Fan Fiction

Horrific Past To Surprising Future – Ishqbaaz FanFiction- Episode 46

Hi This is VHM aka Harika coming up with a new story / Fanfiction on Ishqbaaz. This will involve all the three couples . A subtle romance, thrill, accusations, support and family bonding. Get on a new ride with me and do support me.

Please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes…….Hope the readers would support me the same way as they have supported me till date…


Shivaay TAM ‘’ and I both kept our promise….i so wish you remembered everything and then this moment would have been more special…. anyways atleast I am glad that you are with me’’

‘’Sir…’’ ‘’Mr.Oberoi’’ ‘’Sir’’ the stewardess called him and after the third attempt he came out of his thoughts

‘’ya..yeah…sorry..i ..i was just’’

‘’it’s okay sir..i can understand…as said by you, we have sent her ice cream anything else that we can do for you ‘’

‘’just ensure that her every demand is met, her every wish is fulfilled …I don’t want to hear any complaint about you all from her till the time we land’’

‘’sure sir..’’ she said and was about to leave when he called her back

‘’yes sir’’

‘’Can you do me a favour?’’

‘’sure sir. How can I help you?’’

‘’I want you to capture every moment of her, but without her knowledge’’ he spoke handing over the camera.

‘’I will sir’’ she took the camera and left from there…

———-Flight to UK

‘’Gauri are you comfortable?’’

‘’yeah Om..i am …why are you asking so?’’

Om held her hand and said ‘’Gauri, I am so sorry..i had to bring you like this on a very short notice..but’’

‘’Om , from when did you get so formal. Come on , you are more than a friend to me and whatever you have done all these days, you know I am so lucky to help you in need’’

‘’You said I am more than a friend, what does that mean?’’

‘’woh..i …I mean…nothing Om..’’ Gauri blushed

‘’I so wish this wasn’t a fire fighting situation I would have made it so special for you…but still I am happy, you will be beside me to handle me…apart from Shivaay it can be only you, who can handle me and my moods’’

Gauri just looked on and ruffled his hair, making a cute pout. He hugged her sideways and smiled



‘’Tell me what are your unfulfilled wishes.’’

‘’Om…I had only wish that was to find my sister, whom I found, yeah it is other thing that she doesn’t remember or recognise me, but I am sure she will soon’’

‘’I know, apart from that anything else’’

‘’I am a simple girl Om, I have no big ambitions, but yeah I want to settle in my life , have my own family with lots of people surrounding me….’’ she became sad

‘’why have you gone silent and why did you become sad’’

‘’nothing…I have always lived with my maa & papa in bareilly, after my papa died we felt very much alone..i had to stay strong, had to handle everything and in that I got busy, my life went, sometimes…not sometimes, many a times I feel I had, had a big family then the feeling of loneliness would have never haunted …’’

‘’I can understand Gauri, how it feels living lonely’’

‘’No Om , you cannot…you atleast had your siblings by your side, I had none…and that’s why, I want to have a family or to say get into a family with lots of members…where peace prevails, where relations matter, where everyone stand by each other in tough times, where elders guide youngers and youngers follow elders, where every festival is celebrated with fun and love, where every day would seem like a funfilled day..’’

‘’and do you think such family exist in these days?’’

‘’I don’t know Om, but I so wish one such exists, if not completely of what I imagined but atleast most of it’’ she sighed

‘’I have to make my family so ideal for you then’’ he wishpered

‘’did you say something?’’

‘’no…and what else?’’

‘’nothing else’’

‘’come on Gauri…right now If I ask you to wish something, apart from those two you specified then what will you ask for?’’

‘’then I would want to travel the world…from Australia to North America, from Europe to South America…from Asia to Antarctica via Africa….i want to visit places, explore new things, know the people ….’’ She spoke with twinkling eyes


‘’yes, really’’ she said blinking her eyes

‘’What about you Om? What are your wishes? I know you can get and buy anything you want, still I want to know’’

‘’Money can’t buy everything Gauri…there are many things which you have and I don’t’’

‘’what do you mean Om?’’

‘’you had experienced fathers love, I never…for me Shivaay was my father, my brother and my friend…I never got love from Mr.Tej Singh Oberoi…I cannot buy that love with money’’

‘’one day you will get it too Om…it’s just matter of time’’

‘’I hope so’’

‘’okay fine tell me what else are your wishes’’

‘’exactly opposite of what you feel’’

‘’I didn’t get you?’’

