Fan Fiction

Illumination of souls -SWASAN ( chapter 5)

Swara’s cutie

They say , Love don’t specify any specific quality’s for love but Love is a word which has each specific quality emerging within self

At Maheswari mansion

It was a peaceful environment around…there stood sanskar near window gazing out at the moon and smiling and reminisce the moments spent with swara in the evening…

Few hours back..

After sanskar made her have medicines. Laksh entered swara’s room and informing sharmistha about their parents wish to leave and sanlak will go after some time thus sharmistha leave the room to bid byee ..
“Hey shona , forgot me after meeting bhai” laksh said dramatically..
To which sanskar chuckled at his behavior and swara frowned at him..
“who bhai ?” she asked with frown
“Your Ice-cream friend” laksh said pointing towards sanskar…
“Ohh…his name is Bhai..”she said (excitedly as she got to know about his name)
“My Name is Sanskar not bhai” sanskar screamed a little with a horrified expression..
“Ohh, then your nickname is bhai ,then can I call you that?” she asked him…
“What, No” he shouted little louder making swara flinch back a little in fear…he softened a little after seeing her
“I mean, I am your laky’s brother. So he calls me bhai …you..y.. ou can ice cream friend or sanskar or anyother name okay..” sanskar said to last words with a smile on his face…
She was now confused as what should she call her…
“Ice –cream friend or sanskar, what should I call him” she said in monologue but it was loud enough to be heard by sanskar and laksh..they smiled at her innocence ….
She thought for a while and
“cutie , yes I will call you cutie” swara said while clapping her hands excitedly..
“what” sanskar whispered which was audible to laksh
“Wohh, bhai great progress haa” laksh teased sanskar..while sanskar just glared at him
“ I want to play ludo , come let’s play” swara said while duo( sanskar and laksh ) agreed and joined in the game
The trio were playing continuously when sanskar received a call and he had to leave on some urgent work …
“Swara , I will have to leave now. We will meet some other day, laksh will you come with me ?” sanskar asked laksh to which he just nodded were about to leave the room only to be stopped by
“You both are leaving me, why stay for some more time ..I want to play some more game with you” swara said with a sad face..

The duo felt helpless but they knew that she will forgive them soon
“We will have to leave, swara” sanskar said and left without turning back. They bid bye to sharmistha and shekar reached till main door to exit , they heard swara shouting
“I hate you , I will never talk to you both” swara shouted and cryingly left to her room
Sanskar stood there numb..he didn’t knew he hurt her in his helplessness ..he thought that he will stay but
“You know about her , laksh she is stubborn at times, I will handle her you guys go”sharmistha said assuring them and then they left..
Sanskar went to office dropping laksh at hospital..


Sanskar was upset that swara was sad because of him and he couldn’t do anything…his trance was broke when he heard laksh saying
“Bhai, thinking about swara’s words” laksh asked
“Yes , laksh I never had such guilty feeling I hurt her ” sanskar said
Laksh knew his brother and smiled at him..
“She is kid bhai , oftens kids behave in such manner. Don’t worry she will be alright” laksh said
“But..” sanskar was about to say something but was again interrupted by laksh

“Bhai, calm down and I want to tell you something very important” laksh said in serious tone..sensing that serious tone
“Yes , laksh” sanskar said
“Bhai, I am not gonna beat the bush around I will directly come to point. If you want get married to swara …please think wisely because as a doctor I would advice no because she is a kid and may not understand the values of marriage and meaning within know she may not be in physically and mentally understand your feelings”laksh was about continue was interrupted by sanskar
“Laksh…do you think soo low of me” he saw laksh accusingly
“Laksh , I know swara condition …I don’t know what connection we have but still I would say if I get married to her or this feelings are called as love ..then I would like to tell you that for me marriage is not about any physical or mental connection….marriage bond is just intellectual I can live my whole life by taking care of her” sanskar said laksh was about to say something they heard Annapurna calling them for dinner
While whole family ate dinner quietly …every one were in their own thought…while
“Sanskar , Beta(son) the marriage proposal take your time and tell “duraga Prasad said
“Why ji, let say no to them…we can find the best girl for sanskar…They hid the main think that she is not stable mentally”Annapurna said sternly
“Maa” she heard sanskar and laksh chiding voice
“Maa , please don’t blame that innocent girl” saying this sanskar left the dining hall
Annapurna was shocked…laksh kept mum…he knew his mother had her own reasons
“Annapurna, I told you let sanskar take decision” durgaprasad said sternly,
The maheshwari family departed from there ….

Sanskar’s pov…

O god, what’s happening to me I hurt mom. I hurt swara…and what are these feelings I am facing …I want to be with swara and fulfill her every wish and make her happy…Is this love then how can it be possible in just two meetings..I am so confused

End of pov


Sanskar asusal got up early morning and did his jogging and returned to his mansion …only to be worried and hurried up..
“Bhai , swara just locked herself in the room from the time we left yesterday”laksh said worriedly
{Annapurna and Durgaprasad were also present}
“Let’s go, fast” sanskar said panicky left for khanna mansion hurriedly


Precap: read the further update 🙂 :p


Last part link:

please do comment and tell your views it will be help full for me to improvise …:)
stay tuned 🙂


love yourself ....then whole world will love you for what you are

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