Fan Fiction


Part 1 Here

“I should be sad or even embarrassed after what happened two days before in that club or my boss car but i am feeling something else which i never felt before. He is always passed smile or ask about me being fine but never say a word about the past which i shared with him.i don’t know why but he is someone i see forward in morning to get glance of him.what have you done to me boss!!”her mind was totally out of world as she sat smilingly like idiot in office cafteria not noticing the pair of intense eyes whose lips turned into smirk knowing well what Miss bose is thinking.
” Someone is so much smiling? I would like to know the reason! “Swara look up to find her reason of smiling in front of her .
Swara bit her lips saying- Nothing Samskar…i mean Sir its just like that.
Sanskar chuckle- okay Miss bose.but you see you look beautiful when you smile but cute when you cry.he teased her making her look at him stunned she never saw him this playful and somewhere she is liking it .
Swara tried to change the topic – Sir you here in cafeteria?
Sanskar shrugged off saying- I think miss bose you are not liking my company… I see i making you boring.
Swara immediately- not at all Sanskar .i like your company.
Sanskar laugh while now Swara is totally embarrassed.
Sanskar finally said – relax Swara .and i thought we are friends now then i don’t think there should be any embarrassment between friends.
Swara hesitant- friends?
Sanskar mimicking her- friends !
Swara smile and bring out her hand saying- friends!!
Sanskar happily took her hand shooking while Swara felt butterflies in her stomach at his touch making her breath hard .Sanskar noticed it and immediately withdraw his hand making her come back to sense.
Sanskar – err..i just thinking if you are free then we can have dinner together ?
Swara flirtily – Is that a date Mr Maheshwari?
Sanskar for once stunned at her flirting but then flirting back chuckling- yes my lady but friends dinner!
Swara couldn’t help buy blush his mentioning of “My lady”.

This friendship made them know more each other deeply and their bond went strong .more dinners ,more outing and more chatting followed them.they were so much comfortable with each other they flirt while Swara couldn’t help but started living her life like a normal girl with full of joy and Sanskar get a person whom he can share his loneliness .time passed just like that six months.
It was Office annual party ….
Sanskar was busy with his guests while Swara who was standing with her collegeas just staring Sanskar can’t help but felt her knees going week his white suite is making him charming prince .his hot looks and more then anything his smiles. She was just staring him when one beautiful model ” Kavitha” hugged him tightly and kissed his cheeks making Swara burnt like hell!!!How dare she!!!??!!!! But when she saw Sanskar hugging her back and smiling this made her eyes teary.She was about to go when she heard her colleagues saying “look Kavitha Seth one of famous model ,you know what I heard that she and Sanskar sir spend so much nights at times of paris project ! Even they stayed with each in a hotel room .”
And another colleagues said – But you know Sanskar is like this only .he just spend some night with a women then left her.and the models are like to throw herself on Rich business mens!
Swara walk out feeling shattered from inside this time totally broken .
Sanskar finally signed in relief getting freed from Kavitha!!God these womens!!He have to take this shit until his paris project can over. He look around to locate Swara to talk to her or ask her lets leave he is feeling really suffocated. But she is nowhere,he tried her number which was continuously ringing but she is not responsible. Now he is worried for her !!!Where the hell is she??

Swara reached her apartment ,her parents are gone to her sister house as she is now seventh month pregnant. She silently sat in living room and a sobbed escape from her mouth and then she was sobbing hard feeling shattered, devastated!!!!Why this is feeling like hell!?!why its hurting so much!!!!she heard knock sound who could be this time ? Her parents are back she thought wiping her face .she opened her door only to be see the face who is reason of her crying !?
Sanskar was so much restless that he asked each and every person about her and when of her colleagues told him she made him more worried and he hurriedly grabbed his car keys and now he is here !!he was about to shout at her careless behavior but his eyes fell on her teary eyes and red nose and devastated condition his all anger vanished.
Sanskar grabbed her arms gently- You ok?what happened why are you crying?
Swara jerked off his hand and said – please go Sanskar i am not feeling well .
Sanskar concern became more – What you should have told me lets go to doctor and then you can take rest for two or three days. Take leave from office.
Swara take a deep breath saying rudely- I can take care of myself Sanskar you can go.
Sanskar stopped seeing her behavior something is wrong she never talk like that to him even they got in small fights she never said like this to him.
Sanskar took step closed to her ask seriously – Whats wrong Swara?
Swara shouted finally snapping all her controlled- You are wrong!!! Everything is wrong !!! You trapping me !!! You sleep around womens !!! blo*dy womanizer!!! And you were always lying to get me on your bed right!!! But you know what Mr Maheshwari your planned is failed because i know your intention and now nothing is going to happened like what you have planned. I just can’t believed all these months you were acting to charm me and used me then what left me offcource !!right .
Sanskar didn’t heard everything just one word was ringing continuously “WOMANIZER'” the same thing which he never wanted to be called ever.He can bear anything but not this word the same word which made his half life miserable just continuously listening in orphanage that he would be too become like his father ,a womanizer!! He sleep with the woman but not use them because it would be mutual decision . he never forces or charmed any girl.he hate it from his core of his heart.he respect woman like anything .He never in his wilddream thought Swara would ever say this thing to him.He thought she is different from everyone and she Will never judge him but she did . He is feeling that he can’t stand at the sight of her otherwise he could do something which will he only regret later. He should left this place right.but when he heard her next word it break something inside him.
” You know what you are like your dad !!he too f**ked your mom and use her like thrash then removed her from his life and you too did the same things with kavitha and many more womens!”as she finished her words she realized what she said but she was too blind in jealousy and anger that didn’t felt need to apologized.
Sanskar was totally shocked but silently turned to go but stopped saying in business tone- take two days leave Miss bose if you don’t feel well.
Swara tears were not stopping but she abruptly said – offcource SIR.and shut the door falling on her knees sobbing hard.
Sanskar zoomed off didn’t turned back to see or replied back something mort hurting words but he can’t because she is not worthy for his any feeling nor hate nor…..
Swara who came back office after two heard Sanskar leaving for his business trip after next day of party.she know nothing can be like this before so she silently resigned from her job and left the office she can’t tolerate his face and feel that hurt.
Sanskar sitting in his hotel suite in paris get the mail of his secretary about Miss Bose resignation. He accepted while his heart clench tightly but again his mind said “She is nothing to him !” And his heart mock him-“really..?? ” and next second his laptop was smashed against the wall breaking into pieces like his heart.

If you wanted i will write next part or leave it .it depends on response.


Hi !! Myself Aryna as you all know my nickname so here I am who just know that write about something which make you feel good!!

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