Sanskar went to bring ice cream for ragini..ragini caressesd her stomach..she closed her eyes nd prays to god..god plzz save me nd my baby..dont take me away from my sanskar…dont give pain to him..she closed her eyes nd recalled her memories with sanskar..his care, his love, his madness towards her..she smiles one can love anyone the way u loves me..i want to live for u sanskar..for u only..i love u..she leaned on bed thinking about sanskar..she suddenly gets pain in her stomach..ragini first ignored it..her pain getting increased..ragini got worried for where she would miss to see sanskar before anything happened to her..Ragini slowly gets up from bed to take her mbl to call sanskar..but before she could reach her mbl she faints nd falls on ground..
Sanskar comes home nd directly goes to bedroom,when he opend the door his heart beat stopped seeing ragini on floor unconscious..he screams her name..he taps her cheek while tears trickled down his cheeks..
He lift her nd runs towards car..he droves while saying ragini open ur eyes..ragini..he continuously calling her name with his shaky voice..the fear of losing her killing him inside..Ragini slowly opened her eyes..Sanskar hugs her with one hand nd says dont close ur eyes..nothing will happened to u..
Ragin(managed to say between her heavy breath)i:sa…sanskar..i painful tear drop escaped from her eye nd she falls unconscious..
Sanskar:ragini..uto..ragini plzz uto..
He droves fast nd reached hospital..
Ragini was on stretcher taken into OT..doc stopped sanskar when sanskar gets inside along with ragini..
Sanskar kissed ragini forehead nd about go but ragini held his hand tight..sanskar tries to free his hand unwillingly as doc suggested him to go out..Ragini ws nt leaving his hand..doc give up nd allowed sanskar inside OT..
Operation going one can expect the pain what sanskar feels right now..he pleading doc to save his ragini..he prays to god which he had never belief in..but his ragini always kept faith on god..He is ready to do anything to save ragini..he prayed heartfully to save her..
After some time..sanskar sat beside ragini who is lying on bed twirling her fingers with his’s..
Ragini gains conscious..she slowly opened her eyes nd sees sanskar who is smiling at her through his tears(happy tears)..
Ragini:sa..san..sanskar..mein jinda hu..
Sanskar nodded nd hugs her recalling the moment that he felt when doc said she is fine..the happiness which he felt that time is uncountable..
Ragini(brks d hug nd placed her hand on her stomach,she felt its flatten)
Before sanskar could speak..
Ragini:sanskar plz dont tell anything bad..i want my baby..where is my baby sanskar..where is my baby
Sanskar:shhh..ragini..dont will not good to
Ragini:kya hua baby ko
Sanskar:its a girl..
Ragini:sach mein..where is my baby..
Ragsan turns..nurse came holding baby in her arms..(dont wry she is ragsan’s baby only..) she
Handover baby to sanskar..sanskar handover baby to ragini..
Ragini(held baby nd cries):our baby sanakar..our love..
Sanskar side hugs her smiling..
Ragini held baby tight in her embrace ..she closed her eyes..feeling motherhood which she craved from years..sanskar looks at her nd feels most happiest person in world..
Ragsan came home with baby..ragini about to gets inside..
Sanskar:wait wait
Ragini:kya hua sanskar..
Sanskar smiles nd goes inside nd came with aarti plate..
Ragini (smiles):sanskar what is this
Sanskar:our baby first time coming to our house
Ragini smiles..
Sanskar does arti to ragini nd baby..he put teeka nd kissed baby nd ragini forehead..
Ragini:oh my hubby so cute(she gives flying kiss)
Sanskar:again cute..he frowned..
Ragini smiles
Sanskar:chalo..i forgave u..kyun im very happy..
Ragini:achaa..tho..can i call u again..
Sanskar glares at her..
Ragini smiles..
He takes them into room..
Ragini doing puja..sanskar came with baby nd stood beside her..ragini looked at him surprised..
Ragini:kya baat hain sanskar..u are in puja kamare mein!!
Sanskar:haan tho
Ragini:What changed u
Ragini smiles..
