I love you Boss JaBir Part 1

I love you Boss Part 1

Kabir was walking on the road.A car passed by which splashed mud water on him.He could’nt tolerate it.
Kabir:Hey..what is this?
The car stopped.A stylish girl came out of the car with sun glasses on.
For a moment Kabir got lost in her beauty.
She put a lot of attitude and asked:What’s your problem man?Why are you screaming?
Kabir:If you don’t know to drive why are you driving?Because of your rash driving my dress got spoiled.For you buying dresses daily is not an issue.but I am not rich enough to buy clothes daily.I can’t afford it.
She:Listen Mr..don’t teach me what driving is.Everyone knows that I am the best in everything I do.And about your dress got spoiled…it’s only because of your carelessness.You should not have walked here when my car was on the way.
Kabir:What an arrogance?I can’t walk when your car is on my way?To talk like this who are you?
Pooja:If you have not recognized me you are blind.I am the Pooja Sharma who is the top industrialist.I win the top business woman’s award every year.

Kabir was stunned:You are Pooja Sharma?
Pooja nodded with a smirk and got inside the car driving away.
Kabir:I have always admired Pooja Sharma and considered her as my role model.I wish to be top business man like her one day.Still I could’nt recognize her.What a shame!


After a week…

Kabir went for an interview.
He could’nt believe his eyes when he saw Pooja Sharma in front of him.She was staring at him like a lioness.He was really tensed.
He thought:Oh God!Who knew that I will land up in Pooja Sharma’s office?It’s my bad luck that I talked rudely to her without knowing er identity.See how she is looking at me?It’s sure that she will kick me out.Oh no..all my dreams are shattered.Before getting the job itself I am losing the job I dreamt of.
Pooja:So you have come here shamelessly after insulting me on the road.
Kabir was silent.
Pooja:Whatever…I will take your interview.

She took his interview and looked at his certificates.
Pooja:Cool.Though you are ill mannered, you are brilliant.You are appointed.

Kabir could’nt believe it.
Kabir:Did you really appoint me?
Pooja:Yes.Why not?
Kabir:Our first encounter was bitter.Still you gave me job here.

Pooja:Yes.I am really angry with you.But I don’t mix up my personal life with my professional life.
Kabir smiled.
Pooja:But you have to sign a 3 year old bond.You cannot leave the job.
Pooja:Do your best here.If you don’t work properly I will fire you.
Pooja said that pointing her fingers at him.
The irritated Kabir pointed his fingers at her in the same way.

Pooja’s temper was rising up.
Pooja:How dare you point your fingers at me?
Kabir:You only said that I cannot leave the job for 3 years.Then how can you just fire me?
Pooja had no answer.
Kabir:Even after making me sign the bond, if you will fire me I am sorry..I can’t work here.
Pooja was shocked by his attitude.

Pooja thought:It will be a loss for my company if I lose a brilliant person like Kabir.
Pooja lost her control and yelled at him:I am not going to fire you.Ok?Now sign the bond and start your work.
Kabir smirked.He signed the bond.


Kabir started working in Pooja’s office.
Pooja entered the room of her employees.
She saw them chatting.Pooja burnt with anger.
Pooja:How dare you all waste time by chatting?I am not paying salary to you all to chat.Don’t even waste a second without working.
All were scared.
Kabir:We are also human beings.We are not robots to work without any rest.If we work continuously we will be so tired that our brain will also stop working.Then we won’t be able to do anything for this company.
Pooja:Kabir..in the first meeting itself I realized that your tongue is long.But don’t extend your tongue before me.Don’t argue with me.Just do your work.
Kabir:Sorry Ma’am.We need more leisure time in between.We promise you that we will finish all the work assigned to us.

Pooja:If you want relax always, get out.I will fire you.

Kabir:You only said that you will not fire me.Are you breaking the promise?Don’t you know to keep up your word?
Pooja suppressed her anger and said:Do whatever you want.But make sure that the work is finished on time.
Kabir smiled:Yes..sure.
Pooja left the room.Kabir smiled.
One employee named Dinesh:Kabir..you are a special person.How are you shutting Pooja Ma’am’s mouth.She always keeps shouting at us.
Kabir smirked.


After a month….

They all were preparing for the fashion show.Pooja was shocked to find the dresses torn.Pooja was shattered.
Pooja:How did this happen?
Pooja’s assistant Anupam Chopra:I saw Kabir going inside the room.I am sure that it’s Kabir who tore the clothes.
Kabir was shocked:What are you saying?I have not done anything.
Pooja stared at Kabir:Did you enter this room?
Pooja slapped him.

Kabir was shocked.
Pooja:It’s my fault that I thought that however badtameez you are you will put my company in progress.But you..
Pooja said so pulling his shirt roughly.

Kabir was really hurt by her words.
Kabir:I am working for your company.Why should I do that ?

Pooja:Because you are angry with me.You want to teach me a lesson.

Kabir:It’s true that sometimes your attitude irritates me.But I have always respected you for your hard working nature.I can never even think of doing such a cheap thing.
Pooja:Then why did you enter the room?
Anupam:He won’t be able to answer you as he is guilty.

Pooja:Get out.I don’t want to see your face.Just get lost.
Kabir walked out painfully.Pooja started throwing things in frustration.
Kabir:I will prove my innocence.

Pooja and others were in the conference hall.
Suddenly a video was played on screen.
Pooja and Anupam Chopra were shocked.

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