Fan Fiction


Hi friends ur friend DIVYA SHANKAR is back with story actually it’s a fiction but I. M going end with an os so here ur story..bec i stop dis fiction bec ur not liking it more than ur not respecting my work so I got disappointed and I. M stopping all my fictions and os means I. M ending my journey here only…if anyone want new ideas to write a story u can ask me through telly or fb..i will help u surely I hv many ideas in my mind so I would suggest u..then sorry for hurting u all but u think about me ..for kanji pinji story u will give good marks but for my hardwork ur giving zero do u know how much efforts I hv given no one can think like me bec I. M different I hv different attitude anyways u be happy i only go off….. ✋✋?

Blushers pls brush ur teeth heeeeee???

Dedicate to all my friends encourage from begining of my story..spl thanks to priya who wrote 1/4 th of my story..and megha u made me as admin of swaragini fans club page and all to my beloved friends thank u sweet hearts???

Let’s begin

Prostitution is something quite different story which pupil abuse dis field but they won’t know how much they suffer even they hv Thier own past so friends here is girl called ragini is involved in prostitution. The next question enhance in our mind is what is prostitution.

“PROSTITUTION ” is a place where people crave for inner pleasure inner exhaust feeling involves in s*x hormone and outer external body..? Here the girls or women’s r used or abused not only once or twice but more than millions times…they tempt or force women’s physically mentally emotionally for their inner s*xual hungryness….?? For d sake of so called money( money makes man happy ) u want money I too want money our pr*stitute girls also need money for Thier craving stomach hungryness and to lead Thier life not in high range but in low range tat can full fill their basic needs. a dramatic way..ragini is a such type girl she is so simple s*xy modern com traditional lady her beauty cannot express in words she is beauty with >>>attraction☆☆☆ let c wat her story

As history says girl can sacrifice to any extend but here history is different a boy sanskar sacrifice his life to his parents who is very thier parents neglected sanskar from beginning of his journey bec due to his laksh maheshweri he is humble but he won’t share her cousin parents love to his beloved for them sanskar is NEGLECTED CHILD..but journey is different his destiny changes with billionaire girl called swara Shekhar godia…

So here ragini is ready with his 25th customer tat is none another than is our sanskar maheshweri, as sanskar friend take him to d place called prostitution now let c what happens Thier. .

Behind d mirror ragini is sitting with heavy designer saree as she is very excited to deal his 25th customer as u know till now ragini is pure from body and soul…but destiny is ready to victim her life tat turn 360°

She heard knock at d door she just open her eyes ready to capture d unknown customer but sanskar within fraction he pushed door with his leg and he capture ragini face with his hands and caresses his face and press his lips..she doesn’t know how to react bec it’s her first experience which she is reacting has sanskar kiss turned into passion he bite her lower lip has his hungryness is quite increasing he play with her tongue and push her to d bed and he comes to top and bite her neck sensually and kiss her forehead and hug her tightly without knowing ragini enjoying his wildness his hungryness at last he hold his hand and consummate her love?? a fine morning is ready to witness unison of 2 soul as sun is falling on d pair both r holding each other hands indicating not to leave for ever sanskar slowly open his eyes he can’t imagine what he hv done and feel guilt for his act later ragini wake up..sanskar asks sorry for his act and ask her to marry him as he take her virginity according to his law. She laugh whole heartedly and tel him tats her responsible to give pleasure to d paid amount it’s Thier duty and tel him his time is up he may go now..he left from Thier but destiny is ready to witness second encounter>>~~

He came to his house with heavy heart but her mother ask where were u my son i miss u so much did u eat food and he can’t imagine one who neglect him from d core of her heart today she is showing fake love..and tel sanskar to fresh up and come i want to discuss something..he ask wat something she says something means ur marriage sanskar!!! He got shocked mom wat u saying for me marriage no mom I don’t need any marriage u don’t force me plsssss he left from Thier from tat point he daily going to prostitution place he is enjoying company with ragini and daily he ask her to marry him and give new life to him but she disapprove always..but one evening asusual sanskar comes sujata says tomorrow is ur marriage be prepare, her mom sanskar do u want to show my real face I hope u know very well..later sanskar and billionaire girl married today is Thier FIRST NIGHT ?has swara’s getting his beloved sanskar she is waiting for his beloved love in d room has light dimish to morning sanskar has not come to c his wife has he is busy with her love, but he is so sinciar he tel ragini tat he married to billionaire girl by force I want u to lead my life pls marry me she says no sanskar pls I request tomorrow onwards u don’t come here ur wife is a girl she to come with many desire ur responsible to fullfill her desire pls go sanskar..he left from Thier he comes to palace swara says hot bath is ready he went off next day he avoid swara has he doesnt like ragini neglect sanskar and take other coustmer to room sanskar feel very bad he daily consume alcohol and going to home regularly..swara s*xual hungryness increase has from childhood to teenage she is living alone her father went to US every time with a reason called meeting later ragini came to know she is pregnant for sanskar child ..she decide to elope has her child has not to face any difficulties..all pupil says bad words tat she elope with big business man sanskar again gets depressed and consume alcohol and went to his room Thier swara sleeping sanskar moves slowly to her and c her face he just imagine swara has ragini he feel ragini is sleeping peacefully he catch her face give kiss to her forehead and leans to her lips and bite her lips by d time swara got concious and feels immense happy tat her love making love she too reciprocate as it’s dark he was searching for it so I myself pulled my top up exposing my stomach allowing him to do bec I was hungry for his pleasure his fingers brushing and playing on my stomach my breathing got heavy his hand moved upto my rib cage then he pulled my top and remove my dress meantime he to naked in front of me then his hands moved to my my upper body and he cupped with his two fingers he slowly pressing then he moves downwards hold my legs and sequenced tightly and feel my lower parts and suddenly he enter into me I beared with immense pain but later it’s turns to pleasure now he had explore me completely I only thing is today I hv completed with my love soon v doze off morning he gets up and c his wife in naked position has god always play in his life dis is nothing compare to wat he done to ragini suddenly ragini words echoes in his hear pls fulfill ur wife desire. He comes to swara hold her face with passion I. M sorry swara and hugged her tightly pls don’t leave me..swara says I don’t go anywhere ur my life ur my love my breath I can’t leave without u..I never leave u I will come with u in all difficulties ur happy is my happy..both give bone crushing hug…?

