranha twin hug for you, guyz!).

Why did she choose Devanshi ? the unpopular serial which almost shared the
lowest TRP in every week for Color channel, the serial with uninteresting
story line for teenagers, or we can say a flop serial.
Why didn’t she take a role in IB ? A hit serial, a popular serial among
teenagers, a serial with stability good TRP in every weeks.
She will be good to pairing with Kunal (don’t say no, when you can see
how cute Ardhika at mmz, you can imagine how suit Helly with Kunal on screen)
Why did she take unpopular show instead a hit serial ?

That questions lead me to did a little research about Devanshi and my Helly Shah,
all her characters (chiiieeee….).
The research which stopped in 1 conclusion, HELLY LOVES A STRONG GIRL CHARACTER
The girl who can stand for herself and otherS, the girl who can role the world
with her own name, the girl who can change the world with her own identity
without attached to any man name,no matter what her position, being a single
girl, a daughter, a wife, a bahu or a woman on a society.
When IB serial is about brothers and their bonding, Devanshi is about girl story,
That’s why she choose Devanshi, to convey her dream, to inspire other girls
about girl power, girl strengthen.

We can compare her choice of all her characters, in gulaal, as Alaxmi, as Swara
Bose cum Swara Sanskar maheswary or her last interview of Swaragini when she
mentioned that how much she adored Swara character (sound narsistic somehow :D)
but true, that Swara Bose/Swara Sanskar Maheswary is a portrait of strong girl
character who can face everything. (ugh i kinda yelled to her that we are twin
as i love Swara character too 😀 ). All of them shown that Helly want to be/
inspired by strong girl character.

Being hellyadmirers or perhaps Swasanian, being a girl, no matter how disappointed
we are, no matter how shocked we are, at least we should take 1 important thing
from this situation, HER SPIRIT TO SHOW HOW STRONG A GIRL IS, she shows it by
her role in a serial, in a show, to change girl mind, to change the society
mindset as she has talent and skill on this field.

So, let’s be another strong girl, to believe girl power to change the society
and the world with their discrimination to us, to rule the world by our though,
our wise action and our bravery, to be subject of everything on society instead
being object. NO need to show them our CLEAVAGE as instead being subject, we
only being OBJECT of pervert men.

well, this all my point of view about my doll, my princess decision to join
Devanshi serial. Very very best luck for Helly Shah and her new journey, i’m
with you. Be yourself and stay humble.
For my friends, if you want a story of a girl do watch Devanshi, stay tune at
Color channel every 19.00 night. Wish it can inspire us to be a strong girl,
wish the writer won’t spoil the show with rona dona.

for my Swasanian family as well as VaHe fans, don’t be dishearten, don’t lose
hope, maybe it’s matter about serial only, maybe someday we can watch them as
pair again, remember ! even SRK-Kajol should separated for sometimes to get
another same projects. Maybe their separation is the best for all of us,
God provides what we NEED, not what we WANT…


ugh noone can beat our VaHe chemistry ON SCREEN, remember..ON SCREEN…


Swasan fan & Princess Amber fan

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