‘’I want to have a small world of mine…only with my near and dear ones that includes my life partner too …I want to enjoy every day of my life with them’’

Gauri smiled

‘’end of the day did you realise Om , we both want a peaceful family no matter big or small’’

‘’Yes’’ Om smiled

‘’Gauri …if I ask you something, will you answer me straight without inhibitions?’’

Gauri looked on

‘’tell me Gauri , will you?’’

‘’if I can I will Om, but I want you to ask me’’

‘’Fine….do you like me? ‘’

Gauri’s face reddened with fierce blush

—————–Oberoi Mansion

‘’Rudra…come we need to go to office….get ready fast…please’’ Sumo screamed at top of her voice

‘’Ohho Sumo…please…bhayya will go early, why are you pestering me?’’

‘’Shut up duffer, don’t you remember Om bhayya and Shivaay bhayya left for London and Paris and Prinku didi will be leaving for Australia….we need to manage the office Duffer, wake up’’

‘’Ohh No’’

‘’ohh Yes Duffer’’

‘’Sumo, I am scared, what if I cannot handle, what will I answer Shivaay bhayya. He will confirm that I am good for nothing. You know he is the only one who has confidence in me, no matter how stupid I act. I can’t let him down Sumo.’’

‘’Sshhhh…sshhhh…relax…we have not yet gone to office and you are already giving up’’

‘’I don’t know Sumo and with this sort of anxiety I slept and am feeling fatigue’’

‘’come on Duffer, even I am with you’’

‘’will you Sumo..will you always support me, will you handle my stupidities?’’

‘’offcourse yes’’

‘’Awee I LOVE YOU SUMO, I LOVE YOU A LOT’’ Rudra spoke out in excitement hugging Sumo,  Sumo stood still with widened eyes and when Rudra realised he broke the hug and looked here and there…


Anika slowly came out of her room and looked for Shivaay, she saw him peacefully sleeping and so she crept making absolutely no choice.

The stewardess, who attended Anika and Shivaay before came to her and asked ‘’Mam, do you need anything?’’

‘’Sshhhhh…sshhhhh…you know that kanji aankhonwala Bhagad billa is sleeping…let him sleep while I have my share of fun’’

‘’Mam..what are you saying? I mean..i didn’t get you’’

‘’good you didn’t get anything’’ she whispered to herself and then spoke ‘’I want to see whole flight , will you show me?’’

Stewardess remembered Shivaay’s orders…she smiled and said ‘’as you say Mam, come along with me’’

Anika nodded and had a big smile plastered to her face…she went behind the airhostess …The airhostess was silently capturing every expression of Anika stealthily.

The business class didn’t make Anika comfortable , but her face glew when she entered the economy class…she felt elated

‘’So this is where normal persons like me sit and travel’’


‘’ohho…don’t call me mam , call me Annika…because name is Annika…’’

‘’but mam’’

‘’you know what when you call me mam, I feel like I am a goat..and you are teasing me like, mai…aa..aa..aa……, so please don’t make me feel like a bkara , I mean bakri’’

The airhostess couldn’t control her laugh…

‘’you know what you must laugh like this quite often it suits you’’ anika smiled

‘’Mam..i mean Ms.Annika…would you like to have something’’

‘’offcourse, but will you serve me the same as these people in the economy class are being served I mean, it will be so much of fun’’

‘’are you serious Ms.Annika’’

‘’offcourse…see that young girl is eating Roti with panneer ki sabzi…ummm…it should be so yummy na…rather than that chef’s special strange name dish..comeon yaar…I so wish to feel like a normal girl , one among them’’

‘’Fine please sit here while I get you the same things’’ airhostess showed her an empty seat and left from there to bring food.

Anika was a cheerful bubbly girl and she soon jelled well with co passengers, she was blabbering nonstop and everyone surrounded her and were enjoying the company…

She played hide and seek in the flight with little kids and everyone were encouraging…never had been the flight so lively in the lives of the airhostess and stewards working in the flight, to say they were also enjoying.

On the other hand , Shivaay woke up suddenly from sleep and went to check Anika in her room. Finding her no where in the room or the whole first class division he got worried. He immediately called the flight attendant and was about to shout over him when he heard giggles nearby… he walked towards the giggles and crossed Buisness class to enter the economy class and his eyes got widened seeing the scenario….

Precap : Jolly moments amid Shivika , JSO on the way, RuMya turning strangers while RiKara bond to gradually build…to know more stay tuned

This is the Forty Sixth episode…..please do let me know , how you felt after reading this…any opinions good or bad is welcome…i would reply as soon as possible……….do press the like button and post your opinion without fail…..Thank you so much !!!!


Husband and Daughter - heart of my life Reading and writing - part of my life Parents and God - Light of my life

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