Kumkum Bhagya 20th March 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Episode begins where we left. Tanu and her emotional drama with Abhi. Abhi calls police station and confirms about Tanu being there all night. Tanu is proven wrong. Tanu claims she was kidnapped maybe because of the announcement Abhi was to make at the concert. Abhi asks Pragya if she is behind all this. Pragya asks Tanu why is she provoking Abhi against her when she has been helping her with phone calls all this while. Before Abhi can question, Tanu says Pragya hasn’t done anything. Abhi tells Pragya to divorce him by morning or he’ll go to court and find a way about it somehow.
Next day, Tanu comes downstairs and wonders why no one is worried about Ronnie. Pragya comes downstairs and asks Taya Ji, Tayi Ji and Mitaali, if anyone saw Ronnie. Mitaali says she hasn’t seen him. Pragya asks Tanu and Tanu gets tensed and says how would she know and Pragya should call him. Pragya says Ronnie is not answering his phone and hasn’t even called back yet. Pragya says maybe he is tired because of concert work.
Night time – Tanu comes to her room and Ronnie scares her. Tanu shouts for help. Abhi comes to her room and asks Tanu what is wrong. She claims there was someone in the balcony. Pragya comes there too. Abhi tries calming down Tanu and says that it’s all a result of a bad dream. Pragya is watching all this and says to herself that all this is a result of dreams seen with bad intentions.
Another new day begins and it’s HOLI. Pragya has organised a special Holi event. She greets the fellow organisers and channel heads and guides them about the arrangements. They are very impressed with Pragya for holding two big events back to back. Rachna and Dadi are waiting for Pragya. Pragya goes to them and Dadi asks why is she holding another event rather than collecting proof against Nikhil and Tanu. Pragya claims these Holi celebrations are all part of bringing out Tanu’s truth. Pragya says today Tanu will confess her truth herself. Pragya takes Rachna and Dadi to a restricted area. Purab and Akaash are already present there. Purab calls Ronnie who tells Dadi about their plan. Everyone explains to Dadi how they plan to scare Tanu so much that she confesses everything herself. Someone calls Pragya and she leaves.
Pragya Purab meet the channel head who will be telecasting this Holi event. Channel head requests Pragya to start with the performances. Pragya tells Purab will be hosting the event and instructs him to get started.
Purab arrives at the hall where special performances are being held. He welcomes everyone and wishes happy holi. Performances start.
Some kids running after Tayi Ji to put color. She wants to escape but Taya Ji makes kids put color on her.
Mitaali comes across Pragya. She tells Alia wont be coming and thanked for the invitation. Pragya says still it feels something is amiss. Mitaali tells Abhi has told not to be disturbed and that he won’t be coming. Pragya tells Mitaali she always mistakes her intentions but she understands everyone’s emotions. Pragya tells her she convinced Raj to come for Holi and he is here. Mitaali thanks her and hugs her. Pragya wonders why Abhi is not coming now as if he isn’t their her plan will fail.
Purab receives a message from Pragya telling about Abhi and that she is going to get him. Next performance comes.
Abhi in his room alone, enjoying the freedom of being free and alone in the house. Abhi decides to do something creative, maybe come up with a trademark style . Pragya comes there and uses reverse psychology on him. Abhi thinks she is there to call him for the event and refuses to come. Pragya says she came there to make sure he doesn’t come as he would sing his same old rock songs and Holi celebrations demand old songs and more fun and playful songs which he for sure doesn’t know about. Abhi. Pragya provokes him to the maximum and leaves. Abhi takes it as an insult to his rockstar talent and says he will make an entry into the event that will prove he is adaptable and a true rockstar .
Mitaali wants to play holi with Raj but decides to do something that doesn’t annoy him and he doesn’t leave.
Pragya comes and informs about Abhi coming for holi. They see Tanu and go to her. Tanu is looking for Abhi. Pragya tells Tanu to leave his to be husband alone for a day for his fans. Tanu says that is what she doesn’t want. Purab calls out for Ronnie. Tanu gets scared and tensed. It turns out that Purab was calling a waiter named Ronnie. Purab Pragya discuss how they haven’t seen Ronnie since yesterday. Purab says he last saw Ronnie with Tanu. Tanu is scared and says she doesn’t know anything. Someone calls Purab to announce next performance and he leaves. Pragya wonders why Abhi hasn’t arrived yet, so that she can put her plan underway.