Day pases swasan bond becomes stronger even swara is billionaire she is very carry she don’t hv any attitude her love increases day by ragini with so much efforts leading her life one day Swara also conceive sanskar is very happy he is becoming a wise days goes on now swara is in her 7th month she and sanskar playing hide and seek by miss she slip and falls from d steps and calls sanskar!!! Ah sanskar stomach is paining sanskar pls save my child sanskar he calls ambulance and shift to says case is critical due to slip she loss so much blood v can’t say anything..sanskar doesn’t know how to react he is sitting helplessly suddenly one hand on his shoulder..sanskar raise his head and says u ragini where u went I miss u so much ragini he hug her she too hugs him and ask him wat happen he says swara and my baby and told what happen and what doctor told ..she says don’t worry god is Thier nothing will happen to them doctor comes and says sorry Mr ur child is no more swara is in unconscious state after 2 hours she will get concious but if she hears shock news she flip to coma and leads to death…sanskar again cries ragini y god do dis to me when u left me I thought to leave dis life but swara’s love change me everything but today god again cheated me how can I say her baby is no me Thn ragini consoles sanskar…nd tell him heavy heartadly to take her child to swara(sanskar s anaware tat ragini s pregnant) sankar ask ragini whose baby u r talking about thn ragini tells him whole story thn sanskar hug ragini and cryingly said ragini sorry ragini because of me u got bad name..and u suffer alot .thn ragini release hug and ask him to take her baby to swara bt sanskar regreat that he dnt take bt ragini forced sanskar to take baby…thn he take baby to swara..thn swara get concious by seeing baby she and all family members became happy?Thn by seeing ragini alone…sanskar decided to take her to his home…thn he take ragini to meet family members forcily(ragini s refusing to come) thn he take her to swara and tell tat she s his friend she ll live with us..without one ques swara says yss…thn swaragsan lived happy life fr some time..but it s baby’s name ceromany day…nd destiny played another game with swaragsan…ty named child as KHUSHI thn after some time ragsan in room talking abt thr past and suddenly saw swara hearing thr conversation…both ragsan became shock?…thn ragsan came near to swara and try to explain thn swara slap sanskar and go to her room and closes the door…here ragsan became numerously dnt knw wt to do…thn swara came outside with her so called baby and her laguge..ragsan try to stop her bt she didnt hear any of thr word(swara dnt knw tat her child was ragini ‘s) thn swara went frm home…here sujatha ask wts this nonsence sanskar…thn sanskar tell her with full of anger the whole story and becozz of yr deads mom l m suffering all these things mom..and he cried whole heartedly..thn sujatha ask him sorry to ragsan and ask sanskar to bring swara back..thn sanskar goes to swara home he pleaded swara to come back..thn swara tell l hv 1 condition thn sanskar tell l m ready to do any thing thn swara tell he has to leave ragini..sanskar became numb and tell tat he dnt want leave her bt becoz of swara’s force and think by bringing swara to home he can convince her..thn accepted and bring swara to home thn ask sujatha where s ragini…? Sujatha tell tat she dnt knw about her…thn sanskar searched each and every corner and sees a letter on his bed in tat letter she written sanskar l knw about swara ‘s condition…FLASHBACK IS SHOWN…whn sankar s going to swara home ragini followed him and heard thr conversation and tell sanskar in tat letter tat she is leaving sankar and she ll nt come to his life again..thn sanskar cried and tell swara wt was the past of ragsan and khushi was ragini hearing all ths things swara realised her mistake and ask sanskar to bring ragini.?Meanwhile Shekhar also enters to swasan place and asks what happen swasan tell about ragini by hearing name Ragini shekar got shocked ask them do u know her past ..both says u know where she work sanskar says in prostitution as pr*stitute lady oh no y god I hv searched u but I didn’t find her but today I feeling very bad my friend daughter suffering bec of me..sanskar says baba no baba ragini is pure and tell her prank and how she protect her virginity..baba who is she v want know her past pls tel me..My friend vikram only daughter is ragini vikram used to torcher his wife one day sumi died by seeing sumi ragini elope when she is 4 years later vikram understand his mistake by d time god has given punishment he attack with blood cancer so only i used go US for his treatment by his little property I sell it and I became big business man in india. .I promise to vikram to bring ragini back at any cost v hv to search ragini v hv no time let’s search her…

