Categories: Imlie

Imlie 11th May 2021 Written Episode Update: Imlie Fights Back Anu

Imlie 11th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Imlie leaves Tripathi house thinking everyone consider herself as dear one, then why did they behave rudely with her; Sundar is right that they consider her as a stranger, but she doesn’t consider them as stranger. She hides seeing Adi returning home on his bike and thanks Seeta Maiya that he didn’t see her or else he would have questioned her. He walks to her and asks why is she hiding from him. He says he found her even then. He says he lost her many times and now will not let her go from him at all. She thinks he wants to go away from her with Malini, then why is he talking to her like this. He asks why did she come. She says she had some work. He asks to come in then. She says her work finished and she needs to return home. He says he thought this is her house, if she got so close to Anu.

She says it takes only a few days to build or break relationships, she came here for some and is returning. He asks what work did she have. She remembers Nishant having leukemia and says she will inform him later. He thinks she will not stop even if he stops her, he will return to her only when he informs truth to Malini, asks if he should drop her home. She says no and walks away.

Imlie returns to Anu’s house. Anu calls her and orders her to massage her feet. Imlie obeys her. Anu says her friend called and told that her neighbor’s servant had an affair with boss and was kicked out soon, she ruined a family, some people are shameless. Imlie say all are not same. Anu says how can they be, she is worried for the family and Imlie is feeling bad for the servant, what can she expect from a daughter whose mother had an affair with a rich man. Imlie angrily says her mother didn’t have an affair and married her father legally. Anu laughs and says if her mother would have really married someone, she would have informed her father’s name; her mother knew its waste to tell a man which she cannot find; a mother did sin and daughter is suffering. Imlie warns that her mother didn’t do any sin, she truly loved a person and followed her duty. Anu says her mother did a sin for money, true love and devotion cannot be used for a cheap roadside woman like her mother. Daadi hearing her warns her to stop. Imlie asks Daadi to defend her, but when its a question of her mother’s dignity, Imlie is enough for that. She warns Anu that she will tolerate anything against her but not against her mother. Anu asks if she doesn’t want to hear that her mother trapped a rich man for money. Imlie says her mother is a symbol of Devi maa and she is insulting Devi maa. Anu says one who has respect is insult, but her mother is..

Dev enters and shouts at Anu to shut up, she is not tired of insulting Imlie that she is talking rubbish about her mother. Anu says why is she interfering. Imlie says when Anu is talking about her amma, let her inform that her amma is illiterate, but got her educated; she is poor, but never begged someone; her baba left her, but she never spoke against her baba; she is purer her than gangajal, stronger than a mountain, and gentler than a flower; she prays even her mother along with god and cannot tolerate anything against her god. Dev asks her to calm down as he is proud of her. He informs that his sources from Pagdandiya/PD revealed that her baba went to Pagdandiya/PD to apologize her mother and support them, but her mother rejected his support; her mother is very strong and nobody/Anu has right to speak against her amma; her baba is a helpless person or a coward hidden behind haplessness who is afraid of accepting her and her mother in front of the society. Anu asks how does he know all this. Dev says she doesn’t need to know what and how he knows, she should just remember not to insult Imlie’s mother from hereon. Anu walks away fuming. Dev pampers Imlie.

Mithi packs her bags. Satyakam says he booked their tickets for Delhi, if she is sure about going there. Dulari enters yelling that Mithi has changed after spending a night with Satyakam. Satyakam warns her to shut her mouth. Dulari says rules are same for everyone, he knows the punishment if someone spends a night unwedded. Satyakam says Mithi was severely ill and if she was with Dulari, she would have let her die. She asks where are they going. He points gun at her and says to do justice, he will start with her. She runs away afraid. Mithi says until he holds gun, he cannot do justice, so for Seeta Maiya’s sake, he should drop gun. He says if something happens to Imlie, his 2 hands are enough to punish Aditya. He picks bag and heads towards bus station.

Imlie reminisces Dev’s words that her mother is great who rejected her father’s help. She picks Seeta Maiya’s idol and thinks she came to this city to find her father, but without knowing his name or address, how will she search him; she will ask her father’s name from amma and will ask why did amma reject his help; she will meet amma, ask baba’s name, search baba, and then ask him why did he betray amma.

In the morning, Dev walks towards door ready for a trip. Anu asks if he is taking their car. He says he is going by taxi and ordered driver to drop Imlie to her college. Anu says its not possible as she needs it. Dev says Imlie’s studies are important than her kitty parties. Anu says there is something more important than both, their daughter is going on a honey and she will go to drop her to airport and warns him not to inform about it to his dear one Imlie as she doesn’t want Imlie’s evil eyes fall on Malini’s happiness. Dev says Imlie is not selfish. Anu says that is why Malini had to plan her honeymoon secretly. She leaves. Imlie asks Dev if he is going somewhere. He says he has a day’s work and has informed Daadi to take care of her, asks her to ignore Anu if she troubles her. She smiles. He says he will drop her to college. She says she has some work midway and will go later. He leaves. She thinks she couldn’t meet Nishant yesterday, so she will meet him first and then will go to college.

At Tripathi House, Aparna during breakfast tells family that she thought Adi and Malini will go on honeymoon, but they don’t even listen to anyone. Malini and Adi join them for breakfast. Nishant tells Adi that still there is time for flight. Adi walks away saying he is getting late for job. Malini says its waste speaking to Adi as situation can change, but not them. Adi opens main door. Anu walks in and asks if they are leaving for honeymoon so early. Adi says they have postponed it. Anu angrily calls Malini and asks why did she postpone her honeymoon. Imlie walks in. Adi ask if she is fine. Imlie nods yes, gets tensed seeing Malini there, and greets T family. Anu asks what is she doing here. Imlie says she came to talk to Nishant and asks Nishant to accompany him to speak something important. Nishant walks away with her. Anu says she asked reason for cancelling honeymoon and didn’t know reason would come here by herself; Adi couldn’t stay away from Imlie even for 2 days. Malini says she already told that it was her idea to drop honeymoon trip as she was not in mood. She asks Tripathis why they promised that they are setting things right, its waste expecting anything from them, now she will do whatever she has to. She walks away angrily.

Precap: Adi tells Malini its time to tell truth. Malini says finally he wants to tell truth, what is it. He informs that he and Imlie love each other.
She shatters in shock hearing that.

Update Credit to: MA

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