Sanskar:shall we go to temple..i need to thank him.. cute hubby:u r becoming more nd more sweet..
Sanskar:acha..tho taste karo nd fell this sweetness..
Ragini hits him playfully nd feeds him prasad smiling..
Ragini:sanskar did u find …baby eyes same like my eyes naa..
Sanskar:its been years..i never found this..
Sanskar:that u r blind..
Ragini glares at him..
Sanskar:nahi tho kya..see my eyes eyes same to same..she is same like her papa..hai na baby..
Baby smiles..
Sanskar:see she agreed..
Ragini pouts..
Sanskar gives a teasing smile..
Ragsan sat with baby in puja as its baby naming ceremony..ragsan seemed very happy looking at eo nd smiling..
Pandit ji asked to write baby name..sanskar writes Diya..ragini looks at him surprised as he named her which ragini thought..
Sanskar:kya hua
Ragini nodded nothing..
Sanskar back hugs ragini who is wearing Saree..
Sanskar:do u need help
Ragini smiles..
Sanskar makes her wear saree..
Sanskar:looks se*y..
Ragini:see i got slim again..dont call me moti.. u knw my wify..u looked more s*xy that time..
Ragini (encircled her arms around his neck):achha
Sanskar(pulled her on him helding her waist):haan..u always looks s*xy.. my hottie..
Ragini smiles..
He neard her nd moves close ro kiss her..but ragini pushed him..
Sanskar pouts..
Ragini:u teased me,calling moti afyer knowing that i dont like that..
Sanskar:so u are taking revange now..
She huffs
Sanskar:achh(he walked towards her)
Ragini walks back smiling..
Sanskar comes towards her..ragini steps back until she hits wall..
Sanskar smiles..
Ragini about to go..sanskar held her pallu nd pulls her..ragini back hits his front..
Ragini:sanskar leave..
Sanskar (makes her rurn to him):sach mein chod du
Sanskar(pulls her more close):sach mein..
Ragini smiles..
Sanskar smiles nd moves close to kiss her..but stopped hearing baby cry..
They departs..ragini rushes to baby..
Sanskar comes behind her..
Ragini tries to calm baby but she is not stop crying..
Sanskar took baby from ragini nd made her calm..
Sanskar lifts his coaller at ragini..ragini gives Wow look..
Sanskar smiles nd plays with baby making her smile..ragini thanked god..finally her wish poori hogayi..Her happy family..she looks at sanskar nd moves towards him nd kissed his cheek nd goes to kitchen
Sanskar smiles..
Mounica-i will updatw bcz i love u soon
Wonderful update in pleasant morning. Looking forward to it.
Awesome dear and thanks for the information
Awesome cute update.
Amazing ?????? lovely ???? update soon.
Amazinggggggggggggggggggg splendid update sis?????????????? wanna read more.
Awesome please update ASAP.
Adorable update
Awwwwwwwwwwwww cuteeeee ????? show Ragsan parenthood now.
So cute awsome adorable ragsan thanks sis to update this such blessing pls update my desi girl waiting eagrly
Awesome it’s soo cute.
Finally my Ragu is safe??? Nobody is as romantic as this Sanskar

Loved it??

Beautiful update Lahari
Amazing dear. Thank god nothing happened to ragini.
Awesome yaar. I was waiting for this update long time. Please post Naughty Ragini and Cute Sanskar.
Truly amazing ??????
Superb dear
Awesomeeeee adorable update.
Superb so so so cutee
Superbbbbbbb… duperrrr… beautifullll… cutee…
Awesome dear, loved it
Superb please post all stories.
Awesome so sweet and lovely update.
Wonderful update ?
Amazing… Beautiful.
Wonderful I thought you would kill Ragsan baby.
As always Outstanding update sisssy. Waww what an excellent update. Thiissss soooooooooooooo beautiiiful update. Please update soon.
Amazing emotional cute update di.. Where’s Ragsan parents? They also deserve this happiness na. Eagerly waiting to see Ragsan parenthood. Update all stories soon.