Fan Fiction

I’m always there for u ……. by dhar (episode 2)

Hey its me dhar …… back wid mt ff ….Actually some one asked me to type in English. …. so except for the few words which suit in hindi it will be in English
Let’s rockkk!!!

Recap : shivika romance ….. Om and gauri come face to face

In the hall
Omri : You !!!
Gauri : oh jatadhari what are u doing here
Om: I should ask u da same thing …can’t u stop following me
Gauri : u tell me ..i asked u first and for it kind information im not all following u .and why the hell will I gauri Kumari sarma follow u
At this sentence by gauri Tej and om both blurted out

All were a bit tensed as tej and om both said something at the same time and that too the same thing
Gauri was like whatttttt
She said ok ok , I said the same thing no …. sarma
Om and tej nodded In negative
She pointed at Om and said u didn’t answer my question
Om : I live here this is my house ….

Every member in the oberoi house were pleasantly surprised as Om never boasted anything he was a mature person , and here he was arguing wid a girl like a small 5 yr old
Gauri looked Tej
And asked is he the same one ,the dumb singh oberoi, u used to tell me funny stories about him no
Rudy and shivaay were controlling their laughter since a very long time but now they burst out laughing, they saw a boiled Om glaring at them and they stopped laughing
Rudy: actually u mismatched Om as rudra and rudra as Om ….. I’m the dumb singh oberoi he said proudly

Then he realized what he was saying ,but it was too late every one started giggling
Gauri gave a shocking look to Tej and said Tej uncle aap plzz yeh mat keh dena ki yeh voh wala hai
Tej nodded his ad in approval
Gauri Said this is impossible , this is not possible , no ,never ,not at all
U r omkara singh oberoi the famous artist , the most mature person in the oberoi house
U cant be him , he is soooo mature ,and look at u jatadhari
She made faces

Om and gauri faced the opp sides
Shivaay said , but how do you know each other Om is a very good person he never talks rudely especially with a girl
Gauri narrates everything that happendin barailley
Shivru had got a big chance to pull Oms legs ,how could they leave it ,they started teasing Om
After some time gauri started going
Tej asked her ,where are u going ???

She said , actually i am going to search 4 a house as I’m new here, and…..
Tej interrupted her and said u r going to live in oberoi mansion that’s my order
Gauri Said u can’t order me ,u have to learn to say plzz
Come on uncle u can do it , it’s just a plzz say it come on
And another shock to the members Tej Singh oberoi said plzz to a girl
Om commented ,1st tym in my whole life I saw the arrogant ,Rude ,money minded Tej Singh oberoi say a plzz to some one ,he was taunting The

Gauri Said he’s ur father u cant talk to him like that
Om burst u chracterless girl ,u don’t interfere I my matter
Tej couldn’t bear any word against gauri
He shouted how dare u Om ,u don’t have any Damn right to point on her character . How can u judge her like that ,I won’t tolerate a word against gauri
Tears made a way from gauri s eyes ,Tej was wiping them
He asked om , on what basis did u call her character less
Om made faces and narrated what he saw in barielley , a disgust was being narrated by Om

Tej said u know what I have never expected this from u , i knw I have not been a good example for u but I never thought that u will do something like this
Om was a little shocked but he didnt show it on his face
Tej asked gauri ….. did Kali thakur blackmail u.. tell me , I’m asking u some thing did he blackmail u , tell me Damn it
Gauri nodded

She said , uncle u know it right ,I have seen my mom burn to death in front of my eyes due to that lady , he used my weakness, he told me that he would kill her
She started crying loudly
Tej pacified her and took her to the room , not before giving a disgusted look to Om
Shivru and anika told Om to go and apologize to her
Om was really feeling very guilty , he was on the same phase of his life where his mom had been burnt in front of his eyes but she was saved
He determined to say a sorry to gauri

Scene 2
Shivikas room

Shivaay was thinking something , anika came with a glass of water in hand , shivaay saw this and stood up ,he said what did I do now , why is she coming towards me with a glass of water
He was terrified
(Of course Asso could scare the death out of sso ,just with a glass of water)
He gathered some guts and asked
What did i do now , why r u going to throw water on me
Anika said , who said that I’m gonna throw water on ur face I’m gonna drink it
Shivaay was relieved

Anika started laughing at shivaays scared face
Shivaay frowned , he got an idea and started to smirk
He went closer to anika

Anika started to back off
He came more closer and she started breathing heavily
He loved to see his effect on anika
He tucked some strands of hair behind her ear , she smiled
He turned her so that her back faces him, she closed her eyes in shyness
She was feeling butterflies in her stomach , blood rushed to her cheeks ,he moved towards her ear , intentionally brushing his face against her
And said whatever u do , but when I come closer u r just anika ,my blushing anika
She loved to hear the word My from shivaays mouth

She turned and smiled
She gave him a push and went to sleep , shivaay was smiling

Scene 3
Rudras room , he was continuously thinking about his moments wid his sumo , he had a smile on his face when he thought about his sumo
Sumo entered the room , she was shocked seeing rudra like that , sitting calmly and smiling to himself
Soumya went to him and shaked him , she asked .. about whom are u thinking so deeply about , who’s that great person who made Rudy think something
Rudy answered u

Then he bit his lips and wen he came to know about what he blurted out ,he tried to cover up but then he saw a blushing sumo In front of him ,he was happy that he could make sumo blush

I hope u like dis one , in next 2 or 3 episodes ,I will make shivaay and anika to confss

With lots of love


A reader and dreamer.....A badminton player ....A die hard fan of hritik roshan and shivika

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