Categories: Ikk Kudi Punjab Di

Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 27th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Beant Is Enraged by Gurmeet’s Actions

Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 27th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Heer confronts Gurmeet about selling the land and worries about their father’s reaction. Gurmeet defends the decision, saying the 3 crores will solve their problems, fund Heer’s marriage, and support his move to Canada and he also offers her money. Navjot slaps and scolds Gurmeet when she arrives. Heer suggests returning the money to the Atwals to retrieve their property papers. Gurmeet reveals he gave 3 crores to Chadda for Canadian PR. Heer insists on checking legal documents, but Gurmeet’s attempts to call Chadda go unanswered. he gets tensed and calls him one more time. Heer says you made a big mistake he ran away with money, tomorrow morning we have to catch him before he slips out.

A passerby notices Beant Singh’s name replaced by Rajwinder’s on the

land board and informs him. He gets angry and says how dare they do this?

Rajwinder and her elder son are leaving for Delhi when Beant Singh angrily confronts them. Beant Singh accuses Rajwinder of seizing his land without permission, stating that Gurmeet sold it to them for six crores.

Beant Singh is shocked and heartbroken, returning home to confront Gurmeet. Navjot wonders if Beant Singh found out about the land sale. Beant Singh asks Jasmin for forgiveness if he ends up hurting her husband. Gurmeet apologizes to Beant Singh, admitting his mistake. Beant Singh aims his rifle at Gurmeet, but Heer and Navjot intervene. Beant Singh fires, hitting their family photo instead of Gurmeet.

Beant Singh suffers a minor heart attack, expressing helplessness and forbidding Gurmeet from showing his face again. Heer pleads with Beant Singh not to break the relationship and promises to face the situation together. She decides to seek Ranjha’s help and reach Chadda. Heer and Ranjha disguise as a married couple and visit Chadda’s office. Heer records their conversation, revealing Chadda’s fraudulent practices. Heer and Ranjha argue about settling in Montreal or Vancouver, prompting Heer to force Ranjha to call the police. Chadda tries to flirt, and Heer slaps him. Chadda pulls out a gun, but Ranjha intervenes, and Heer demands the return of the 3 crores.

Heer finds the bag of money, and the police arrive, arresting Chadda. Meanwhile, Kuldeep imagines Heer around himself. Heer calls Rajwinder to discuss the land, but Rajwinder refuses. Heer decides to go to the Atwal mansion.

Kuldeep returned the documents back to Heer. One of the servants informs Rajwinder about Kuldeep’s actions.

Rajwinder says who is that girl who tricked us. Heer with her father looking for a ride on the highway. Rajwinder sees them.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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