Fan Fiction

Hey roomie!- By Ninaku. Chapter 18

Back again with chapter 18 ❤
Love you guys always ?? such lovely support you give me. Every single comment means a lot!!! Just bleassed with lovely readers and commentors. ? infinite live guys ??

Anika the stunner she always is, rocked both in her formals and casuals. She always presented herself in a bold and classy look when it come to work.

She put on her denim jeans, torquoise scarf-collared top and a black jean coat. Her coolers added to the sassy look.

Shivaay was stunned at her look.
“Beautiful” his tongue slipped.

Vicky gives him a elbow hit.
“FOCUS BUDDY, FOCUS!!!!” He silent-yells. Jumping back to reality, he looks everywhere but her.

“Shivaay.. what exactly happened in the date??” She curiously asks.

Shivaay sharply breaths in and stammers searching for words.
” Err.. She cancelled the date because she already was in love with someone” He says.

“Sorry for that” she says with her tight lips. He does the same and “it’s okay” he says.

”She was in love or you…??” Vicky whispers in shivaay’s ears.

“Okay… But what was the reason for you to drink?? She loved someone else… big deall!! Why do you spoil your health.. you have people who actually cares about you.. Vicky, Oscar, mee…” she trails widening shivaay’s eyes.

“I mean…” she starts again.

“Wait.. Oscar?? He hates me..” shivaay saya and looks at Oscar who was staring at him from the varandah.

“Woof” he barks angrily at shivaay.

“See??? If Vicky isnt around.. one day he’ll bite me somewhere.. he is the one who cares? Duh…” Shivaay says.

“I slipt my tongue and said that i care.. but all he could hear was Oscar. Why are men being so dumb? Anyhow, ufff he didnt hear me” Anika thinks.

“Fine. It’s getting late.. im going!” Anika says with a tight smile and bids a goodbye.

Shivaay now turns to Oscar and narrowing his eyes “grrr” he growls just like a dog.

“Oscar!!! Chase shivaay!” Vicky instructs shocking the hell out of Shivaay.

Oscar starts to run behind shivaay..and shivaay runs around the house. “Vicky you jerkk.. traitor. Make him stop mann!!” Shivaay shouts as he runs for his life.

“You deserve only this. Anika just told you that she cares and all you could hear was Oscar. Poor doggy Oscar. You always find a fault with him. Get bitten and die mann!!” Vicky shouts back and was about to move away.

“Areyy yaar save me.. ill definitely do whatever you say.” Shivaay says. Impressed with the dealing, Vicky instructs Oscar to go out to the varandah again.

“Anika cares about me?” Shivaay asks panting. While Vicky nods.

“Yes.. since you have told me that will do whatever i ask you to do.. go get me a breakfast first” vicky orderrs and he stretches his hands and sits on the sofs.

Giving him and Oscar a deadly glare, he walks into the kitchen. Shivaay made classic french omelette and served it for Vicky.

“Yummy.. my favourite!!” Vicky goes all widening his eyes. “Fine. Now tell me what to do?” Shivaay rolled his eyes.

“Tk.. we should now find out whether that guy really is her boyfriend or not” vicky says for which shivaay nods biting his teeth.

Anika returns back home all exhauted after managing a birthday function and her part time pizza job.

She rushes to her room and gets freshened up jumping in to her night wears.

Shivaay and vicky who returned back home soon was waiting for her. Now that she is in, both slowly tip toes and eavesdrop placing their ears on Anika’s door.

Shivaay quickly turns to Vicky.
“Dude! She’s my girl. Why are you eavesdropping??” He whispers 

“Wah!! Your girl huh? Sorry man!!” Vicky says with a teasing tone grabbing his ears.

Shivaay now eavesdrop her room.
Anika was on a call with her mom.

” haan maa.. meh fine hoon. Yes all settled. I feel like ive been here for years…. Ji nahi ma.. not ordering outside. Im cooking myself…. what uh?? Err… pancakes, continental foods and sometimes maggi.” Anika says.

“Im cooking for her and she’s taking the credits.” Shivaay silent yells.

“Focus billu!” Vicky says and gains a deadly glare. Shivaay continues to hear.

“…i was wondering if you could courier me new inner wears. You know my size… its.. 30” she tells her mom.

Shivaay jerked away immedietly and rolled on the floor due to the force.

“Kya hua? What did she say??” Vicky asks confused.

Shivaay coughs and mentally slaps himself for mistakenly eavesdropping all the girly matter.

“Kuh nahi.. she was.. she was just talking high about me to her mother.. i was surprised..” shivaay changes the topic.

“Anika?? Speaking good about you? Hehehe learn to lie bro” Vicky says and shook his head.

Shivaay now hesitantly eavesdrop again. Now anika was calling gauri.

“Eyy couth potato..  i met advaayyyy!!! Anika squeals.

“So that’s his name.. Advaay!” Shivaay says and cracks his knucle.

“He was so sweet as always. And heyy he gave me all the foreign chocolates.. I’ve kept it in my fridge here. Will send it to you soon” Anika tells gauri.

Shivaay quickly looks at the fridge.
“Foreign chocolates? Sorry Gauri! It’s getting destroyed tonight” he thinks with a evil smile.

“And gauri listen… you told me about the butterflies right?? I felt it when i saw him yaar..right in my stomach (she fake cries)” Anika whines.


“Butterflies?? In her stomach?? Will foodies eat butterflies too??” Shivaay whispers to Vicky.

“Butterflies in the stomach? Dude! That’s a symptom for crush. So she has a crush on Advaay.” Vicky says making Shivaay’s nerves to rise up to the skin. “Im gonna kill all those butterflies” shivaay mentally plans.


“But Gauri.. when he is near me.. my heartbeat raises too. I am just out of words. Tell me?? Is it the next step of crush??” She innocently asks.

Gauri on the other side.. “What?? Raising heartbeat huh?? That’s aint in the list.. Maybe.. you started loving him! Congratulations elder sister. You’re successfully into love and advance wishes to get slaps from mom. You know right? She wont accept love marriages”

“Areyy.. i was just preparing myself for a crush and you’ve started talking about love and marriage. AND.. dont you dare open your mouth to maa.” She spat back.

“Crush?? Love?? Marriage??” Shivaay holds his head and getting up he comes and sits on the sofa.

“It has not been a complete day im in love and this girl is already preparing herself to live with Advaay.. my love’s ruined again!!” Shivaay rants.

Vicky sits beside him.. “Welcome to the bachelors club again” Vicky teases shivaay. For which shivaay rolls his eyes and drops his head down.

Anika comes out of her room.. but once she saw shivaay.. her heartbeat rises again.

He comes near her and holds her hands. “You’re having stomach ache uh??” He asks.

Unaware, Out of the proximity she replies the same” hmm” [that she had hummed when he asked her ‘did you like it’ with proximity.]

“Take these worm killing tables, it’ll kill all the worms, insects and butterflies” he says.

Breathing unevenly and his closeness creating havoc in her senses, she didnt hear his last word ‘butterflies’ so she nods.

He leaves faking a smile but irritated by heart. Once inside.. “the same ‘hmm’???” He thinks.

“Was Gauri right?? Is this love?? Haiyappa… save me!” She mutters.


So how was it?? Liking it??
Fo leave a comment and suggest me any cute scenes between shivaay and anika ?? out of ideas yaar.. help me out !! Open invite ?

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