Categories: Hitler Didi

Hitler Didi 4th January 2013 Written Episode Update

The show starts with Indu in a critical state and the doc says now it is all in the almighty hands.Rishi gets angry.
Zara threatens the doc by holding his collar and the doc shows her the papers she signed, giving all the responsibilties to the hospital for taking care of Indira,the clause of the hospital to transfer her is also there.Zara tears off the papers.
Rishi calls Zara telling her about Indu deteriorating health condition and she promises to bring back Indu mom.
Rishi hang up and Zara threatens the doc with her gun asking about Indira whereabout and he tells her about him sending away Indira for brain experiment to an another hospital.Zara once again tells him to have a good time with his family as from now he’s time is counted and to remember her name is Zara Rishi Kumar.

Rishi is running with Indu in CC street.He tries to have a lift.
Zara also stops a car for a lift and tells him she has to follow the van,but the owner is not ready to help so she threatens him with her gun and takes the driving seat.
Rishi is still searching for a lift and Indu wants to drink water in her unconsciousness state.
Indira van is passing by and she snatches a bottle of water from a passer and throws it near Rishi who picks it and gives water to Indu.He’s also able to stop a car who accepts to leave him to the hospital.
In the van the two wardboys eyed Indira and think to take advantage of her while Indur and all the other patients are is singing.

Zara is driving harshly and Zara asks the owner of the car daughter where are they going she says to some cooking classes.Zara advices her to go to Karate classes instead.
She sees the van going in front of her and has flashback of seeing it in front of the mental asylum.
In the meantime Zara is following the van Savita calls and is talking rubbish that Zara misses the van as the van takes an another turn.
The wardboys take Indira out from the van and lock the other patients there.Indur keeps shouting for help as they are taking away his Babli.
They bring her in the bushes and one among them begins to remove his clothes telling Indira to do the same.She begins to remove her clothes and has flashback of Rishi explaining to her that it is something bad if someone else touch her so she stops.The man tell her to be quick and there arrive Indur and the other patients and indur gives Indira a wooden rod so that she can beats him.Indur holds him and says that how it is something yucky and disrecptful when a man forcefully tries to get a woman.They all beat the wardboys.

Zara sees the van and stops the car,she thinks where are the patients…

Precap:Rishi calls a worried and afraid Zara telling her to bring Indira quickly to the hospital as Indu is in a critical state.Zara promises to Rishi to bring back Indira.


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