Honge Juda Na Hum 4th February 2013 Written Episode, Honge Juda Na Hum 4th February 2013 Written Update
While watching tape..CID officer asks for the tape to be forwarded and then freezes on anu in veil and asks Avi if he recognises her. Avi says he doesnt..then he asks anirudh..same answer. Avi asks..who is this person. Sandeep is asked to check the guestlist..and question everyone on the guest list if they have seen this person in the yellow dress or recognise her.
Rajeev is with his son…his son asks where is his mom and is told mom went to meet his uncle. He then asks why isnt uncle home with us..His father tells him he has some exam..he will be home when he passes his exam. door bell rings..bhabhi comes home n tells everyone rohan is fine. She tells them the reports is not a match. Bhabi is acting all normal..asking chintu to put anu clothes in her room. Rohan’s dad
Anu picks up some bottle that has poison written on it..shes about to enter the room or leave..when doctor calls out “sister”. The doctor asks her who sent her. He tells her that he didnt order any injection who sent her. She tells the doc head nurse told her to do it. He asks her to come with him.
muskaan is pacing back and forth trying to figure out who is this person..yellow dress where did i see this person before and takes out her album and goes thru it. She sees the pic of anu .. (fb scene of anu in the yellow dress with muskaan ..they were cutting cake fr muskaan’s 1 yr cafe anniversary). anu went to get knife and ripped her dress. muskaan tells her she will get her a new dress for her.Anu tells her its ok.
Muskaan in the car telling rishi shes heading the police station. she shows the police pics of anu in the yellow dress and tells them thats rohans friend. she wore this dress for her cafe anniversary party. They all go to meet rohan and shows him the pic. Muskaan acuses rohan of planning with anu to kill her mother and hes acting like he doesnt know. Rohan says anu wouldnt do this and why would she do this. Rohan asks muskaan to believe him there must be some mis-understanding. he has no reason to kill mom. He only came there to stop her wedding because hes her husband.
Rohans’ house.
Door bell rings..rohans father answer the door. muskaan and police shows up asking for anushka. Bhabi tells them she went to her rehersals. muskaan tels them that anu shot her mother. The search anu’s room..the dress is found. Everyone is shocked..police search the house for anu and announces shes not home. Bhabi calls anu..
Anu is with doc taking notes when her phone rings. Doc looks at her..she sees incoming call from bhabi. The police officer then calls anu using his phone..she doesnt answer so he gives other police officer his phone for tracing. Bhabi also offers anu’s directors info. they didnt want it.
They look for something that has anu’s finger prints and finds a pen. They take the clothes. Muskaan and the rest of the gang leaves. Rohan’s father tells muskaan that maybe she misunderstood anu. She tells them she has proof that anu did this and pretended to be friends. Dont even think that rohan is innocent that rohan and anu made this plan.
Anu is trying to leave the hospital..she’s stuck with the doctor. she then offers to get the stuff the doc was asking for for the current patient since shes going that way and supposed to attend some other patients. she says finaly she can say goodbye to tara duggal (holding poison’s bottle)
Some guy is being interrogated and he tells them he doesnt know where anu is..anu told him she went to visit some aunt in the hospital who had operation. muskaan tells them she has no aunt here..another police officer comes in saying they traced anu’s # and shes at the city hospital. Muskaan then says thats where mom is..her life is in danger and asks the police officers to come alone. Muskaan and rishi rushing to hospital. Rishi tells her not to worry he already informed everyone at hospital not to worry..
Doctor tells all the staff that no one should enter tara’s room..no visitors. Tara’s life is in danger. He tells anu to go chk tara room if anyone is in there..
Precap- Anu takes of Tara’s mask and pulls out the ivy wires. She tries to suffcate tara withe a pillow. Tara’s hand drops lifeless…
Update Credit to: Fiusa