Fan Fiction

IB & Naamkaran FF-Hatred Love – Chapter 2


Mid Morning

Ishana wakes up from her sleep and sees her beloved friends are in deep sleep hugging their wives. She smiles looking at them. They are the only reason for her to live in this world now. She closes her eyes and the flashes of her running hysterically appear in her mind. She opens her eyes in jerk. She feels guilty for troubling them.

Ishu: (thinks) God, what I have done?? I never did like this before. I will get nightmare only thinking of the incident. Then, why I behaved like that just now?? Maybe, it’s because this is the day that incident happened. (Looking at her four of them) I’m sorry AvNeil and PoojAm. I troubled you a lot. But, you just handled me patiently. I must done some good deed in my previous life. That’s why I got you four in my life. (Smiles looking at them and dozed of after a while)

Next morning

AvJa wake up from their sleep and realised they were sleeping hugging their husbands in sitting position. They see their husbands still in deep sleep and smile looking at them. They kiss them and get up slowly from their places. They look at Ishana who is still sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. They go towards her and kiss her cheek.

Ishu: (still sleeping) Love you, AvJa. (AvJa smile at her cuteness)

AvJa: Love you too. (Smile and leave from there)

NeilGau too wake up from their sleep and see their wives are not there. They look at Ishana who is still sleeping and decide to not to disturb her. They wanted to leave but heard her voice.

Ishu: Good morning, inspectors.

NeilGau: (smile) Good morning, angel. (Go and sit beside her)

Ishu: (holds their hands) I’m sorry, yaar. I troubled you last night.

Neil: Ishu, we are used to it since we are small. (Slaps his arm)

Gau: In fact, you used to trouble us more when you were small. Right, Neil??

Neil: Exactly!! (NeilGau have a high five)

Ishu: Haww!! I was feeling guilty for troubling you last night. But, you both are teasing me. So mean!! I’m not going to spare you.

NeilGau: What you will do??

Ishana smirks and takes a pillow. She started hitting them with the pillow. They too take pillows and started to hit her. The pillows get torn and the cotton are coming out from the pillows making the room become mess. AvJa came to the room hearing noise and shocked to see the condition of the room and three of them. IshNeilGau stop seeing them.

Avni: I can’t believe both of you are police officers. You are playing like a kid.

Neil: Avni, she started first. That’s why we too hit her. (Avni looks at Ishana)

Ishu: (makes a puppy face) Avni, they said I’m a trouble for them. That’s why I hit them.

Pooja: What?? They said like that to you??

Gau: Pooja, she is lying. We didn’t say like that. (Slaps Ishana’s head) When did we said that??

Avni: Why she should lie?? You must have say like that. Pooja, we should not spare them. Let’s attack them.

Pooja: Ok!! (AvJa take two pillows and hit NeilGau. Ishana clapping her hands enjoy watching their fight. They sit in tired after their pillow fight. Five of them laugh and hug each other.)

NeilGau are getting ready for their work while AvJa are preparing breakfast in kitchen.

Neil POV

I’m Neil, just Neil. No surname or father’s name. In a simple way we can say that I’m an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. There are a lot of kids in the orphanage but I’m very much close to Gautham. Gautham and I used to fight a lot but still we are very close. Both of us having a similarity. We are stone hearted. We didn’t care for any emotions. We were like that till we met our Ishu or Ishana. She is not an orphan but she lives like an orphan. We met her when she was bullied by some boys. Both of us went and hit the boys badly. Since then, she become our friend. She is totally different from us. If we are stone hearted, she is having a soft heart. She loves everyone but thinks no one loves her. So, we love her. Only her. Till I met my Avni. I never thought that I will fall for her. I thought only Gautham and Ishu are my world but she too become one of my world. Her arrogance, attitude, anger made me to fall for her. I hated her at first but soon I started to love her crazily. She too loves me deeply. The most beautiful thing I love at her, she loves and respect my friendship a lot. She understood our friendship and didn’t become hurdle for that. That made me to respect her more. And now we are married and lead a happy life in our world Me, Avni, Ishu, Gautham and Pooja.

Gautham POV

I’m Gautham, just Gautham. Orphans don’t have surname or father’s name. And, I’m one of them. I grew up in orphanage with Neil, my best friend. We don’t like sentiments in our life. So, we decided to not to cry at any cost. Till one day we met Ishana. She is not an orphan. She has a mother and a father. But, she can’t say her father’s name. Her situation no less than us. She become one of us. She loves us a lot. She studied in the same school with us. After her mother died, her father took her with him. We don’t understand why he have to take her with him after these years. But, still we were happy for her. At least, she got a family. Even though, she went with her father, she didn’t forget us. She always meet us and spend her time with us. Years passing but our friendship remains the same. I and Neil entered police academy while Ishu continue her studies in business in college. After finish our police training, Neil got posting at Mumbai and I got my posting in Chennai. There I met my Pooja who is the daughter of a most wanted criminal. I hated her at first but soon I started to love. She is arrogant but still having soft heart like Ishu. She left her family for me and she became a part of our world…

Avni POV

I’m Avni, Mrs Avni Neil. I’m an illegitimate child of my father which I don’t aware till now. That’s why I hate all the men and thought they used women only for their pleasures. But, one man changed my thinking. He proved me that not every men are like that. There are some men who respects women and can love them truly. My Neil. He changed my negative thoughts towards men. He thought me to love and live. More than love, he respects me. He accepts me with my flaws. He introduced me to his friends Gautham and Ishu. At first, I don’t like Ishu at all. Who will like if another girl is closer with her love?? So, I won’t talk with her properly. But, I got use to it after few days. I understood and respect their friendship a lot. Soon, I got closer to Ishu and become a part of their world. My respect and love for Neil will be getting higher everyday. Who will accept a girl which is having weakness within herself?? Yes. I have a weakness. Neil too aware about it but he doesn’t care of it. But, I care for it. So, I took a drastic step without his permission. In fact, Ishu, Gautham and Pooja too didn’t aware of it. I don’t know how will be their reactions after they got to know about it…

Pooja POV

I’m Pooja, Mrs Pooja Gautham. I have my parents but I left them. Why?? Because my father is a criminal and did so many of illegal activities. I don’t like his activities so most of the time I won’t stay at my house. I will go to my house only to see my mother. One day, a man came as a storm to my house and arrested my father. I fell for him the minute I saw him. And without shame I confess my love for him that time. He was totally shocked and dumbfounded with my confession. He left taking my father with him while I was admiring him. Then, I followed him everywhere he went but he won’t even look at me. One day, I saw someone trying to stab him. I ran towards him and holds the knife. Gautham was shocked and hit that man badly. He took me to hospital and threaten my wounds. Since then, he won’t avoid me. We became closer after that incident. He too started to love me and took me to meet his friends Neil and Ishu. Avni was there too and I could understand that she doesn’t like Ishu that much. Actually, I too was not very comfortable with their closeness but I didn’t show it. Later, we started to understand that their friendship is so divine and no one can talk bad of that. Not only motherhood, friendship also god’s gift. Not everyone can get this kind of friendship. I am lucky to be a part of their friendship.

Five of them have their breakfast and NeilGau left for their works after that leaving their girls.


Love to sing, read and write... My stories are available in TU and wattpad... They are on IB, Naamkaran, Bepanah & Immaikka Nodigal... My wattpad ID: @ruby_MarNy

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