A scared Rachna bumps into Tanu. Tanu asks what is wrong. Rachna and Dadi play their part in scaring Tanu and claim how a certain corner at the venue is haunted and has ghosts. Tanu gets scared. Ronnie is watching all this from afar and says that he hasn’t even come in front of Tanu yet and she is so scared.
More performances shown.
Outdoor holi event – Girls getting impatient for Abhi. Purab, Pragya and Akaash get worried. Abhi makes an entry disguised as a gangster and scares everyone with gunshots. Abhi acts as Mummbai ka Gabber . He scares Mitaali and asks who is organiser. She points to Pragya. Abhi takes Pragya on gunpoint. Purab comes forward and claims he is organiser. Abhi fires another bullet. Abhi calls his partner and takes another gun, points at Pragya and tells to take out all money. Abhi puts his arm around Pragya’s shoulder and moves her near him. He asks her if she has money? jewelry? skill? Pragya says no. Abhi says she reminds him of Basanti (from the movie Sholay) and tells her to dance as Gabbar won’t go without seeing something . Pragya says she doesn’t dance. Abhi calls Purab and says, ‘Fauji number two, come to rescue’ . Purab requests Pragya that they have no other option. Abhi counts till three and pulls the trigger. It’s a water gun . Pragya is confused. Abhi removes his mask and everyone is surprised to see him and laughs and cheers for him. Abhi tells Pragya how she lost and he won and he is ABHI THE ROCKSTAR wherever he goes he lightens the atmosphere. Pragya says he scared everyone and now he’ll get punished for it. Pragya puts color on his face. AbhiGya put color on each other and end up in an eye-lock
Scene shifts to AbhiGya’s Holi event performance…seems like it’s their dream. But what a lovely dream
AbhiGya are lost in each other in the colors of holi. Tanu stomps up to them in anger and pushes them apart . She questions Abhi if he has fallen in love with Pragya again. AbhiGya start their nok jhok which irritates Tanu. She gets more angry. Abhi is being all funny. Tanu wants him to spend all day with her and ignore Pragya for the day. Abhi promises that today he will do what he couldn’t at the concert. Tanu hugs Abhi. Everyone else gets worried. Pragya says to herself that Abhi can amuse Tanu as much as he wants as once her real face comes out he won’t stand her for a minute.
More performances shown.
Tanu wants Abhi to play holi with her. Abhi applies a little bit of color on her and says he isn’t in the mood to play Holi. Tanu blackmails Abhi in the name of her baby. Abhi puts more color on her cheeks for the baby. Nikhil is watching all this. Tanu wants to dance and get wet under the fountain and play holi . Abhi tells her they will dance too but she shouldn’t forget she is pregnant. Abhi goes to meet everyone else.
Nikhil calls Tanu and wants her to meet him. Tanu agrees to meet at a secluded place nearby as per Nikhil’s wishes. Purab Akaash see Tanu leaving. Purab says if you encounter your fears they vanish. Akaash says but when Tanu goes their she might end up finished .
More performances shown.
Tanu comes to this haunted place where Nikhil called her. Ronnie scares her there. Tanu is about to faint but Nikhil comes on time and catches her. Tanu tells him how she saw Ronnie’s ghost. Nikhil doesn’t take her seriously and jokes about it. Tanu gets angry. Nikhil takes her away.
More performances shown.
Dadi comes to Pragya. Pragya tells her how Ronnie managed to scare Tanu again. Dadi tells her that Tanu is very smart and she has wrapped Abhi around her finger because of the baby. Dadi says she thought Abhi still has feelings for Pragya but maybe she was wrong & all feelings are now for Tanu. Pragya tells Dadi that the feels Abhi has for her can never be removed from his heart. Dadi expresses her concern about what will happen after Tanu’s truth comes in front of Abhi and what if, after all this, he loses faith in love completely and doesn’t accept Pragya back in his life & starts hating everyone? Pragya assures Dadi that she has full faith on her love and if she cannot bring Abhi back her love will. Dadi asks Pragya how can she be so sure? Pragya takes Dadi somewhere.
More performances shown.
Tanu tris convincing Nikhil about Ronnie. Nikhil tells her she is stressed and pregnant that is why she is hallucinating. Tanu Nikhil tell each other to go to hell and walk off in opposite directions
More performances shown.
