Ragsan wr discussing about some project….sanskar mobile rings it flashed as ria name..ragini sees this nd says in mind who was she again she was calling him..then she looks at sanskar who was talking with ria, moving aside…sanskar cutted d call..
Sanskar:im going out..i will be back in 2hrs
Ragini:but u have meeting in 30mins
Sanskar:postpone it or cancel it..i have to go now bye..
Sanskar leaves..ragini started self talk who d hell is she..he cancelled meeting for her ,is she that much important to him…ragini no need to care about her do ur work..she takes a deep breath nd became bsy in work..
Sanyaan wr playing chess..ragini was sits beside them but she was in thoughts of ria…her thoughts distrubed by sanskar voice..
Sanskar:i won
Ayaan( pouts):what i will do
(they made a deal whoever loss d game he will do, what winner would say)
Sanskar(acts as thinking):give me a big hug nd kiss
Ayaan:thats it..
Ayaan nodded nd hugs sanskar nd kissed his both cheeks….
Ayaan:now mumma will play with u..im sure mumma will win
Ragini:no ayaan..im not intersted
Ayaan:plz mumma come
Ragini nodded nd sits opposite to sanskar..
Sanskar:deal will be between us also
Sanskar:why..r u scared of lossing d game
Ragini:its not like that
Ayaan:dnt wry mumma.i knw u will win..k for deal(he winks at sanskar)
Sanskar smiles nd starts d game…ayaan suports ragini..they r playing d game giving encounters to eo..
Ayaan:im getting sleep..im going saying he looks at sanskar nd whispered all d best papa(without ragini knowledge)..sanskar smiles..ayaan goes…
Sanskar won this time too…ragini gives him a look nd silently going to her room..
Sanskar:wait where r u going..u forgot about our deal
Ragini:wh…wha..what deal
Sanskar:dont act
Ragini:k..tell what will i do
Sanskar:simple..what ayaan did same thing u should do..
Sanskar:what what..jst hug nd kiss
Sanskar:u have to do orelse i will take what i want
Ragini:no..i will only do
Sanskar:fine…first give me a hug
Ragini moves to sanskar nd hugs him being so far away frm him like her hands around his neck but her body didnt touch his body..
Sanskar:is this hug
Ragini nodded innocently
Sanskar:if it is a hug then what was it..saying he drags ragini on him nd hugs her tightly…ragini tries to free herself first..sanskar tighten his grip ragini too lost nd hugs him tightly….tears rolling down on sanskar cheeks as after long time he felt her love..before could ragini sees he wiped it nd consoled himself..After a while ragini gets sense nd brk d hug nd avoided eyecontact with him…
Sanskar:now kiss me
Ragini stands quite
Sanskar:oh u want me to kiss u
Sanskar:then kiss me
Ragini neard him nd kissed on his cheeks..
Sanskar:im not a kid..kiss here(showed his lips)
Ragini:u said..i can do what ayaan did..so i did it
Sanskar:he was a kid..but u r not a kid na..so kiss me on lips
Ragini:no..i did what u have told..its over..saying she runs to her room..
Sanskar:this is not fair
Ragini shuts d door nd blushes lightly…sanskar smiles touching his cheeks…
@next day(night)
Ragini was about to enter ayaan room but she stopeed hearing ria name frm sanskar mouth…
Sanakar(to ayaan):u knw ria was my best friend..she was very sweet..i told about u..she wants to meet u ..will u come
Ayaan:ha..ur friend also my frend he na..
Sanskar:come we will go now only..
Ayaan nodded…
Here ragini was disturbed by this..she says in mind y sanskar was talking about her infront of ayaan nd he was praising her..y she wants to meet ayaan…r they planning to snatch my ayaan frm me..no..(.she became possessive wife com mother).she came out of thoughts by ayaan..
Ragini:ha ayaan
Ayaan:mumma im going out with my friend
Ragini:no u will not going anywhere
Ayaan:y mumma
Ragini:bcz im telling..no..means no
Sanskar:jst we r going to meet friend.we will back in 30min.send him
Ragini(angrily):u dont interfere between us.stay away frm it
Ayaan:mumma..plz dont talk with him
like that..
Ragini(hurt&angry bcz ayaan suported sanskar):ayaan go to ur room
Ayaan:no..i will go with my friend thats it
Ragini(shouted):cant u hear..im telling u na..y r u behaving like this..now a days u become stuborn…go to ur room..u r not going anywhere
Ayaan(scared seeing ragini angry) nd goes to his room..
Sanskar(to ragini):what is d nees to shout on hom like this..whats ur problem to sent him
Ragini:u r d problem..y did u came into our lifes..bcz of u, today i shouted at him..we r very happy before u came here..now u came nd ruined everything..this is what u want na..u want to separate me frm my son na..but it will never happen..plz leave us in peace..get out frm our lives..
Sanskar hurted by her words ,he walks out crying silently…
Ragini too cries….after a while ragini goes to ayaan..ayaan turned his face other side..
Ragini:ayaan..im sorry
Ayaan doesnt say anything
Ragini(hold her ears):really sorry..i will not shout at u again..promice
Ayaan looks at ragini whose eyes r become moisty..he cant able to see her crying he hugs her nd says im too sry mumma..plz dont cry..
