Fan Fiction

Humdard (Swaragini) Chapter 2

Thanks for your response to first part guys. I know some of you have some questions but I can’t answer you all your questions now. You have to wait for coming chapters for the answers. But here is just a little description about the characters.

Swara and Sahil were best friends from childhood and were in a relationship from college days. Laksh was the roommate of Sahil in their college and thus Sahil introduced Swara to Laksh and eventually they trio become besties. But now Swara and Sahil broke up , still Laksh supports Swara cause he knows who is right and who is wrong.

Now let’s move to the story.


“Behind every child who believes in himself there are parents who believed him first.”


A boy was seen boarding the train with a frown on his face. He had to leave his home town for studies. For first time he was sad that he had to go to some other place only to fulfill his dreams. He was always been a happy and tension free guy with a beautiful smile on his face. He has a dream of visiting as many place as he can before his death.But today he was feeling homesick. He was thinking to change his decision of leaving when he felt someone called him. He broke his chain of thought and found his mom speaking to him.

“Sanskar!! Where are you lost son? It’s almost the time. Go and take ur seat in train before time. Your father have already arranged your luggage properly. Just check it again.”- his mom was worried about him. Because for the first time he would travel alone in train for 8 long hours. After all she is his mom and it’s her nature to care for her only son.

” Mom, can we cancel this two year course?? I can also study from here.” He was pleading his mom.

“Baccha, it was your decision to study there. Besides it’s only matter of two years. It’s the turning point of your carrier beta. Don’t back off now. I know you will be fine there.” His mom assured him caressing his hair.

“You are right mom. I can’t back off now. I have my dreams to fulfill. I will go for sure. Thanks mom for solving my problem. I love u so much.”

“Love you too beta. Now go fast otherwise you’ll miss your train.” She said kissed him on his forehead.

“Have you completed your love shower on your son Annu? Let him go fast otherwise he will be late.” His father told that looking at his mother.

“You won’t understand a mother’s love.” She looked at her husband in fake anger. Then she averted her gaze to her son and again kissed him. “Go baccha fulfill your dreams and make us proud.”

Sanskar touched his parents feet and hugged them before boarding to train. He was feeling lucky to have such lovely parents who stand by him in every situation. He quickly bid them bye as the train started moving and returned to his seat. He was thinking about his future and goals. Then he plugged on his ear cord and started listening to his favorite track “humdard”.
It is the only song which has capacity to soothe him when he is tensed or upset.
He slowly enjoyed the track and wait for a new life to embrace him.


Swara and Laksh were sitting in cafeteria and sipping their drinks. Just then Kavya and Rajat joined them on their table. They started discussion about the assignments when something strike in Laksh’s brain. He was lost in his thought when Swara shook him to come back to real world.

“What are you thinking Laksh?” Kavya asked. “Are you thinking about Ragini? We know my dear lover boy she is absent today. But you can concentrate a little on studies and your poor friends.” Swara teased him and they trio brust out laughing.

“Shona can I ask you something?”Laksh was in a serious mood. They stopped laughing after seeing Laksh’s serious expression.

“Of course Lucky. Everything alright?” Swara was concerned.

“Shona you remembered Sahil asked something about giving pleasure? That means did you both crossed your limits?” Laksh was serious.

A tear drop escaped from her eyes.

“No Lucky we didn’t do anything. He forced me once but I didn’t agree. That’s why he got angry and pushed me. I was badly hurt. Then he apologized me instantly and told me he was frustrated cause of his friends. All of his friends were teasing him cause he couldn’t even kiss me even after we are in relationship. He requested me that he would tell lie to his friends that we kissed and I should help him. I believed him and agreed. But he told everyone that we crossed our limits.” A pair of fresh tears replaced the old ones on her pale face.

“I am sorry Shona. Forgive me. I should not have ask that.” Laksh was very much upset.

“No Lucky don’t say sorry. It’s not your fault. And I am not angry on you. In fact I am feeling good by sharing these to someone.” Swara said wiping her tears.

“That nonsense has crossed every limits. He should be punished.” Rajat was in rage.

“No Rajat. Leave him. We should not do anything. God will punish him for sure. And now please stop this discussion and let’s go.” Swara told them before getting up from her seat.

“Ok guys. Swara and I have some shopping to do. So Swara shall we move??” Kavya was excited for shopping.

“Hmm let’s move. Bye Lucky, bye Rajat.”

“Bye Shona , take care. And Kavya please control your eating today.” Laksh said and both boys brust out laughing.

“Girls and their shopping. Uff!! Let’s grab some food bro.” Rajat pulled Laksh.

“I m hungry too. Let’s have a pizza.” Laksh said picking up his things.

Second chapter is also finished. If guys have any questions ask me. I’ll try to answer. Please tell me how is it. Love you guys.


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