Tanu wanders off walking down some stairs. She is thinking about seeing Ronnie’s ghost. Purab, Akaash, Ronnie are watching her. Ronnie scares her again with his voiceover. Tanu runs away.
Tanu comes to Abhi and tells how Ronnie is trying to kill her and kidnapped her and that she killed him because he had proof that the baby is not Abhi’s. Purab, Akash, Ronnie watching. Abhi is drinking bhaang and is seeing double Tanu’s. He asks which is his Tanu amongst the two. Purab asks who gave Abhi bhaang. Abhi does funny antics while being drunk. Purab is disappointed as they lost such a good chance.
More performances shown.
Abhi is drunk and comes on stage. Pragya tells Dadi that Abhi will now say whatever is in his heart only as he drank bhaang. Pragya Dadi Tanu Purab and whole family watching. Abhi wants to introduce everyone to the love of his life. He points at Pragya and says she shouldn’t smile as he hates her and that only her face resembles the person he loves. Abhi says he loves his fuggy. Abhi is all praises for fuggy and how much he loves her, misses her and wants her back. He tells everyone why was she named fuggy . Abhi tells everyone if they find her they should tell her to come back. Pragya gets emotional hearing all this. She turns to leave and she ends up with color in her eyes. One of the assistants helps her wash her eyes. Pragya lenses fall somewhere & she asks for her chashma. The assistant get her chashma, Pragya wears it. Abhi sees her. Pragya is about to go away but Abhi stops her and walks up to her. He turns her around and HUGS HERRR . Allah Waariyan plays and Abhi is all smiles hugging Pragya.
Precap: Both in drunken state. Abhi asks Tanu whom she’s searching. She says, father of her kid. Abhi says that’s him. She asks is he married to her. He says no. She says she is searching for kid’s before-marriage-father. He looks on.
Update Credit to: Saara
Abhigya so chweet…… hope they get back soon…..
Yaar expose Tanu. Make AbhiGya again. Fast.
Guys according to precap, tanu blurts out her truth in front of abhi once again but in the drunken situation of bhaang and unfortunately abhi is also in drunken situation. Pragya and dadi looks on. But according to promo, someone has recorded tanu’s confession in his phone, when she was fully conscious. Again confusing situation. So we cannnot expect that tanu will get exposed until we will see it from our eyes. During pragya and dadi’s conversation it feels like tanu will get exposed this time, surely as dadi was showing her tension about abhi’s condition after knowing tanu’s truth. I read on India forum site also that someone from CVS have posted
a holi event pic and twitted that
“tanuexposuredrama”. So if we believe
on these things so it looks like exposure will finally get happen. But precap is making us hopeless and promo which they r showing, it has itself raising question that will tanu get exposed this time in front of abhi? And guys promo is also not that much impressive so it is doubtful that tanu will get exposed tomorrow or in two- three days. But if she will really get exposed then it will b our best holi gift by CVS. And dadi’s tesion is logical but now what needs of it when she herself created this situation between abhigya and in front of abhi. Becoz of dadi’s this plan, abhi have suffered a lot of pain, even pragya too. They didn’t tell truth to abhi ever so it will b obvious for abhi to b angry, break down and upset from everyone. But at last as pragya showed to dadi what is in
abhi’s heart actually that how much
desperately he wants his fuggy back in
his life coz he loves her a lot and cannot live without her as she is his
everythingSo he will forgive pragya
after sometimes and will accept her in
his life but as fuggy not in her fake
avatar as mogambo becoz he hates her as he believes that becoz of pragya’s mogambo avtar , his fuggy has gone away from him. So firstly, pragya have to live this mogambo avtar and have to come as fuggy, as old pragya. But this situation will come after tanu’s exposure. So firstly we have to concentrate on exposure, which is the end of this track and all the torchers and problems of abhigya’s and ours. Anyways today’s holi special episode was gud in comparison of all the event special episode of kkb. Ronnie’s efforts
with purab, tanu’s poor condtion ,
abhigya’s scenes, everything was gud.
Specially that last annoncement scene of abhi about his love and his confession about his feelings for his fuggy, pragya’s old and real image and the last hug of abhi to pragya, that was damn cute and lovely. Tanu’s face was worth watching. Actually first time she has confessed truth in first fight scene between abhigya when they applies colour on each other then tanu says that it’s her mistake that she has come between abhigya. If she gets understand it also and accepts this fact within right time and go out from their life forever, then it happens more gud. But she have to get her punishment of her all evil deeds so it is needed that her every truth and bad deeds should b exposed. And afterall we have waited for it since long and tolerated every torcher with abhigya becoz of this tanu. So we and abhigya both deserves tanu’s most awaited punishment and her worth watching destruction with her stupid, gud for nothing boyfriend nikhil. Now let’s see when this will happen and when will see tanu’s exposure finally, today or in more upcoming episodes!!