Ragini nodded nd hugs him tightly…they become normal..some time passed..Ayaan was waiting for sanskar as he didnt come home yet..Ragini too worried but doesnt show it..
Ayaan:mumma y he is not come yet..where he went
Ragini(looking down):i dont know ayaan..
Ayaan:mumna i think he got hurt..
Ragini recalling what she said to sanskar…
Ayaan:mumma im worried about him what if he left leaving us
Ragini unknown fear occurred in her heart..
Ayaan:mumma come we will search him
Ragini:bit ayaan where will we search
Ayaan:u come with me mumma..i knw where he will be
Ragini nodded nd both leaves to search sanskar…
Ayaan takes ragini to sime place nd they saw sanskar there who was lost somewhere….they gets a relief…ragini jst stands some far away frm him..ayaan runs to him..
Sanskar:ayaan u here..
Ayaan:not only me..mumma also here..
Sanskar looks towards ragini..ragini looks away…
Ayaan:y u didnt come home..come
Ayaan:i knw mumma scolded u ..but papa u knw about mumma na..she will understand oneday..
Sanskar:but ayaan
Ayaan:plz papa..mumma scolded me also but we became friends again…dont cry like a child
Sanskar smiles a bit
Ayaan:now come with me
Sanskar:but ur mumma
Ayaan:areh u come na she will not say anything..
Sanskar nodded nd both comes to ragini…
Ayaan:shall we go mumma.
ragini doesnt say anything..simply nodded…
They reached home….
Ragini asks them to come dinner..ayaan came.she looks at ayaan room hoping sanskar will come..
Ragini serves ayaan..ayaan stopped her..
Ragini:kya hua
Ayaan:i will not eat till my friend came to eat
Ragini:y he havnt come
Ayaan:he said he was not hungry..i requested him but he insists..mumma plz can u call him..
Ragini:he will not listen to me also
Ayaan:no mumma he will listen to u..call him for me..
Ragini nodded nd went to sanskar..he lpoks at her..
Ragini:come nd have dinner
Sanskar:im not hungry
Ragini:dont act..come
Sanskar:y do u care about me..
Ragini:i came for ayasn sake..he said he will bot eat untill u eat..thats y..orelse i dont care about u…
Sanskar neard her nd drags her by hding her wrist nd asks really u dont care about me…ragini nodded no..sanskar moves even more close to her nd asks really…ragini sensed his shrinking voice she feels bad…he asks again looking intensly into her eyes…ragini couldnt able to meet his eyes..she pushed him nd goes out….
Thank u so much
Nice episode
Thank u somuch
Thank u somuch
This chappy is very emotional.Lovely chappy.Now i’m sure Riya is a cute kid right?Waiting for next chappy eagerly
Thank u somuch..ria ws not a kid
romantic queen is ria sanky bai son? And say when will y post next my heart cant bear it. Always thinking of ur ff especially this one. U know my mom to started hearing this ff. Sooooooo we both wait for next bye see u soon.
Thank u so much…ria was not a kid..a big thank to ur mom..
Than sanky sister?????????
did ram and suji know about their grandson
Thank u somuch
awesome.., try to upload next episode asap..,
Thank u somuch
Awesome love it and it was bit emotional too. I think sans is taking help of ria to make ragini jealous
Thank u somuch..u gussed it almost
When will u update nxt eager to know about rialto romantic queen?????????
I will update on monday
Awesome update soon
Thank u somuch
This one how can i miss this…. This is my favourite ff…. Plzzz yaar this frnd of yours is begging you to update next part… Hope u grant ??
Thanks dear..nd very sorry dear..iwill update on monday..so sorry
Awesome. Loved it. Feeling bad for both of them. Plz update soon.
Thank u so much
Thank u somuch
Thank u so much
Very nice.. I thought not to read ur ff.. Becaz Im not able to wait for next episode ..its dat much interesting.. .nw I wnt get a sleep thinking Wat will happen next.. .waiting for next episode. ..u r toooo gooddddddd in writing. …do u have the idea to write book? ????
Thank u somuch..im not thinking about write a book dear
Can’t able to wait up-to Monday.. .Plzzzzz try to update soon.. .atleast on Sunday.. …………this is not fair ..writing interesting stories but making us to wait a lot??
I agree with u…. ??
My friends planned to go out on sunday..so i cant able to update..sorry dear..??..tomorrow i will update my another ff as i wrote half of d update of that story..sry dear
Too good
Thank u somuch
Nice keep going
Thank u somuch
Thank u somuch
It was amazing dear… From sanskaar’s naughtiness…to ragini’s jealousy… From ragini’s outburst to sanskaar’s broken state…. too gud yaar… Egerly waiting for your next update.. Please post soon..
Thank u somuch
fabulous dear….am really excited to read ur upcoming update….ragsan chess playing scenes awesome….loved it alot dear…..feeling bad for Sanky….lytly sad for him…..sanyaan s soo cute…..ragu plz accept him yar….eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear….
Thank u somuch
Superb dear
Fab and sorry for late comment xx