Hired To Love.
Episode 2.
Swara’s POV.
All I could utter was … He is damn a Greek God. I wonder if there was any word that could actually define him. He was a tall, handsome and very attractive young man. He is so f**king s*xy !! He was dressed in a grey suit, black shirt and a tie on his neck. He looked dashing in his attire. While I was thinking all this, he simply walked up to the stage where he was warmly greeted by everyone. He then grabbed the mike and clearing his throat, he started his lecture in his husky voice… s*xy voice !!
“Hello everyone. Firstly, I am very thankful to everyone for calling me here today. I hope I will be able to inspire you with my few words. I know, everyone of you present here want success, but trust me success doesn’t comes so easily. Even I had to work very hard to reach where i am today. There’s nothing called luck, destiny or fate, it is always us who decides what we want to be. We just need passion, dedication and determination to achieve our goal. Put your 100% effort in whatever you do and one day, success will be in your feet…. Thankyou !! ”
With this, he ended his lecture and the entire auditorium echoed with rounds of applauds for this young man’s inspirational lecture. All this while, i was just staring him. His voice was so mesmerising. I was all lost when I suddenly heard someone calling me. I came out of my trance and realised it was Diya Mam.
“Where were you lost, Swara? I was calling you since last one minute !!”
“Wo.. wo.. nothing mam, I was just thingking about something. ”
“Ok, leave it and go to the stage. You have to give the thanksgiving speech, right? ”
“Uh.. yes mam. ”
I was hell nervous. I’ve to face Sanskaar Goel !! ? I had to speak in front of him. Somehow I reached the stage and tried not looking at him. But I could feel his gaze on me. I was scared and trembling, not because of the crowd but because of him. I then calmed down myself and started my speech …
“Good evening everyone. First of all, I would like to thank our honourable guest, Mr Sanskar Goel for accepting our invitation and giving such an inspiring and motivating speech. Then, I would like to thank all the teachers and students who hav contributed for this wonderful evening… Thankyou !! ”
Phew!! I did it. Although, it was not so easy but I confidently gave my speech.
Everyone clapped and the programme ended. Everyone was leaving when suddenly Sanskar Goel came and whispered in my ears, sending shivers to my spine…
“Drive safely. And try taking care of other drivers too !! ”
Saying this, he left from there. I was confused. He was intimidating as well as attractive !!!
Swara’s POV ends.
Swara went to the parking place and was sitting on the scooty, when she saw Sanskar sitting in his car. She realised it was the same black car, she overtook in the morning and also why he said her to drive safely. She was hell nervous. She thought to apologise to him but till then had already left. So, she headed back to home. She was nicely welcomed by Anaya and Skylar, who were eagerly waiting to knw what happend in the lecture. Left with no other option, she narrated them the whole scenario. Anaya was hell amazed to know all this.
“Is it true, Swara that You overtook Sanskar Goel’s car? ”
“Obiviously you idiot !! ”
“Then also he didn’t scold you for that?? ”
“Umm.. No, he just told me to drive safely. ”
“Woahh… he’s so nice. He didn’t even scold you. If there was any one else, he would hav given you a nice lecture !! ”
“Ok..okk.. now stop chanting his name and come lets watch a movie, I’m so bored. ”
“Ohh.. sure !! ”
The trio kept watching movie on Netflix. After sometime, Anaya felt dizzy and Swara realised that her dear friend was having fever. Swara and Skylar sat by her side. Swara kept cloth soaked in water, on Anaya’s forehead. She then called the doctor. The doctor came and checked Anaya. Anaya git conscious.
“Look Swara, for, now she has 104 fever. If the fever exceedes 120 then give her medicines which I priscribe. Okay ?? ”
I nodded. He wrote medicine names on a paper and gave me.
” So I don’t need to give her these meds now ?? ”
” No. For now just give her this syrup.”
He handed me a bottle of red syrup.
” Okay.”
” And Anaya , complete bedrest. Okay ??? ”
I looked at her and grinned. She gave ‘f**k You’ look to me.
” Okay.” She agreed.
The doctor left.
“Ok doctor. But she will get better soon na?? ”
Swara’s POV.
I saw Anaya trying to get up …
“Wait ! I’ll help you…. how are you feeling now ? ” I helped her to get up.
“What happened to me? I’m all fine.. see.. ”
“I know how fine you are. So, take these medicines. Doctor said you need complete bed rest. Till then no work, nothing !! ”
“But Swara listen once I hav..”
Before she could complete, her phone beeped. I grabbed the phone to see the text. It read..
“Interview tomorrow at 10 AM sharp. ” It was from her boss.
“Thats what I was trying to tell you. See Swara, I need to take this interview as my promotion depends on it And I might get fired. I cant risk it. Plz ” Anaya tried convincing me. But how could I let her go when doctor had told she needs complete bedrest. No, I cant risk it as well as her job. Suddenly, I thought something and spoke…
“I will take the interiview. ”
“What? Are you serious? ”
“Do you think I’ll be kidding at this moment ?? ”
“Um…no ! Well, thankyou so much Swara. And sorry for all the trouble…”
“Shut up, you b*t*h !! And take rest. I’ll get you water.
I went to kitchen and got her water.
” Drink this syrup.”
” It’s yuckkkk”
” Baby drink it , Think that it’s red wine ? ”
” Red Wine ?” Her eyes popped.
” bewadi ki bewadi hi rahegi tu kamini !!! ?”
She drank it with donkey face ?.
I stood up leaning against the table.
” Achha who’s the person to be interviewed ?? ”
” Thank God you asked ! ” She grinned and I frowned.
” It is Mr. Sanskaar Goel. ” She gritted.
W-H-A-T ???? I stumbled on the table making the bottle fall off from table.
Sanskaar Goel ???
Holy Shit !!!!!!!
Precap :- Will Swara go to Interview ???
Comment !
#Mohini #Duggu
Awesome go swara go
Their second meeting ?????
Can’t wait for them to meet again!!
Plzzz try to upload soon!!!
And when it comes to the episode it was sooooooo good, nice and much more!!!
I still don’t have words to describe it!!
Is swara going to meet sanskar really interesting episode is nice update soon
Just mind blowing
Is swara going to meet sanskar really interesting continue it dear And post next episode soon
That’s amazing
it was just amazing yaar…. hope swara will go to take my sanky’s interview… Please post the next chappy ASAP….
It’s great will it be some what like fifty shades of grey
ohhh my god

loved it !!!!!!!!
post asap…..