Pratiksha, daadi seems to be hinting on how Abhi will behave in coming episodes. Even if we assume Tanu will be exposed today or this week, there are more things that need to happen. Nikhil may take all blame on him to save Tanu from jail term.
Pragya should be back to Fuggy getup, she should hand over property back to Abhi. Then Abhi will come to know that they both are really divorced. As it is norm in Ekta serials, they both have to get married again. How about Aaliya , what would be her reaction if all this happens and Abhi Pragya are back to being a couple.
But before that Abhi will be upset about the whole plan n everyone hiding truth from him. Its a long process after all
Correct sahithi, this process is long and it goes on again and again becoz it’s daily soap’s speciality that their leads cannot live together always happily. Every time they gets separated becoz of evils and then again gets reunite. This process goes on whole time in the show. After all this is the main trick of CVS to glued audience with their shows. Well let’s see.
ya pratiksha and sahithi u r right …….. this is a long process …… and ya first time tanu revealed her truth infront of abhi…… but if abhi is not in a drunken state means it will be gud but it’s ok…….. and guys still i can’t understand wat is aliya’s motive and if bulbul i means kajol returns to the set means will aliya attack the family in that way??…. but after the truth get revealed to abhi means he will definitely with a little angry (fake)…..but my doubt is someone recorded that tanu’s truth video …who it is ??..
Abhigya scenes wer gud n pragya she’s aww in tat white saree
Finally the CVS understands that what v r waiting for..
Anyways today’s episode damn good…
Especially anhigya dance nd scenes…
Ending was awesome..
Good episode…
hope this week tank will be exposed…until nikhil and tank exposed together this drama will be stretched… but hw many people taking will be killing in this story apart from few ppl… but tank baby will be delivered in jail… that’s for sure… thank God alia is not disturbing this segment… big ? for her..
Me to yaar and where is Raj? He is silent and this is the only ekta show had only 2main villains for 500 epi and first 250epi aaliya and next 250epi tanu what an backwas but both are at same place. But here people gets changed thnq God mrunal quitted now I am seeing her in many TV ads and pls throw tanu out I beg writers
no ranagi before corporater was also main villian… and poorvi… mithali too in suresh and pragya marriage segment.. afterwards Raj… then Vijay as a killer… and now nikhil.. tanu and alia all time villains…
this drunken statements all won’t work out… hope nikhil will give the clear and study statement…
actually from dadis conversation its very clear that tanu is going to be exposed… bcoz dadi s thinking about wat happens aftr the exposing drama…. so i thnk writers are trying to tel us wat ll happen aftr this…. lik abhi wont accept anyone since he was betrayed this much…. maybe wont accept pragya….
so though tanus drama ends.. it is indirectly saying…. abhigya not gonna reunite… but for onethng m happy tat tanus drama gonna end….
better not to reunited growtham… even if they r together also they live like ram and Sita vanavas life only… with eye locking… better being separated only… they don’t understand each other… if one wud trust other this much problem wud not hv been happened… and stupid dad wud hv told till the baby birth u r not supposed to marry as per ur horoscope.. she wud hv lied to abhi… to stop marriage… after baby born they wud hv gone for DNA test…
awsm update it’s just like which I see on TV ??

Yes vidisha…really the written update is so good…they didn’t miss any scenes…I really congrats for this Hassan, Sara and whoever update this…
Does anybody watch dehleez?????????
Last holi pragya confessed her holi during kidnap track and tanu became pregnant
Best show ever.well organized program
Lol. It’s unbelievable drama. On Valentine day 2015 she slept with Nikhil then Pragya kidnapped and abhi saved her, celebrated holi, after coming home for Tanu’s news then karva chawth, Diwali all gone. Now it’s
Second holi after tanu gets pregnant and still she is pregnant. No baby??
Ikr?? the CVS have to wake up from there deep sleep
Yes Ames, I agree.. It takes nine months for a baby to be born right?
awesome epi abhigya was so so so sweet……