Fan Fiction

IM SELFISH……. Chapter 6 ( Kanchi or Sanveer)

Guys I’m backk againnn? But I think I DIDNT do good in this episode? Am I a bad writer? Was this an good episode? Please comment If I should end this ff.. this is the best I could do, So this episode is dedicated to Sanchi’s jealousy? I hope you enjoy! Before we start let’s do an quick recap

Recap: Sanchi and Kabir are late to arrive at Sanchi’s home. Jaya is not mad! Veer sis mesmerized By in Saree while Kusum is discussing of marriage of Kabir. Let’s start
Kabir is shocked. He can’t stop his tears. Kusum Notices Kabir
Kusum comes to Kabir

Kusum sees Kabirs tears
Kusum: beta. U need to forget Sanchi. She dosent love you, And I fixed your marriage With An Doctor. Her name is Preeti Kumar. She is pretty and intelligent
Kabir is so mad
Kabir: Maa.. u didn’t even ask me. I need some time to adjust
Kusum: Beta. Your going to be 51 when u marry? Are u going to be like Salman khan? ( guys don’t take this as an offensive Thing for salman? I just needed an reference? I didn’t know Anything else?)
Kabir Frowns

Kabir: Maa I’ll get married but you don’t have to rush. He rolls his eyes.
Kusum: Well I fixed your marriage so deal with it
Kabir rushes to his room and closes the door
Kabir: Sorry Sanchi. I’ll have to move on ( he cries an Bit) ? and He changes his clothes and goes to sleep
It’s morning
Kabir wakes up, changes his clothes and goes downstairs
Kusum smiles
Kusum: Beta Ur going out with preeti today. You both need to understand each other.
Kabir Rolls his eyes
Kabir: Maa I need to go to Sanchi’s house and help her with Her dads case

Kusum rolls her eyes
Kusum: you’re going to meet your soon to be wife not That Sanchi
Kabir: Maa I promised her. And you know I don’t like to break promises
Kabir: Maa you’re acting strange… he sighs and feels sad

Kabir: ok Maa For you
Kusum smiles
Kabir heads off with The address to preetis house ( imagine Her as aditi Rathore, the girl in Naamkarn)
Kabir arrives and knocks on the door
Preeti opens the door
She is wearing an Yello Shirt with some ripped jeans
Preeti: Hello Kabir
Kabir sighs

Kabir: Hello Preeti
Sanchi is texting Kabir a lot of messages but Kabir ignores them
Kabir opens the door for Preeti. They sit
Preeti: So You’re An doctor At Savitri Devi college?

Kabir nods
Preeti smiles
They arrive at the same restraunt Kabir came with Sanchi, Kabir Is not responding to Sanchi’s messages because He dosent know what to say
Sanchi in her house
Sanchi: Why isn’t that Kabir Picking my calls, When he comes I’ll give him an big lecture. I miss Him…. Sanchi realizes what she’s Saying
Sanchi: what am I even saying.
Sanchi decides to go to the Mall And shop an bit.

Sanchi: Maa I’m going to the mall with pragay and Isha to buy new clothes for an new start
Jaya is shocked
Jaya: U never go to the mall, how ru changing. Anyways come back soon
Sanchi nods and goes
( Sanchi is actually not going with pragay or Isha.)
Sanchi in her head

Sanchi: Sorry Maa For Lying
Meanwhile Preeti and Kabir finish their meal and Preeti convinces Kabir to take her to the mall, Kabir sighs but says ok. Kabir and Preeti arrive to the mall. Preeti goes in an store.
She picks some outfits and shows Kabir
Preeti: Kabir. Which one do you like the most that will Suit your soon to be wife
Kabir just randomly chooses
Kabir: um blue

Sanchi is in the same Mall. She’s about to go in the same store when she sees Kabir and Preeti
Sanchi: What? Kabir has an girlfriend. HOW COULD HE
Sanchi feels jealous and sad
Sanchi in her mind

Sanchi: I look Prettier then her. I have An better style and probably I’m more intelligent. Kabir dosent deserve her
Sanchi realizes what she is talking about.. Sanchi: Am I jealous of that girl………. Kabir sees Sanchi while Sanchi walks away

Precap: Sanchi is confused if she loves Veer or Kabir while Veer is planing for An proposal to convince Sanchi. Who will she choose. And will Kabir marry Preeti? I hoped you guys enjoyed even though I think this ff is Not good?


I love the pairs Devakshi, Samaina, swasan, Kaira, shivika, Ahankti And a lot more! An writer publishing Own book soon❤️? with Hopes and dreams

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