Love stories can be an overused concept in the formation of Indian television shows. But we cannot deny the fact that people here love watching love stories. Now love stories have different aspects and angles all together and manage to grab the eyeballs. There is always an extraordinary story in every single love story. There are various shades of love and one can not ever have enough of experimenting with them. Keeping this in mind, colours TV is all set to launch their upcoming love – hate saga ” Bawara Dil “.
Before this promo came on air we have already witnessed a teaser where we meet Shiva, a serious at face but sweet in mind guy. He always remains within his own nutshell and often gets misunderstood due to this nature of his. However this promo makes the picture of the show pretty much clear. As of now the audience can expect a very intense journey from head towards love for Siddhi and Shiva.
According to the promo, Sidhi is offering her prayers to goddess Ganga by making the plate of her pooja floating in the river. However, Shiva jumps in the water at the same time in the water which resulted in the plate getting turned over and the oil lamp gets off. This makes Siddhi angry and she concludes Shiva as a thoughtless person who has no nerve to understand what to do and when to do. However Shiva on the other hand, is unable to understand such reactions from the lady standing in front of him. Later, we got to know that Shiva jumps in the water to get the playing tool for the kids which maybe fell in the river by mistake. Well this makes one thing clear that Shiva is away from the monotonous norms and rules of society and believes in the existence of spirituality in the human form. Watch the latest promo of the show on the given link below :
Lets have a look at the cast:
The complete cast of TV show Bawara Dil :
Aditya Redij

As : Shivaditya/Shiva
Kinjal Dhamecha

As : Shiddhi
Rudra Kaushik

Pankaj Khamkar

Mohan Joshi

Mona Ambegaonkar

The show is all set to premier from 22nd of February.
Do tell us in comments that how much are you excited for this show? For more details about your favourite shows, keep watching this space.