Hold me Forever { Three Shots for Shiv and Ishani – Shot One }

Shiv : I guess you are intentionally colliding with me always.

Ishani : Oh Hello I am not desperate to be in your arms always Mr. PatiDev.

Shiv : And what are you doing now ?

Shiv ; Always your leg slips somewhere and I needs to hold you like this ….

Ishani ; Who asked your help ? Leave me

Shiv : If I leave you suddenly you will fell down and if your bones will break then Maa will blame me …Of course you are her laadli bahu and I am nothing to her.

Ishani : Poor baby , so jealous because you are not getting laad dular from Maa.

Shiv ; Ishani I will…..

Ishani : What ?

Shiv : Nothing, Please stand properly…. I need to go..

Ishani slowly stood and they released hands…

Ishani ; Are you again going to pub ?

Shiv : Tumse matlab….Hamari sirf shaadi huyi naam kee….Don’t interfere at my life.

Ishani : You are forgetting I am your wife and if husband is going on wrong path wife has to stop him…

Shiv :Ishani stop giving advise. I know what I am doing…

Ishani : No . Last day all the money got lost because of gambling…..Please don’t do it. It’s not legal and if police catches you …

Shiv : I am rich person and they can’t put me in prison for long…..Today I will win back ….

Ishani : Please Shiv….You lost Paapa Ji and now the family’s whole responsibility at yours shoulder and you should be aware of that….

Shiv ; I am not a struggling middle class boy to wander for jobs , to earn money and all…See I have a standard and I will live life in my own way….Don’t overcross me and never forget that Paapa only insisted me to marry you because you lost your parents who were his friends. And I agreed to it …..

Ishani : But Shiv few months back your Paapa also passed away due to cardiac arrest . Please understand the situation…

Shiv ; Ishani I have no time to argue with you….I am going…

Ishani feels sad as Shiv lefts..


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