Here ragini walking on d dark middle of d road..her eyes filled with tears y god y u give dis life to me from childhood I loss my mother even i dont know we’re is my father he doesnt show any love..later i move to prostitution bec of meera mom she is my mother u gave me shelter I got very good friend parineeta one who protects my virginity..but ur will is different u introduce sanskar one who love me from d core of his heart and makes me complete women and even swara a good wife to sanskar and good mother to my baby what shd I want god my life is complete pls take me to u.. I don’t want dis life but one condition pls in another life don’t give dis prostitution life..not only for me but others those who suffer from dis society its enough I can’t tolerate any more like wise she walking aimlessly…sanskar calls ragini turns and c swara sanskar ?coming Ragini try to run meanwhile a truck? coming speedly hit ragini■■■ ragini screams sanskar~~~~ swasan and her baby move to ragini sanskar hold in her arm no ragini nothing will happen to u I promise u ll safe..swara says ragini u will safe god is swara no I don’t like dis life pls don’t take to hospital I want to die here only i want to die in my sanskar arm..she takes sanskar hand gives to swara..swara sanskar is innocent humble man in dis all his mistake nothing swara due to his parents and his past he suffer alot after my death u shd leave happily u promise me u will leave happy..swasan give promise then swara says even u also did dis due to ur past know ragini I want v three to leave happily i too need u.. pls agree to take u to swara no pls even i leave also it’s problem to everyone my bad name doesn’t vanish dis society curse for my deeds without knowing even v hv past..they doesn’t understand v hv done dis not for s*xual hungryness but for stomach hungryness..not only me many suffers from dis..even v ready to do jobs but who will give job to girls without any desire from dog to buisness man need dis body no one ready to marry dis used body u may change my destiny but not all…by dis one word our life changes…but lastly I want to say one thing I’M NOT pr*stitute BUT STILL I HV A PAST SANSKAR••• sanskar I miss u..then she takes baby and kiss her baby and says I. M sorry I can’t be ur correct mother pls forgive me..she lost her breath holding baby in her arm…sanskar scream raginiiiiiiii swara also cries, baby rubs ragini tears kiss her forehead and says mumma( it’s called gene relationship ) Swara consoles baby and sanskar and told sanskar ragini has not died she is alive in our heart her memory with us sanskar moreover I. M pregnant sanskar definitely our ragini will born again sanskar I promise v will get our ragini to change dis system she will again born as a respectful women, v all respect her ( don’t ask me when they both consumate dis called cycle gap) !!!!

After ragini’s death
Sanskar became buisness tycoon and a good father of khushi and ragini(swara’s baby)….sanskar started a foundation by the name ragini…where the pr*stitute girlzz were taken frm red lighted area and given thm food,shelter,clothes,job of thr choise and mainly respect frm society.

Sanskar s shown seeing someone photo…thn khushi and ragini come towards sanskar and ask him who s this aunty thn swara comes and tell tat she was angel of yr dad’s life??…thn sanskar close his eyes and saw ragini in his imagination and tell her tat he fullfied yr dream raginiiii……..!!!!!!!!


SO dis is d story where girl is ragini involved in prostitution but she has a past and she died has a respectful ragini is mahan who sacrifice her life to d name prostitution…?? By dis v can say if once v get bad name even god cannot change it..bec dis society abuse them in different way even they hv a past give one single chance to rectify Thier mistake even v r not born to be perfect..

MORAL : some says born to be girls is only crime many kills girl child’s bec they consider them as ragini is here only bec of Thier father if he is correct he would mould her correctly..due to him she is suffering ??many involved in dis type of things due to some reason pls give one chance to rectify it….for eg u take sunny Leone she too do many pron movie but friends she too has a past she has done for only to stop her stomach hungryness not for stop stomach hungryness many kills other person many robe in d bank bec they want get suitable platform like job salary etc in front of stomach dis things becomes zero but some will do for s*xual hungryness also has rape case increasing day by day has tat should be punished but prostitution few includes some good girls also tat is my story says…. ??

As I wrote it has one short u get confusion but we r writing from 3 days and I working dis story from 5 months even i cant justify it sorry once again…☆☆☆

Pls read my stories pyar ya saza now continuing by meghana
Then soon u will read a guilt stole my heart.its different concept till now u won’t read such stories bec it’s my concept means dis rock star divya’s concept keep waiting…??

Lastly friends do u MISS ME~~~~~~~> ❤??

If not pls miss me every moment of ur life i may come to ur dream and lies within ur heart..Urs rock ☆☆



When I look back my ego should run away?? Behind my every mistake? a friend like u????is their to guide me,miss me, I may miss u too??Urs Rock ☆☆☆ I.m from Karnataka

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