His Hostage in Love-Captive ep. 4 IMM2


Hi guys. I hope you all like this episode and let me know in the comments how you find this episode. Please guys keep commenting.

So as i had promised, i have updated both my ffs. Hope you like this one and do let me know about it in the comments section.

Previous episode link


Episode Starts

Randhir: Hello……what!! (shocked)

Aryan: What happened dad?

Rihanna: I bet he’s lost an important deal (mocking)

Randhir: (ignoring her) One of my informers….(cut by Rihanna)

Rihanna: You mean spies

Randhir: (taking a deep breathe) One of my informers saw Riddhima running away!

Aryan: What the hell! Riddhu and that too running away! God that’s impossible

Rihanna: exactly! Why will she run…what nonsense! I don’t believe this!

Sejal: Absolutely…even if there is a reason she’s not amongst those who would run away.

Randhir: There’s something that’s not right!

Rihanna: And for sure that’s because of your presence Mr Shah! (anger)

Sejal: Rihu! Come with right away

Sejal pulled Rihanna away before any fight could star between them two. Rihanna equally hated Randhir because Riddhima and was very protective about her. Sejal calmed Rihanna down in the green room and tried finding in the green room. While Randhir and Aryan used their sources to try to find out about her disappearance. On the other hand Vyom talked with a guy on the phone and appreciated his work done.

Vyom: Good job….now Randhir will realize who I actually am. (smirking) You didn’t say anything else right?

Man: No boss, just what to you told…..she ran away.

Vyom: Good, now do one thing disappear from here before Randhir gets to know that you work for me. I’ll send your amount to you.

Man: Okay boss!

Kartik drove the van till the hideout. Everyone got down while Vihaan picked up an unconscious Riddhima in his arms and took her to the hideout. As he took her, he glanced at her innocent face and adored her beauty. He put her on a chair carefully while the other brought ropes to tie her hands and legs. Kartik pulled Vihaan aside for a small talk while the rest were watching over Riddhima.

Kabir: Bhai (whispering) till how long will we have to act?

Vansh: Kabir just for some more time…Vyom is our lead in this case. We have gotten half the information now just the other bits and pieces. We’ll then be able to find the actual culprit.

Kabir: Bhai I know but all this is wrong….what if we get in trouble?

Vansh: We won’t Kabir.

Kabir’s phone rang and he lifted it up to see Anupriya calling him. Vansh nodded for him to pick up the call and put it on speaker.

Anupriya: Kabir….where are you both? Is Vansh there with you?

Vansh: Yes mom I’m with him.

Anupriya: Are you fine? (worried) I’m so worried for you, where have you been? It’s been 2 days since you’re not home!

Kabir: I see mom, you ask bhai how he’s doing but you don’t ask me! (acting)

Anupriya: Kabir you know…(Ishani snatched the phone)

Ishani: That’s because mom loves me and Vansh the most. (teasing)

Kabir: di!

Ishani: And what di huh? Vansh you fooled me? (anger)

Vansh: Di no i didn’t (cut phone)

Kabir: Bhai what did you do? You hung up her call?

Vansh: What do you expect me to do then….listen to her anger? We did wrong anyway

Kabir: Yea, let’s go now.

They went back to the area where Riddhima was kept captive. Riddhima was slowly regaining her senses.

Riddhima’s POV

Oh God! Where am i? My head, it aches, it feels so heavy. I opened my eyes slowly to see everything hazy around, everything is blurry. I shook my head a bit to get over with the heaviness. I again closed my eyes and opened them to see my view becoming clearer. I saw a dark place in front of me with little light and few pairs of eyes watching me. Where am i?

I looked hither and thither to find a clue and then I looked at myself. My hands are tied!! I’m captive! I went in to flashback and I remembered everything gradually; I was kidnapped! The sudden fire in me arose to retaliate however I felt no movement….my body was numb? What had they done to me? I looked at them in disgust and tried to speak. I saw a tall and handsome, fair man approaching me and kneeled down in front of me.

End of POV

Riddhima: Who are you all? Why have you kidnapped me?

Vihaan: (kneeling down in front of her) I’m Vihaan and the rest… you don’t need to know (smiling)

Riddhima: stop smiling and tell me why have you done this? (despair)

Vihaan: Your dad! Your dad is the reason

Riddhima: I’m not related to him, I hate him to the core! (anger) Leave me!

Another man from behind: That’s not our problem if you hate him or love him. All we care is that you’re related to him.

Riddhima: Randhir Shah is the reason to all of my problems!! Leave me for God sake! What have you given me, I can’t move my body!

Vihaan: What! (to the men) What did you inject?

The man: I injected Lidocaine! It makes the body numb for a few hours

Vihaan and Riddhima looked on shocked. Vihaan rose up in anger and approached the man and…..



I hope you enjoyed reading this. The more the response the earlier I will post 😜 Please let me know how you found it in the comments section. Please keep supporting like you all always do.

Please keep commenting and do let me know how you found this episode.



Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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